





2010年~至今 福州大學生物科學與工程學院 教授、博士生導師

2005年~2010年 福州大學生物科學與工程學院 副教授、碩士生導師

2007年~2009年  美國威斯康星大學(UW-Madison)  博士後研究員

2006年~2007年  美國加州大學戴維斯分校(UC-Davis)博士後研究員

2002年~2005年  福州大學分析化學專業 理學博士

1994年~1997年  福州大學生物化工專業 工學碩士

1987年~1991年  福州大學食品科學專業 工學學士



《Food Science and Human Wellness》編委

《Journal of Future Foods》編委

《Hans Journal of Food and Nutrition Science》編委








美國SCI學術期刊J Agricultural and Food Chem., Food Chem., Food and Function, J Food Sci., J Food Biochem., Food and Bioprocess Tech.的特約審稿專家


1. 閩台特色海魚加工過程中品質形成的分子基礎及調控機制,國家自然科學基金海峽聯合重點基金,2020-2024

2. 東海漁業特色資源加工和生物提取多元高值利用與應用示範,科技部「十三五」重點專項,2020-2023

3. 魚糜製品貯運流通過程中品質的變化規律與調控途徑機制,科技部「十三五」重點專項,2018-2021

4. 典型食品加工條件下生物活性物質多尺度結構變化與功能調控機制,科技部「十三五」重點專項,2016-2020

5. 食品源蛋白肽凝膠的自組裝規律和調控機制研究,國家自然科學基金,2023-2026

6. 食品源蛋白肽-鈣的螯合作用模式及促鈣吸收機制,國家自然科學基金,2018-2021

7. 食品源特異性抗凍多肽的結構基礎與低溫保護作用的分子機制,國家自然科學基金,2016-2019

8. 重組抗凍多肽的食品級乳酸乳球菌構建及其抗凍干脅迫性與作用機制研究, 國家自然科學基金,2015-2018

9. 食品源抗凍多肽的製備及冰晶抑制作用研究,國家自然科學基金,2011-2013

10. 天然食品蛋白源生物活性肽的功能及作用機制,「萬人計劃」領軍人才專項,2017-2021

11. 天然食品蛋白源生物活性肽的製備關鍵技術,福建省科技領軍人才專項,2016-2020

12. 天然來源抗凍多肽的研究,國家教育部留學歸國人員基金,2010-2013

13. 抗凍多肽製備與應用福廈泉協同創新平台項目,福建省科技廳,2022-2025

14. 海洋藻源功能性蛋白和蛋白肽的製備關鍵技術與產業化,清源創新實驗室重點項目,2022-2025

15. 抗凍抗菌協同增效的海魚保鮮技術研發與產業化應用,福建省科技重大專項,2020-2023

16. 低溫安全高效消殺劑的研發與作業線系統構建,福建省科技攻關專項,2021-2021

17. 野外快速食品關鍵技術、設備開發產業化生產,福建省輕紡集團,2021-2024

18. 海洋生物活性物質在嬰童護理產品中的產業化開發與應用,青蛙王子(福建)嬰童護理用品有限公司,2021-2024

19. 新型植物蛋白基蟹肉棒製備關鍵技術及產業化應用,福建省亞明食品有限公司,2022-2024

20. 小球藻高密度異養發酵生產類胡蘿蔔素色素蛋白關鍵工程化技術研發和示範應用,國家海洋公益子項目,2013-2016

21. 抗凍多肽複合抗凍劑低溫保藏菌種的研究,國家海洋局藥源生物種質資源庫項目,2014-2017

22. 海洋生物源抗氧化肽及其在食品中的應用,省海洋高新項目,2015-2018

23. 南方海參活性抗氧化多肽關鍵技術及其產業化,國家海洋局創新發展區域示範項目,2015-2018

24. 白羽雞肉產品的技術集成與機械化設備生產線實施應用,省產學研重大項目,2016-2018

25. 天然來源抗凍多肽的製備關鍵技術,省優秀人才支持計劃,2011-2013

26. 食品源抗凍多肽的結構解析與作用機理研究,省自然科學基金,2013-2015

27. 基於蛋白質特性和生物改良技術研究白羽雞肉產品,省科技廳重點項目,2008-2011

28. 生產優質白羽雞肉產品的關鍵技術研究,省科技廳重點項目,2012-2014

29. 白羽肉雞生產加工關鍵技術的產業化推廣,省科技廳星火計劃項目,2012-2014

30. 利用生物改良技術研發雞肉產品,湖北同星農業有限公司,2012-2015

31. 茶葉本體及茶渣副產品深加工集成技術研發與應用,省區域科技重大項目(技術負責), 2016-2018

32.花果茶精深加工關鍵技術研究與應用,省區域科技重大項目(技術負責), 2014-2016



1. Xuan Chen, Jinzhi Han, Xixi Cai, Shaoyun Wang*. Antimicrobial peptides: Sustainable application informed by evolutionary constraints. Biotechnology Advances, 2022, 60: 108012.

2. Huimin Chen, Xixi Cai, Jing Cheng, Shaoyun Wang*. Self-assembling peptides: Molecule-nanostructure function and application on food industry. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2022, 120: 212-222.

3. Xu Chen, Jinhong Wu, Fujia Yang, Mi Zhou, Ruibin Wang, Jianlian Huang, Yuzhi Rong,Jianhua Liu, Shaoyun Wang*. New insight into the mechanism by which antifreeze peptides regulatethe physiological function of Streptococcus thermophilus subjected to freezing stress. Journal of Advanced Research. 2022. DOI:10.1016/j.jare.2022.05.002

