房丰洲 |
房丰洲,男,汉族,博士研究生学位,精密机械及仪器——博导、硕导,机械制造及自动化——博导、硕导 ,现工作于天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室。1982年参加工作,长期从事制造与检测领域的科研及教学。主要研究领域为非球面及自由曲面光学、视觉光学及生物植入体、超精密加工及测量、原子及近原子尺度制造。发表学术论文300余篇、申请及授权发明专利70余项、多项成果应用于生产实际。先后当选为国际生产工程院(CIRP)Fellow、国际纳米制造学会(ISNM)Fellow、美国制造工程师协会(SME)Fellow 、国际工程与技术学会(AET)Fellow,国际纳米制造学会首任主席[1] 。
民 族 ---- 汉族
国 籍 ---- 中国
职 业 ---- 教育科研工作者
1主要学术经历 2研究方向及领域 3科研项目及成就 4主要论著 5所获荣誉
长期从事精密加工与测量的教学与科研工作,研究方向包括光学自由曲面设计与制造、生物植入体设计与制造、超精密加工与检测。现任纳米制造与检测(Nanomanufacturing and Metrology)主编、国际纳米制造学会(ISNM)Fellow、制造工程师学会(SME)Fellow、国际生产工程院(CIRP)Fellow。
1. Fang F. Z., 2020, Design and manufacturing of bio-implants (plenary speech), 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2020), Kobe, Japan, November 24-26.
2. Fang F. Z., 2019, Manufacturing III: Atomic and/or close-to-atomic scale manufacturing (keynote), 8th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Matsue, Japan, November 12-15.
3. Fang F. Z., 2019, Development of Micro/nano manufacturing technology at MNMT (Keynote), 2nd AET Symposium on SMART and ACSM Manufacturing, Dublin, Ireland, August 16-17.
4. Fang F. Z., 2018, Design and manufacturing of structured freeform optics (keynote speech), Euspen SIG: Structured & Freeform Surfaces, Paris, France, November 27-29.
5. Fang F. Z., 2017, Nanomanufacturing – perspective and applications (keynote speech), the 7th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2017), Seoul Korea, November 14-17.
6. Fang F. Z., 2017, Ultra-precision machining of complex surfaces (keynote speech), SIG-Micro/nano Manufacturing, Europe Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (Euspen), Strathclyde, United Kingdom, July 8-10.
7. Fang F. Z., 2017, Nanomanufacturing - perspective and applications (keynote paper), the 67th General Assembly of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), Lugano, Switzerland, August 20-26.
8. Fang F. Z., 2017, Nanomanufacturing – perspective and applications (keynote speech), 39th International MATADOR Conference on Advanced Manufacturing, Manchester, United Kingdom, July 5-7.
9. Fang F. Z., 2017, High precision manufacturing of complex surfaces (keynote speech), Sino-German Forum on Manufacturing, Nanjing, China, May 23-25.
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10. Fang F. Z., 2016, High precision manufacturing of complex surfaces (keynote speech), 2016 International Forum on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Equipment, Chengdu, China, November 4.
11. Fang F. Z., 2016, Manufacturing III (keynote speech), The 9th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (DET2016), Nanjing, China, March 29-31.
12. Fang F. Z., 2015, Manufacturing and measurement of freeform optics (keynote speech), International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN2015), Singapore, April 14-16.
13. Fang F. Z., 2014, Manufacturing III (keynote speech), Precision Machining Workshop across the Taiwan Straits, Guangzhou, Guangdong, December 18-21.
14. Fang, F. Z., 2010, Trends of manufacturing development (plenary speech), PEI General Assembly, Jinan, China, 12-16 December.
15. Fang, F. Z., 2010, Machining of freeform optics (plenary speech), OSA-IEEE-COS Topical Meeting on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics, Guangzhou, China, 3-6 December.
16. Fang, F. Z., 2010, Mechanical processes for micro-optics (invited presentation), SPIE – Phonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium, 12-16 April.
17. Fang, F. Z., Xu, Z. W., 2009, Nano mask fabrication based on focused ion beam milling (invited presentation), Asia Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, 11-13 November.
