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2017年9月至2018年8月,获国家留学基金委CSC资助在University of Waterloo(BBCR实验室)和Wilfrid Laurier University联合培养一年(外导:IEEE Fellow Xiaodong Lin教授)



2019年11月,获欧洲奖学金European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics(ERCIM)资助,开展开展博士后研究工作(外导:Fabio Martinelli)

2019年2月与意大利大学的Mauro Conti教授开展合作,2020年10月至今,正式加入其SPRITZ安全与隐私研究组,开展博士后研究工作

主要从事车联网隐私保护区块链和数字取证相关工作,参与出版专著3本,发表学术论文40余篇,包括CCF A类3篇,CCF B类3篇,CCF C类7篇,SCI一区论文9篇和二区论文2篇。


1. 中国计算机学会会员,中国密码学会会员,IEEE会员,IEEE ComSoc会员,IEEE TCSVC会员,ACM会员

2. 中国计算机学会区块链专业委员会通讯委员

3. 中国网络空间安全协会个人信息保护专家组/智能车联网安全专家组委员

4. 期刊和杂志审稿人





三、车联网隐私挖掘。综合运用大数据分析技术,针对现有流行的车联网服务,例如Uber和Google Maps,收集服务平台发布的公开数据,挖掘服务泄露的隐私,提出相应的隐私保护方案。



[5] 2021.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,No. 62002094,“强隐私保护的网约车匹配技术研究”,主持(240,000元)。

[4] 2020.07-2023.06,安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,No. 2008085MF196,“基于密态数据处理的网约车隐私保护协议研究”,主持(120, 000元)。

[3] 2019.06-2021.05,安徽省科技重大专项项目,No. 201903a05020016,“基于网络安全等级保护2.0及可信计算的车联网安全通信与取证系统”,负责车联网取证系统研究,排序3(1, 500, 000元)。

[2] 2016.07-2019.06,国家重点研发项目,No. 2016YFB0800301,“天地一体化网络实体认证与接入防护关键技术及系统”,负责卫星认证协议研究,排序24(9, 170, 000元)。

[1] 2013.01-2016.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 61272512,“无线传感器网络安全数据融合协议研究”,负责完整性融合协议研究,排序4(82, 000元)。



[3] Liehuang Zhu, Keke Gai, and Meng Li. Blockchain of Internet of Things. Springer, https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030217655, 2019.

[2] Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks - Differential Privacy. Springer, https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-3-319-32903-1, 2018. (章节作者)

[1] Liehuang Zhu, Zijian Zhang, and Chang Xu. Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Communication in Internet of Things. Springer, http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811032349, 2017. (参与者)


[15] Meng Li, Liehuang Zhu, Zijian Zhang, Chhagan Lal, Mauro Conti, and Mamoun Alazab. User-Defined Privacy-Preserving Traffic Monitoring Against n-by-1 Jamming Attack. IEEE/ACMTrans. Networking (ToN), 2022, Accepted. (CCF A, SCI, IF: 3.56)

[14] Meng Li, Yifei Chen, Chhagan Lal, Mauro Conti, Mamoun Alazab, and Donghui Hu, Eunomia: Anonymous and Secure Vehicular Digital Forensics based on Blockchain, IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2021, Accepted. (CCF A, SCI, IF: 7.329)[13] Meng Li, Liehuang Zhu*, Zijian Zhang, Chhagan Lal, Mauro Conti, and Mamoun Alazab. Anonymous and Verifiable Reputation System for E-commerce Platforms based on Blockchain. IEEE Trans. Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2021, Accepted. (SCI, CCF C)

[12] Meng Li, Liehuang Zhu, Zijian Zhang, Chhagan Lal, Mauro Conti, and Fabio Martinelli. Privacy for 5G-Supported Vehicular Networks. IEEE Open Journal of Communications Society (OJ-COMS), 2021, 2: 1935-1956.