4. Fujia Yang, Wenting Jiang, Xu Chen, Xuan Chen, Jinhong Wu, Jianlian Huang, Xixi Cai*, Shaoyun Wang*. Identification of novel antifreeze peptides from Takifugu obscurus skin and molecular mechanism in inhibiting ice crystal growth. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.2c04393 ( Cover Paper).

5. Huimin Chen, Xu Chen, Xuan Chen, Sheng Lin, Jing Cheng, Lijun You, Caihua Xiong, Xixi Cai*, Shaoyun Wang*. New perspectives on fabrication of peptide-based nanomaterials in food industry: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2022, 129: 46-60.

6. Xiaodan Shi, Jingjing Huang, Jiulin Wu, Xixi Cai, Yongqi Tian, Pingfan Rao, Jianlian Huang, Shaoyun Wang*. Fabrication, interaction mechanism, functional properties, and applications of fish gelatin-polysaccharide composites: a review. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 122: 107106.

7. Xu Chen, Xiaozhen Li, Fujia Yang, Jinhong Wu, Dan Huang, Jianlian Huang, Shaoyun Wang*. Effects and mechanism of antifreeze peptides from silver carp scales on the freeze-thaw stability of frozen surimi. Food Chemistry, 2022, 396: 133717.

8. Qingxiang Li, Shuna Yu, Jinzhi Han, Jiulin Wu*, Lijun You, Xiaodan Shi, Shaoyun Wang*. Synergistic antibacterial activity and mechanism of action of nisin/ carvacrol combination against Staphylococcus aureus and their application in the infecting pasteurized milk. Food Chemistry, 2022, 380: 132009.

9. Xu Chen, Jinhong Wu, Xiaozhen Li, Fujia Yang, Luhan Yu, Xiaokun Li, Jianlian Huang, Shaoyun Wang*. Investigation of the cryoprotective mechanism and effect on quality characteristics of surimi during freezing storage by antifreeze peptides. Food Chemistry. 2022, 371: 131054.

10. Han Tian, Kai Wang, Runkang Qiu, Shaoyun Wang*, Zhuoyan Hu*, Lei Zhao*. Effects of incubation temperature on the mechanical and structure performance of beeswax-carrageenan-xanthan hybrid gelator system in 3D printing. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 127: 107541.

11. Huimin Chen, Tianrui Zhang, Yongqi Tian, Lijun You, Yan Huang*, Shaoyun Wang*. Novel self-assembling peptide hydrogel with pH-tunable assembly microstructure, gel mechanics and the entrapment of curcumin. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 124: 107338.

12. Jing Cheng, Lijun You, Xixi Cai, Jinhao Yang, Huimin Chen, Xinming Shi, Jiajie Wu, Jianhua Wang, Caihua Xiong, Shaoyun Wang*. Fermentation-Inspired Gelatin Hydrogels with a Controllable Supermacroporous Structure and High Ductility for Wearable Flexible Sensors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2022, 14 (23): 26338-26349. (Cover Paper).