18. Fang, F. Z., 2009, Advances in micro/nano fabrication (invited presentation), The 3rd MIRAL International Conference – Micro Fabrication and Green Manufacturing, Incheon, Korea, 14-16 October.
19. Fang, F. Z., 2009, Inspection of high aspect ratio features (invited presentation), School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 4 November.
20. Fang, F. Z., 2009, Manufacturing in nanometric accuracy (invited presentation), The 2nd NSFC-NSF Joint Symposium on Nanomanufacturing, Nebraska, USA, 19-20 October.
21. Fang, F. Z., 2009, Functional surfaces fabrication (keynote speech), The 1st International Conference on Surface and Interface Fabrication Technologies, Wako, Japan, 16-17 July.
22. Fang, F. Z., 2009, Micro/nano machining by mechanical tools (keynote speech), 1st Int. Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology , Osaka, Japan.
23. Fang, F. Z., 2008, Advances in machining of freeform optics (keynote speech), 1st Int. Symposium of the Volkswagen Foundation on Functional Surfaces , Bremen, Germany.
24. Fang, F. Z., 2007, Advances in freeform machining (keynote speech), Asia Symposium on Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2007), Korea.
25. Fang, F. Z., 2007, Advances in ultra-precision machining of optical components (keynote speech), Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture (APCOM2007), Hong Kong, China.
26. Fang, F. Z., 2006, Advances in micro/nano manufacturing (keynote presentation), International Conference on Micro/Nano Fabrication Technology’06 Bangkok, Thailand.
27. Fang, F. Z., 2005, Fundamentals in micro machining (invited presentation), Nagoya University, Japan.
28. Fang, F. Z., 2005, Brittle-to-ductile transition in single crystal silicon (keynote presentation), TMMF2005, Tsukuba, Japan.
29. Fang, F. Z., 2005, Micro machining of optical and bio-medical parts (invited presentation), Technological University of Malaysia, Malaysia.
30. Fang, F. Z., 2004, Micro machining technology (invited presentation), Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
31. F. Z. Fang, 2003, Micro machining technologies (invited presentation), MTA2003 International Technical Forum, Singapore.
32. Fang, F. Z, 2003, High speed machining technology (invited presentation), Workshop jointly organized by NUS and JSME, Singapore.
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33. Fang, F. Z., 2001, Cutting of hardened steels (keynote speech), The International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology – ICAMT'2001, Nanjing, China.
34. Fang, F. Z., 2001, Hardened steel machining, Gintic (Singapore)-Georgia Tech (USA) Joint Workshops on Manufacturing Technology, Singapore.
1. Xie W., Fang F. Z. Crystallographic orientation effect on cutting-based single atomic layer removal. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2020; 1-14。
2. Melentiev R, Fang F. Z., Narala S. K. R. Influence of different pretreatments on Ti-6Al-4V surface integrity and scratch-resistance of epoxy coating: Analysis of topography, microstructure, chemistry and wettability. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2020; 404: 126436.
3. O’Toole L, Kang C., Fang F. Z. Precision micro-milling process: state of the art. Advances in Manufacturing. 2020; 1-33
4. Lyu P., Lai M., Liu Z., Fang F. Z. Ultra-smooth finishing of single-crystal lutetium oxide by plasma-assisted etching. Precision Engineering. 2021; 67: 77-88
5. Han W., Fang F. Z. Eco-friendly NaCl-based electrolyte for electropolishing 316L stainless steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2020; 58: 1257-1269
6. Mao T., Fang F. Z. Biomimetic functional surfaces towards bactericidal soft contact lenses. Micromachines. 2020; 11(9): 835
7. Li Q., Fang F. Z. Physiology-like crystalline lens modelling for children. Optics Express. 2020; 28(18): 27155-27180
8. Fang F. Z. Atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing: perspectives and measures. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing. 2020; 2(3): 030201
9. Xia Z., Fang F. Z., Ahearne E., Tao M. Advances in polishing of optical freeform surfaces: A review. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2020; 286: 116828
10. Mathew P. T., Rodriguez B. J., Fang F. Z. Atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing: A review on atomic layer removal methods using atomic force microscopy. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2020; 1-20
11. Zhao Y., Fang F. Z. Measurement of the peripheral aberrations of human eyes: A comprehensive review. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering. 2020; 3(2): 53-68.
