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心有余悸 - 词语


出自 柳洲《风雨桃花洲》:"谈到三年前倒圩的情景,赵老大心有余悸地说:'那次桃花洲的人淹死了一半,庄稼全毁了。'"。解释:危险的事情虽然过去了,回想起来还感到害怕。


中文名称; 心有余悸

外文名称; XīN YǒU Yú Jì

释义; 指对已过去的事心里仍感到害怕

体裁; 成语

出处; 《风雨桃花洲》

中文解释; 成语: 心有余悸

发音: xīn yǒu yú jì

英译: have terror in one's heart;be still in state of shock

示例: 孙犁《奋勇地前进、战斗-在一次座谈会上的发言》:"如果他第一次在路上遇到的只是井绳,他就不会心有余悸了。"

用法: 主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义; 指担心害怕。

近义词: 惊弓之鸟、谈虎色变。

反义词: 泰然自若、神色不惊、安之若素。

灯 谜:心有余悸(打一字)谜底:季


折叠简明释义 have a lingering fear;be still in a state of shock;experience a carry-over of fear;have not yet got over the scare;

例句 显然,投资者对于今年2月发生的事件仍然心有余悸当时有3家俄罗斯公司放弃了发行,一家公司降低了发行价格。

Apparently, investors are still spooked by the events of february, when three russian companies pulled their issues andone cut its price.


Far not said that the 1976 tangshan earthquake, despite the past 32 years but has remained a matter of fear.


Reporter and landslides occurred in the vicinity of residential communities in their conversation, you can feel that they stillfear.


The age of 68 this year, sachiko narita old haunt told reporters these days because of aftershocks, basically sleep well atnight.


Because there is a principle is also not clear, the "gang of four" cultural autocracy--still in trouble, some of our comradesstill have a lingering fear.


Never destroyed, had not hurt, even without any cause or reason said of peaceful times. Under an evil, will let me have alingering fear fear, trembling, for several days.[1]


  1. 心有余悸, 360国学 ,