13. Huimin Chen, Jing Cheng, Xixi Cai, Jinzhi Han, Xu Chen, Lijun You, Caihua Xiong, Shaoyun Wang*. pH-Switchable Antimicrobial Supramolecular Hydrogels for Synergistically Eliminating Biofilm and Promoting Wound Healing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(16): 18120-18132. (Cover Paper).

14. Wenyu Zheng, Xiaomei Wu, Mingxuan Li, Suilin Qiu, Tudi Yang, Rong Yang, Zhanpeng Chen, Shaoyun Wang*, Lan Liao*. Synergistic strongly coupled super-deamidation of wheat gluten by glucose-organic acid natural deep eutectic solvent and the efficaciousness of structure and functionality. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 125: 107437.

15. Fang Zhang, Chenshan Gao, Linlin Bai, Yiquan Chen, Shuying Liang, Xucong Lv, Jinyuan Sun*, Shaoyun Wang*. Dual-color blending based visual LAMP for food allergen detection: A strategy with enlarged color variation range and contrast. Food Chemistry: X, 2022, 13: 100201.

16. Han Tian, Xu Chen, Congrong Chen, Jinhong Wu, Jianlian Huang, Lei Zhao*, Shaoyun Wang*. Analysis of the shape retention ability of antifreeze peptide-based surimi 3D structures: Potential in freezing and thawing cycles, Food Chemistry. 2022, 134780. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016.

17. Han Tian, Fujia Yang, Xu Chen, Li Guo, Xiaoping Wu, Jinhong Wu, Jianlian Huang, Shaoyun Wang*. Investigation and effect on 3D printing quality of surimi ink during freeze-thaw cycles by antifreeze peptides. Journal of Food Engineering. 2023, 337: 111234.

18. Xiaoping Wu, Fangfang Wang, Xixi Cai*, Shaoyun Wang*. Glycosylated peptide-calcium chelate: Characterization, calcium absorption promotion and prebiotic effect. Food Chemistry, 2023, 403: 134335.

19. Xuan Chen, Jinzhi Han, Shaoyun Wang*. Integrated evolutionary analysis reveals the resistance risk to antimicrobial peptides in Staphylococcus aureus. Food Control, 2022, 138: 108966.

20. Shuhua Lin#, Xuan Chen#, Huimin Chen, Xixi Cai, Xu Chen, Shaoyun Wang*. Bioprospecting of microbial-derived antimicrobial peptides for sustainable agriculture. Engineering, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.08.011.

21. Guanjun Ding,Ao Wang,Xinming Shi,Jumei Li, Lijun You*, Shaoyun Wang*.

Preparation of multiple�spectra encoded polyphosphazene microspheres and application for antibody detection. Polymer Bulletin. 2022, 79: 6409-6429.

22. Lijun You*, Xinming Shi, Jing Cheng, Jinhao Yang, Caihua Xiong, Zifeng Ding, Zhijuan Zheng, Shaoyun Wang*, Jianhua Wang. Flexible porous Gelatin/Polypyrrole/Reduction graphene oxide organohydrogel for wearable electronics. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2022, 625: 197-209.

23. Yu Fu, Chongyang Li, Qiang Wang, Ruichang Gao, Xixi Cai, Shaoyun Wang*, Yuhao Zhang*. The protective effect of collagen peptides from bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) skin and bone to attenuate UVB-induced photoaging via MAPK and TGF-β signaling pathways. Journal of Functional Foods. 2022, 93: 105101.

24. Wenting Jiang, Fujia Yang, Xu Chen, Xixi Cai, Jinhong Wu, Ming Du, Jianlian Huang, Shaoyun Wang*. Molecular simulation-based research on antifreeze peptides: advances and perspectives. Journal of Future Foods. 2022, 2(3): 203-212.

25. Sheng Lin, Xixi Cai, Huimin Chen, Yizhou Xu, Jiulin Wu**, Shaoyun Wang*. Development of fish gelatin-chitooligosaccharide conjugates through the Maillard reaction for the encapsulation of curcumin. Current Research in Food Science, 2022, 5: 1625–1639.