12. Han W., Fang F. Z. Investigation of electropolishing characteristics of tungsten in eco-friendly sodium hydroxide aqueous solution. Advances in Manufacturing. 2020
13. Melentiev R., Fang F. Z. Fabrication of micro-channels on Co-Cr-Mo joints by micro-abrasive jet direct writing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2020; 56: 667-677
14. Xie W., Fang F. Z. On the mechanism of dislocation-dominated chip formation in cutting-based single atomic layer removal of monocrystalline copper. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020; 108: 1587-1599
15. O’Toole L., Kang C., Fang F. Z. Advances in rotary ultrasonic-assisted machining. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2019; 3(1): 1-25
16. Melentiev R., Fang F. Z. Investigation of erosion temperature in micro-blasting. Wear. 2019; 420: 123-132
17. Musgrave C. S. A., Fang F. Z. Contact lens materials: A materials science perspective. Materials. 2019; 12(2): 261
18. Fang F. Z., Gu C., Hao R., You K., Huang S., Recent progress in surface integrity research and development. Engineering. 2018; 4(6): 754-758
19. Fang F. Z., Xu F. Recent advances in micro/nano-cutting: Effect of tool edge and material properties. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2018; 1(1): 4-31
20. Kang C., Fang F. Z. State of the art of bioimplants manufacturing: part I. Advances in Manufacturing. 2018; 6(1): 20-40
21. Fang F. Z., Zhang X., Gao W., Guo Y., Byrne G., Hansen H. N. Nanomanufacturing- perspective and applications. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology. 2017; 66(2): 683-705
22. Fang F. Z., Zhang N., Zhang X. Precision injection molding of freeform optics. Advanced Optical Technologies. 2016; 5(4): 303–324
23. Fang F. Z., Zeng Z., Zhang X., Jiang L. Measurement of micro-V-groove dihedral using white light interferometry. Optics Communications. 2016; 359: 297-303
24. Fang F. Z., Liu B., Xu Z. Nanometric cutting in a scanning electron microscope. Precision Engineering-Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology. 2015; 41: 145-152
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25. Fang F. Z., Xu F., Lai M. Size effect in material removal by cutting at nano scale. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2015; 80(1-4): 591-598
26. Fang F. Z., Zhang X., Weckenmann A., Zhang G., Evans C. Manufacturing and measurement of freeform optics. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology. 2013; 62(2): 823-846
27. Fang F. Z., Cheng Y., Zhang X. Design of freeform optics. Advanced Optical Technologies. 2013; 2(5-6): 445-453
28. Fang F. Z., Chen Y., Zhang X., Hu X., Zhang G. Nanometric cutting of single crystal silicon surfaces modified by ion implantation. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology. 2011; 60(1): 527-530
29. Fang F. Z., Xu Z. W., Hu X., Wang C., Luo X., Fu Y. Nano-photomask fabrication using focused ion beam direct writing. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology. 2010; 59(1): 543-6
30. Fang, F. Z., Xu, Z., Hu, X., Wang, C., Luo, X., Fu, Y., 2010, Nano-photomask fabrication using focused ion beam direct writing, CIRP Annals, Vol 59/1, pp 543-546.
31. Gong, H., Fang, F. Z., and Hu, X., 2010, Kinematic view of tool life in rotary ultrasonic side milling of hard brittle materials, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 50/3, pp 303-307.
32. Xu, Z., Fang, F. Z., Fu, Y., Zhang, S., Han, T. and Li, J., 2009, Fabrication of micro/nano-structures using focused ion beam implantation and XeF2 gas-assisted etching, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 19/5, 054003(9pp)
33. Zhang, X., Fang, F. Z., Wang, H., Wei, G. and Hu, X., 2009, Ultra-precision machining of sinusoidal surfaces using the cylindrical coordinate method, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 19/5, 054004(7pp).
34. Fang, F. Z., Xu, Z., Hu, X., 2009, Fabrication and configuration of carbon nanotube probes in atomic force microscopy, CIRP Annals, Vol 58/1, pp 455-458.
