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2019/08–2020/08,National University of Singapore,结构工程专业,博士联合培养


2021.01–至 今,合肥工业大学,土木与水利工程学院,讲师


[1] 国家自然基金青年项目,带脱空缺陷圆钢管混凝土抗侧向冲击性能与承载力计算方法研究,52108129,2022/01-2024/12,主持;

[2] 中央高校专项资助项目(合肥工业大学学术新人提升计划项目),椭圆钢管钢渣混凝土柱受压性能与设计方法研究,JZ2021HGTA0156,2021/04-2022/12,主持;

[3] 中央高校专项资助项目(合肥工业大学青年教师科研创新启动专项),带脱空缺陷椭圆钢管混凝土短柱轴压性能与设计方法研究,JZ2021HGQA0140,2021/05-2023/04,主持;

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,中空夹层钢管混凝土半刚性节点及框架结构体系抗震机理及设计理论研究,51478158,2014/12-2018/12,参与;

[5] 国家自然科学基金委员会青年项目,屈曲约束支撑与装配式混凝土框架连接抗震机理与设计方法研究,51508143,2016/01-2018/12,参与。


[1]论文“Performance and design of oval-ended elliptical CFT columns under combined axial compression-torsion”获国际著名科技机构(AIE)认证“关键期刊论文”,通讯作者,2021, 排名2/4;

[2]论文“Performance and design of partially CFRP-jacketed circular CFT column under eccentric compression”获国际著名科技机构(AIE)认证“关键期刊论文”,第一作者,2020,排名1/4;


Qihan Shen, Jingfeng Wang*, J.Y. Richard Liew, et al. Experimental study and strength evaluation of axially-loaded welded tubular joints with round-ended elliptical hollow sections. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 154: 106846.

[2] Wenbin Xing, Qihan Shen*, Jingfeng Wang, et al. Performance and design of oval-ended elliptical CFT columns under combined axial compression-torsion. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 172: 106148.

[3] Qihan Shen, Jingfeng Wang*, Qiuyu Xu, Yubo Cui, Performance and design of partially CFRP-jacketed circular CFT column under eccentric compression, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 166 (2020) 105925.

[4] Qihan Shen, Jingfeng Wang*, Yanbo Wang, Fengqin Wang, Analytical modelling and design of partially CFRP-wrapped thin-walled circular NCFST stub columns under axial compression, Thin-Walled Structures, 144 (2019) 106276.

[5] Qihan Shen, Jingfeng Wang*, Mechanical analysis and design recommendation for thin-walled OSCFST stub columns under axial local compression, Thin-Walled Structures, 144 (2019) 106313.

[6] Qihan Shen, Jingfeng Wang*, Jiaxin Wang, Zhaodong Ding, Axial compressive performance of circular CFST columns partially wrapped by carbon FRP, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 155 (2019) 90-106.

[7] Qihan Shen, Jingfeng Wang*, Wanqian Wang, Zhibin Wang, Performance and design of eccentrically-loaded concrete-filled round-ended elliptical hollow section stub columns, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 150 (2018): 99-114.

[8] Jingfeng Wang*, Qihan Shen, Fengqin Wang, Wei Wang, Experimental and analytical studies on CFRP strengthened circular thin-walled CFST stub columns under eccentric compression, Thin-Walled Structures, 127 (2018): 102-119.

[9] Jingfeng Wang*, Qihan Shen, Numerical analysis and design of thin-walled RECFST stub columns under axial compression, Thin-Walled Structures, 129 (2018):166-182.

[10] Jingfeng Wang*, Qihan Shen, Han Jiang, Xuebei Pan, Analysis and design of elliptical concrete-filled thin-walled steel stub column under axial compression, International Journal of Steel Structures, 18 (2018): 365-380.

[11] Jingfeng Wang*, Qihan Shen, Beibei Li, Seismic behavior investigation on blind bolted CFST frames with precast SCWPs, International Journal of Steel Structures, 18 (5) (2018): 1666-1683.

[12] 王静峰*, 沈奇罕, 李金超, 侯和涛, 王珺. 外挂复合墙板半刚性钢管混凝土框架抗震试验研究. 土木工程学报(EI), 49 (7) (2016) :68-78

[13] 沈奇罕, 王静峰*, 廖飞宇, 黄春晓, 王伟. 碳纤维增强复材部分包裹圆钢管混凝土短柱偏压性能研究. 工业建筑, 49 (10) 2019:192-199

[14] 沈奇罕, 林沁, 王静峰*. 圆端形椭圆钢管混凝土短柱局部轴压受压性能研究. 建筑钢结构进展, 22 (2) (2020):26-37

[15] 王静峰, 陶书庆, 沈奇罕, 胡子明. 圆端形椭圆钢管T形相贯节点的轴压性能试验与承载力计算方法研究. 建筑结构学报,(EI) DOI: 10.14006/j.jzjgxb.2021.0155.[1]