26. Xu Chen, Jinhong Wu, Fujia Yang, Dan Huang, Jianlian Huang, Shaoyun Wang*, Guyonnet Vincent. Snow flea antifreeze peptide for cryopreservation of lactic acid bacteria. npj Science of Foods, 2022, 6(1), 10.

27. Xuan Chen, Xiaoping Wu, Shaoyun Wang*. An optimized antimicrobial peptide analog acts as an antibiotic adjuvant to reverse methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. npj Science of Food, 2022, in press.

28. XiaodanShi, JingjingHuang, ShaoyunWang,JunyiYin,FanZhang. Polysaccharides from Pachyrhizus erosus roots: Extraction optimization and functional properties. Food Chemistry, 2022, 382:132413.

29. Fujia Yang, Wenting Jiang, Xu Chen, Jinhong Wu, Jianlian Huang, Xixi Cai*, Shaoyun Wang*. Investigation on the quality regulating mechanism of antifreeze peptides on frozen surimi: From macro to micro. Food Research International, 2022.

30. Wenyu Zheng, Zhanpeng Chen, Yanhong Yang, Rong Yang, Tudi Yang, Peili Lai, Tonglin Chen, Shuiling Qiu, Shaoyun Wang*, Lan Liao*. Improved stabilization of coix seed oil in a nanocage-coating framework based on gliadin-carboxymethyl chitosan-Ca2+. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 257: 117557.

31. Jinzhi Han, Xiaojie Meng, Hao Shen, Weibo Luo, Siyu Yao, Jie Yang, Qiuxiang Zhu, Yongqi Tian, Shaoyun Wang*. Purification, molecular characterization of Lactocin 63 produced by Lactobacillus coryniformis FZU63 and its antimicrobial mode of action against Shewanella putrefaciens. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2021, 105(18):6921–6930.

32. Xinming Shi, Ci Huang, Zhijuan Zheng, Baohua Zhong, Guanjun Ding, Jumei Li, Lijun You* and Shaoyun Wang*. Preparation of Magnetically Recoverable MPCTP-Ag Composite Nanoparticles and Their Application as High-Performance Catalysts. Langmuir, 2021, 37, 10249−10258.

33. Yin Li, Dongyi Hu, Jianlian Huang*, Shaoyun Wang*. Glycated peptides obtained from cultured crocodile meat hydrolysates via Maillard reaction and the anti-aging effects on Drosophila in vivo. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2021, 155: 112376.

34. Akang Dan, Yujia Hu, Ruyan Chen, Xiangyang Lin, Yongqi Tian*, Shaoyun Wang*. Advances in research on chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of Paecilomyces hepialid. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2021, 10(4): 401-407.

35. Fujia Yang, Xu Chen, Muchen Huang, Qian Yang, Xixi Cai, Xuan Chen, Ming Du, Jianlian Huang, Shaoyun Wang*. Molecular characteristics and structure–activity relationships of food-derived bioactive peptides. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2021, 20(9): 2313–2332.

36. Hongrui Chen, Di Wu, Wuchao Ma, Chao Wu, Yongqi Tian, Shaoyun Wang*, Ming Du*. Strong fish gelatin hydrogels enhanced by carrageenan and potassium sulfate. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 119:106841.

37. Shichen Zhu, Jiehang Yu, Xu Chen, Qi Zhang, Xixi Cai, Yuting Ding, Xuxia Zhou*, Shaoyun Wang*. Dual cryoprotective strategies for ice-binding and stabilizing of frozen seafood: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021, 111: 223-232.

38. Yizhou Xu, Jiulin Wu*, Shaoyun Wang*. Comparative study of whey protein isolate and gelatin treated by pH-shifting combined with ultrasonication in loading resveratrol. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 117: 106694.

39. Xixi Cai, Qingxia Weng, Jiaming Lin, Guiqing Chen, Shaoyun Wang*. Radix Pseudostellariae protein-curcumin nanocomplex: Improvement on the stability, cellular uptake and antioxidant activity of curcumin. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2021, 151: 112110.

40. Xixi Cai, Shengyang Chen, Jieping Liang, Mingyu Tang, Shaoyun Wang*. Protective effects of crimson snapper scales peptides against oxidative stress on Drosophila melanogaster and the action mechanism. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2021, 148: 111965.