[11] Donghui Hu, Yifan Li, Lixuan Pan, Meng Li*, and Shuli Zheng. A Blockchain-Based Trading System for Big Data. Computer Networks, 2021, 191: 107994. (CCF B, SCI)

[10] Meng Li, Chhagan Lal, Mauro Conti, and Donghui Hu*. LEChain: A Blockchain-based Lawful Evidence Management Scheme for Digital Forensics. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2021, 115: 406-420. (CCF C, SCI)

[9] Meng Li, Yifei Chen, Shuli Zheng*, Donghui Hu*, Chhagan Lal, and Mauro Conti. Privacy-Preserving Navigation Supporting Similar Queries in Vehicular Networks. IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), August 2020, PP (99): 1-16. (CCF A, SCI)

[8] Meng Li, Donghui Hu, Chhagan Lal*, Mauro Conti, and Zijian Zhang. Blockchain-enabled Secure Energy Trading with Verifiable Fairness in Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics (TII), 2020, 16 (10): 6564-6574. (SCI)

[7] Meng Li, Liehuang Zhu*, and Xiaodong Lin. Privacy-preserving Traffic Monitoring with False Report Filtering via Fog-assisted Vehicular Crowdsensing. IEEE Trans. Services Computing (TSC), 2019, PP (99): 1-11. (CCF B, SCI)

[6] Meng Li, Liehuang Zhu*, and Xiaodong Lin. Efficient and Privacy-preserving Carpooling using Blockchain-assisted Vehicular Fog Computing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), 2018, PP (99): 1-13. (SCI)

[5] Meng Li, Liehuang Zhu, Zijian Zhang*, and Rixin Xu. Achieving Differential Privacy of Trajectory Data Publishing in Participatory Sensing. Information Sciences, 2017, 400-401: 1-13. (CCF B, SCI)

[4] Liehuang Zhu, Meng Li, and Zijian Zhang*. Secure Fog-assisted Crowdsensing with Collusion Resistance: From Data Reporting to Data Requesting. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), 2019, 6(3): 5473-5484. (导师一作, 本人二作, SCI)

[3] Liehuang Zhu, Meng Li, Zijian Zhang*, and Zhan Qin. ASAP: An Anonymous Smart-parking and Payment Scheme in Vehicular Networks. IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2020, 17 (4): 703-715. (导师一作, 本人二作, CCF A, SCI, 高被引论文)

[2] Liehuang Zhu, Meng Li, Zijian Zhang*, Chang Xu, Ruonan Zhang, Xiaojiang Du, and Nadra Guizani. Privacy-preserving Authentication and Data Aggregation for Fog-based Smart Grid. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2019, 57 (6): 80-85. (导师一作, 本人二作, SCI)

[1] Liehuang Zhu, Meng Li, Zijian Zhang*, Xiaojiang Du, and Mohsen Guizani. Big Data Mining of Users' Energy Consumption Pattern in Wireless Smart Grid. IEEE Wireless Communications, 2018, 25 (1): 84-89. (导师一作, 本人二作, SCI)


[1] 李萌, 司成祥, 祝烈煌*. 基于区块链的安全车联网数字取证系统. 物联网学报, 2020, 4 (2): 49-57. (中国通信学会 B类)


[10] Yifei Chen, Meng Li, Shuli Zheng, Chhagan Lal, and Mauro Conti. Where to Meet a Driver Privately: Recommending Pick-Up Locations for Ride-Hailing Services. Proc. 17th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM) (Co-located with ESORICS 2021), October 2021: 1-18, Darmstadt, Germany. (EI)

[9] Meng Li, Jianbo Gao, Yifei Chen, Jingcheng Zhao, and Mamoun Alazab*. Privacy-Preserving Ride-Hailing with Verifiable Order-Linking in Vehicular Networks. Proc. 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), December 2020: 599-606, Guangzhou, China. (CCF C, EI)

[8] Yifei Chen, Meng Li*, Shuli Zheng*, Donghui Hu, Chhagan Lal, and Mauro Conti. One-Time, Oblivious, and Unlinkable Query Processing over Encrypted Data On Cloud. Proc. 22nd International Conference on Information and Communication Security (ICICS), August 2020: 350-365, Copenhagen, Denmark. (学生一作,本人二作,CCF C, EI)

[7] Shuli Zheng, Lixuan Pan, Donghui Hu*, Meng Li*, and Yuqi Fan. A Blockchain-Based Trading Platform for Big Data. Proc. 8th International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data (INFOCOM WKSHPS BigSecurity), July 2020: 991-996, Toronto, Canada. (EI)