35. Fang, F. Z., Zhang, X., Hu, X., 2008, Cylindrical coordinate machining of optical freeform surfaces, Optics Express, Vol. 16, pp 7323-7329.
36. Fang, F. Z., Xu, Z., Dong, S., 2007, High aspect ratio nanometrology using carbon nanotube probes in atomic force microscopy, CIRP Annals, Vol 56/1.
37. Wu, H., Fang, F. Z., Pei, Q., 2006, Study on nanometric cutting mechanism and burr formation using molecular dynamics simulation, International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol. 5, pp 547-551.
38. Pei, Q., Lu, C., Fang, F. Z., Wu, H., 2006, Molecular dynamics simulation of nanometric cutting process, International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol. 5, pp 633-638.
39. Pei, Q., Lu, C., Fang, F. Z., Wu, H., 2006, Nanometric cutting of copper: A molecular dynamics study, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 37, pp 434-441.
40. Fang, F. Z., Xiong, Z. and Hu, X., 2006, An experimental study of micromachining step-mirror for laser diode beam shaping, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 16, pp 214-218.
41. Fang, F. Z., Wu, H., Liu, Y., 2005, Modeling and investigation on machining mechanism of nano-cutting monocrystalline silicon, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 45, pp1681-1686.
42. Fang, F. Z., Liu, Y., 2004, On minimum exit-burr in micro cutting, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 14, pp 984-988.
43. Fang, F. Z., Wu, H., Liu, X., Liu, Y., and Ng, S., 2003, Tool geometry study in micro machining, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol 13, pp 726-731.
44. Fang, F. Z., Liu, X., and Lee, L., 2003, Ultra-precision machining of brittle materials, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, Vol 1, pp 38-47.
45. Fang, F. Z., Liu, X. and Lee, L., 2003, Micro machining of optical glasses, Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, (invited), Vol 28/5, pp 945-956.
46. Fang, F. Z., Lee, L., and Liu, X., 2005, Mean flank temperature measurement of high speed dry cutting of magnesium alloy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 167, pp 119-123.
47. Fang, F. Z., Venkatesh, V. C., and Zhang, G., 2002, Diamond turning of soft semi-conductors to obtain nanometric mirror surfaces, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 19/9, pp 637-641.
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48. Fang, F. Z., and Zhang, G., 2004, An experimental study of optical glass machining, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 23, pp 155-160.
49. Fang, F. Z., and Zhang, G., 2003, An experimental study of edge radius effect in cutting single crystal silicon, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 22, pp 703-707.
50. Fang, F. Z. and Chen, L., 2000, Ultra-precision cutting for ZKN glass, CIRP Annals, Vol 49/1, pp 17-20.
51. Fang, F. Z. and Venkatesh, V. C., 1998, Diamond cutting of silicon with nanometric finish, CIRP Annals, Vol 47/1, pp 45-49.
52. Fang, F. Z., 1998, Nano-turning of single crystal silicon, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 82, pp 95-101.
53. Venkatesh, V. C., Fang, F. Z. and Chee, W., 1997, On mirror surfaces obtained with and without polishing, CIRP Annals, Vol 46/1, pp 505-508.
Books and Journals:
1.Fang, F. Z.and Luo, J., guest editor, 2009, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Vol 27/3
2. 房丰洲,宫虎,张效栋,郭彤,2009,复杂曲面加工领域科学技术发展研究,机械工程学科发展报告,中国科学技术出版社.
3. Luo, J. and Fang, F. Z., guest editor, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol 19/5.
4. Fang, F. Z., Liu, K., T. Kurfess, and Lim, G. C., 2005, Tool-based Micro Machining and Applications in MEMS, MEMS/NEMS Handbook: Techniques and Applications, edited by C. T. Leondes, published by Kluwer Academic Press, Massachusetts, USA, Vol III, pp 63-126.
2024年7月,被授予“中国光学工程学会会士”称号 。
- 跳转 ↑ 房丰洲教授当选为国际生产工程院主席 ,天津大学, 2023-10-14
- 跳转 ↑ 天津大学教授房丰洲获国际制造领域杰出成就奖 ,科学网, 2015-06-13