41. Xu Chen, Jinhong Wu, Xixi Cai, Shaoyun Wang*. Production, structure–function relationships, mechanisms,and applications of antifreeze peptides. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2021, 20(1): 542-562.

42. Mingyu Ji, Jiulin Wu*, Xinyu Sun, Xiaoban Guo, Wenjin Zhu, Qingxiang Li, Xiaodan Shi, Yongqi Tian, Shaoyun Wang*. Physical properties and bioactivities of fish gelatin films incorporated with cinnamaldehyde-loaded nanoemulsions and vitamin C. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 35: 110103.

43. Zheng Fang, Xixi Cai, Jiulin Wu, Lingtuo Zhang, Yapeng Fang*, Shaoyun Wang*. Effect of simultaneous treatment combining ultrasonication and pH-shifting on SPI in the formation of nanoparticles and encapsulating resveratrol. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 111: 106250.

44. Fang Zhang, Xixi Cai, Lan Ding, Shaoyun Wang*. Effect of pH, ionic strength, chitosan deacetylation on the stability and rheological properties of O/W emulsions formulated with chitosan/ casein complexes. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 111: 106211.

45. Xu Chen, Xiaodan Shi, Xixi Cai, Fujia Yang, Ling Li, Jinhong Wu, Shaoyun Wang*. Ice-binding proteins: a remarkable ice crystal regulator for frozen foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2021, 61(20):3436-3449.

46. Bailin Cong, Xiaofei Yin, Aifang Deng, Jihong Shen*, Yongqi Tian*, Shaoyun Wang*, Huanghao Yang*. Diversity of Cultivable Microbes from Soil of the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica, and Their Potential Application. Frontiers in microbiology, 2020, 11: 570836.

47. Fang Zhang, Biwu Liu, Anand Lopez, Shaoyun Wang*, Juewen Liu*. Opposite salt-dependent stability of i-motif and duplex reflected in a single DNA hairpin nanomachine. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31(19): 195503.

48. Xiaodan Shi, Yongqi Tian, Jiulin Wu, Shaoyun Wang*. Synthesis, characterization, and biological activity of selenium nanoparticles conjugated with polysaccharides. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2020, 61(13): 2225-2236.

49. Junyan Lin, Yan Huang*, Shaoyun Wang*. The Hofmeister effect on protein hydrogels with stranded and particulate microstructures. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2020, 196: 111332.

50. Lijun You*, Ke Xu, Guanjun Ding, Xinming Shi, Jumei Li, Shaoyun Wang*, Jiabin Wang. Facile synthesis of Fe3O4@COF covalent organic frameworks for the adsorption of bisphenols from aqueous solution. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 320: 114456.

51. Qian Yang, Xixi Cai, Muchen Huang, Xuan Chen, Yongqi Tian, Guiqing Chen, Mingfu Wang, Shaoyun Wang*, Jianbo Xiao*. Isolation, Identification, and Immunomodulatory Effect of a Peptide from Pseudostellaria heterophylla Protein Hydrolysate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(44): 12259–12270.

52. Fujia Yang, Caili Fu, Liang Lv, FangZhang, ShaoyunWang*. Self-microemulsifying delivery system of WPI-Dai nanocomplex mixed with nonionic surfactant and its superiority in delivering daidzein. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 108: 105952.

53. Huimin Chen, Fujia Yang, Liang Lv, Caili Fu, Xixi Cai*, Shaoyun Wang*. Interaction among protein, daidzein and surfactants in the WPI-based daidzein self-microemulsifying delivery system. Food Chemistry, 2020, 332: 127461.

54. Qian Yang, Xixi Cai, Ana Yan, Yongqi Tian, Ming Du*, Shaoyun Wang*. A specific antioxidant peptide: Its properties in controlling oxidation and possible action mechanism. Food Chemistry, 2020, 327: 126984.

55. Qian Yang, Xixi Cai, Muchen Huang, Shaoyun Wang*. A specific peptide with immunomodulatory activity from Pseudostellaria heterophylla and the action mechanism. Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 68: 103887.