[6] Meng Li, Liehuang Zhu*, and Xiaodong Lin. CoRide: A Privacy-preserving Collaborative-Ride Hailing Service using Blockchain-assisted Vehicular Fog Computing. Proc. 15th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm), October 2019: 408-420, Orlando, USA. (CCF C, EI)

[5] Zijian Zhang, Meng Li, Liehuang Zhu*, and Xinyi Li. SmartDetect: A Smart Detection Scheme for Malicious Web Shell Codes via Ensemble Learning. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication (SmartCom), December 2018: 196-205, Tokyo, Japan, Best Paper Award. (EI)

[4] Meng Li, Liehuang Zhu, Zijian Zhang*, and Rixin Xu. Differentially Private Publication Scheme for Trajectory Data. Proc. 1st IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace, June 2016: 596-601, Changsha, China. (EI)

[3] Meng Li, Fan Wu, Guihai Chen, Liehuang Zhu, and Zijian Zhang*. How to Protect Query and Report Privacy without Sacrificing Service Quality in Participatory Sensing. Proc. 34th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), December 2015: 1-7, Nanjing, China. (CCF C, EI)

[2] Liehuang Zhu and Meng Li. An Energy Efficient and Integrity-preserving Aggregation Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proc. 30th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), December 2011: 1-6, Orlando, USA. (导师一作, 本人二作, CCF C, EI)

[1] Liehuang Zhu and Meng Li. DoS-Resilient Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. Posters of the 17th ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), September 2011: 1-2, Las Vegas, USA. (导师一作, 本人二作, CCF A)


[17] 李萌,陈毅飞,一种基于隐私合约的捐赠系统与方法,申请中。

[16] 李萌,陈毅飞,一种基于隐私合约的网约车系统与方法,申请中。

[15] 李萌,陈毅飞,一种隐私保护的网约车上车点推荐方法与系统,202110804877.6,审中。

[14] 李萌,高剑博,一种排除曾匹配司机的隐私保护的网约车方法与系统,CN20110473231.4,审中。

[13] 李萌,陈毅飞,胡东辉;一种基于区块链技术的车联网匿名安全取证方法与系统,CN2021103113093.3,审中。

[12] 李萌,赵旌程,胡东辉,杨彬;抗干扰攻击的自定义隐私保护的交通监测系统与方法,CN202110095483.8,审中。

[11] 李萌,高剑博,陈毅飞;支持环形订单可验证的网约车系统与方法,CN202011137249.9,审中。

[10] 胡东辉,崔选得,李萌,朱晓玲;一种基于可信计算的汽车T-BOX取证的系统,CN202011180380.0,审中。

[9] 李萌,陈毅飞;一种针对密态数据的单次不经意抗链接的查询系统与方法,CN202010794635.9,审中。

[8] 李萌,赵旌程;一种支持相似请求的车联网隐私保护导航查询系统及方法,CN202010710840.2,审中。

[7] 胡东辉,潘立选,李萌,郑淑丽,李一凡;一种基于区块链的去中心化数据交易方法,CN2020010195676.6,审中。

[6] 李萌,胡东辉;一种隐私保护的证据管理系统及方法,CN201910921687.5,已授权。

[5] 祝烈煌,李萌,张子剑;一种基于区块链的隐私保护的声誉评价方法及系统,CN201910315489.4,已授权。

[4] 李萌,祝烈煌,张子剑;一种隐私保护的路径共享方法及系统,CN201811226182.9,已授权。

[3] 祝烈煌,李萌,张子剑;一种隐私保护的联盟打车方法及系统,CN201811181539.6,审中。

[2] 祝烈煌,李萌,张子剑;一种隐私保护及错误数据包过滤的交通监测方法及系统,CN109118775B,已授权。

[1] 祝烈煌,刘丹,李萌;一种安全高效的数据融合方法,CN102299792B,已授权。


[2] 李萌,赵旌程,抗干扰攻击的自定义隐私保护的交通监测系统,2021SR1173055,已授权。

[1] 李萌,赵旌程,崔凯;云环境下支持相似请求的隐私保护车联网导航系统,2020SR1573222,已授权。


