56. Xu Chen, Fei Fang, Shaoyun Wang*. Physicochemical properties and hepatoprotective effects of glycated Snapper fish scale peptides conjugated with xylose via maillard reaction. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2020, 137: 111115.

57. Jiulin Wu*, Wenjin Zhu, Xiaodan Shi, Qingxiang Li, Chenguang Huang, Yongqi Tian*, Shaoyun Wang*. Acid-free preparation and characterization of kelp (Laminaria japonica) nanocelluloses and their application in Pickering emulsions. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 236: 115999.

58. FaiChu Wong, Jianbo Xiao, Shaoyun Wang, KahYaw Ee, TsunThai Chai*. Advances on the antioxidant peptides from edible plant sources. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2020, 99: 44-57.

59. Shengyang Chen, Qian Yang, Xuan Chen, Yongqi Tian, Zhiyu Liu* and Shaoyun Wang*. Bioactive peptides derived from crimson snapper and in vivo anti-aging effects on fat diet-induced high fat Drosophila melanogaster. Food & Function, 2020, 11(1): 524-533.

60. Yanlan Lin, Xixi Cai, Xiaoping Wu, Shengnan Lin, Shaoyun Wang*. Fabrication of snapper fish scales protein hydrolysate-calcium complex and the promotion in calcium cellular uptake. Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 65: 103717.

61. Xixi Cai, Qian Yang, Qingxia Weng, Shaoyun Wang*. pH sensitive doxorubicin-loaded nanoparticle based on Radix pseudostellariae protein-polysaccharide conjugate and its improvement on HepG2 cellular uptake of doxorubicin. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2020, 136: 111099.

62. Xu Chen, Ling Li, Fujia Yang, Jinhong Wu, Shaoyun Wang*. Effects of gelatin-based antifreeze peptides on cell viability and oxidant stress of Streptococcus thermophilus during cold stage. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2020, 136: 111056.

63. Wenjing Qiu, Xu Chen, Yongqi Tian, Daping Wu, Ming Du*, Shaoyun Wang*. Protection against oxidative stress and anti-aging effect in Drosophila of royal jelly-collagen peptide. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2020, 135:110881.

64. Wei Zhang, Xie Fan, Xinzhe Gu, Shengxiang Gong, Jinhong Wu*, Zhengwu Wang*, Qiang Wang, Shaoyun Wang. Emulsifying properties of pectic polysaccharides obtained by sequential extraction from black tomato pomace. Food Hydrocolloid. 2020, 100: 105454.

65. Jinhong Wu, Xixi Cai, Mengru Tang, Shaoyun Wang*. Novel calcium-chelating peptides from octopus scraps and their corresponding calcium bioavailability. Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture, 2019, 99(2): 536-545.

66. Yajing Guo, Xinghang Chen, Fujia Yang, Teng Wang, Minglong Ni, Yuansheng Chen, Fei Yang, Da Huang, Caili Fu*, Shaoyun Wang*. Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan-Based Ternary Blend Edible Films with Efficient Antimicrobial Activities for Food Packaging Applications. Journal of Food Science, 2019, 84(6): 1411-1419.

67. Fang Zhang, Shaoyun Wang* and Juewen Liu*. Gold Nanoparticles Adsorb DNA and Aptamer Probes Too Strongly and a Comparison with Graphene Oxide for Biosensing. Analytical Chemisry, 2019, 91(22): 14743-14750.

68. Zheng Fang, Liangzong Xu, Yanlan Lin, Xixi Cai, Shaoyun Wang*. The preservative potential of Octopus scraps peptides−Zinc chelate against Staphylococcus aureus: Its fabrication, antibacterial activity and action mode. Food Control, 2019, 98: 24-33.

69. Qingyan He, Da Huang, Jianmin Yang, Yan Huang*, and Shaoyun Wang*. Dual Cross-Link Networks To Preserve Physical Interactions Induced by Soaking Methods: Developing a Strong and Biocompatible Protein-Based Hydrogel. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2019, 2(8): 3352-3361.

70. Qian Yang, Muchen Huang, Xixi Cai, Lee Jia, Shaoyun Wang*. Investigation on activation in RAW264.7 macrophage cells and protection in cyclophosphamide-treated mice of Pseudostellaria heterophylla protein hydrolysate. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2019, 134: 110816.

71. Qianwen Ye, Xiaoping Wu, Xinyuan Zhang, Shaoyun Wang*. Organic selenium derived from chelation of soybean peptide-selenium and its functional properties in vitro and in vivo. Food & Function, 2019, 10(8): 4761-4770.

72. Yanlan Lin, Xu Tang, Liangzong Xu, Shaoyun Wang*. Antibacterial properties and possible action mechanism of chelating peptides-zinc nanocomposite against Escherichia coli. Food Control, 2019, 106: 106675.

73. Qian Yang, Xixi Cai, Muchen Huang, Lee Jia and Shaoyun Wang*. Immunomodulatory effects of Pseudostellaria heterophylla peptide on spleen lymphocytes via a Ca2+/CaN/NFATc1/IFN-γ pathway. Food & Function, 2019, 10: 3466-3475.

74. Qian Yang, Xixi Cai, Zhiyu Liu*, Shaoyun Wang*. Antioxidant Assessment of Schizochytrium Meal Protein Enzymatic Hydrolysate and Its Potential Application. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 2019, 28(4): 413-426.

75. Lan Ding, Yan Huang*, Xixi Cai, Shaoyun Wang*. Impact of pH, ionic strength and chitosan charge density on chitosan/casein complexation and phase behavior. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 208: 133-141.

76. Lingtuo Zhang, Fang Zhang, Yapeng Fang*, Shaoyun Wang*. Alginate-shelled SPI nanoparticle for encapsulation of resveratrol with enhanced colloidal and chemical stability. Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 90: 313-320.

77. Xu Chen, Shaoyun Wang*. Cryoprotective effect of antifreeze glycopeptide analogues obtained by nonenzymatic glycation on Streptococcus thermophilus and its possible action mechanism. Food Chemistry, 2019, 288: 239-247.

78. Xu Chen, Jinhong Wu, Ling Li, Shaoyun Wang*. Cryoprotective Activity and Action Mechanism of Antifreeze Peptides Obtained from Tilapia Scales on Streptococcus thermophilus during Cold Stress. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(7): 1918-1926.

79. Liang Lv, Caili Fu, Fang Zhang*, Shaoyun Wang*. Thermally-induced whey protein isolate-daidzein co-assemblies: Protein based nanocomplexes as an inhibitor of precipitation/crystallization for hydrophobic drug. Food Chemistry, 2019, 275: 273-281.

80. Qingxia Weng, Xixi Cai, Fang Zhang*, Shaoyun Wang*. Fabrication of self-assembled Radix Pseudostellariae protein nanoparticles and the entrapment of curcumin. Food Chemistry, 2019, 274: 796-802.

81. Yongqi Tian, Shuting Lin, Kaliaperumal Kumaravel, Hong Zhou, Shaoyun Wang*, Yonghong Liu*. Polyketide-derived metabolites from the sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus sp F40, Phytochemistry Letters, 2018, 27: 74-77.

82. Xixi Cai, Xiaoli Xie, Nanyan Fu and Shaoyun Wang*. Physico-Chemical and Antifungal Properties of a Trypsin Inhibitor from the Roots of Pseudostellaria heterophylla. Molecules, 2018, 23(9):1-13.

83. Lingtuo Zhang, Yanlan Lin, Shaoyun Wang*. Purification of Algal Calcium-Chelating Peptide and Its Physical Chemical Properties. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 2018, 27(4):518-530.

84. Yongqi Tian, Shengnan Lin, Hong Zhou, Shuting Lin, Shaoyun Wang*, Yonghong Liu*. Protuboxepin C and protuboxepin D from the sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus sp SCSIO XWS02F40. Natural Product Research, 2018, 32(21): 2510-2515.

85. Tianran Lin, Zhiping Song, Yarong Wu, Ling Chen, Shaoyun Wang*, Fengfu Fu, Liangqia Guo*. Boron- and phenyl-codoped graphitic carbon nitride with greatly enhanced light responsive range for photocatalytic disinfection. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 358:62-68.

86. Qingyan He, Yan Huang*, Shaoyun Wang*. Hofmeister Effect‐Assisted one step fabrication of ductile and strong gelatin hydrogels. Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28 (5): 1705069.




























