2012/09—2016/06 貴州大學 經濟專業 學士
2016/09—2019/06 西南財經大學 財政學專業 碩士
2019/09—2022/06 西南財經大學 公共經濟制度與政策專業 博士
2022/07-至今 西南財經大學公共管理學院 講師
博士研究生課程:《綠色經濟發展理論》、《勞動經濟理論前沿》、《發展經濟學前沿問題研究》、《研究生博士階段核心研究方法 (學術寫作能力、R與GIS應用)》
Xu, C., Xu, Y., Chen, J., Huang, S., Zhou, B., & Song, M*. (2023). Spatio-temporal efficiency of fiscal environmental expenditure in reducing CO2 emissions in China’s cities. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI; JCR: Q1), 334, 117479.
Xu, C.* (2023). Towards balanced low-carbon development: driver and complex network of urban-rural energy-carbon performance gap in China. Applied Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1). 333, 120663.
Xu, C.* (2023). Economic inequality and carbon inequality: Multi-evidence from China's cities and counties. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI; JCR: Q1), 327, 116871.
Xu, C., Wang, B., Chen, J., Shen, Z., Song, M.*, & An, J. (2022). Carbon inequality in China: Novel drivers and policy driven scenario analysis. Energy Policy (SSCI; JCR: Q1), 170, 113259.
Xu, C.*, Wang, B., & Chen, J. (2022). Forest carbon sink in China: Linked drivers and long short-term memory network-based prediction. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI; JCR: Q1), 359, 132085.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Huang, S., Shen, Z., Song, M.*, & Wang, S. (2022). Adjusted carbon intensity in China: Trend, driver and network. Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1), 251, 123916.
Chen, J#., Xu, C#., Gao, M., & Li, D.* (2022). Carbon peak and its mitigation implications for China in the post-pandemic era. Scientific Reports (SCI; JCR: Q1; # equal contribution, Nature Portfolio Journal), 12(1), 1-16. (Top 100 Earth, Environment and Ecology Scientific Papers in 2022)
Chen, J., Xu, C., & Song, M.* (2022). Towards sustainable development: Distribution effect of carbon-food nexus in Chinese cities. Applied Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1), 309, 118470.
Chen, B., Xu, C., Wu, Y., Li, Z., Song, M.*, & Shen, Z.* (2022). Spatiotemporal carbon emissions across the spectrum of Chinese cities: Insights from socioeconomic characteristics and ecological capacity. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI; JCR: Q1), 306, 114510. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Chen, J., Liu, J., Qi, J., Gao, M., Cheng, S.*, Li, K., & Xu, C. (2022). City-and county-level spatio-temporal energy consumption and efficiency datasets for China from 1997 to 2017. Scientific Data (SCI; JCR: Q1, Nature Portfolio Journal), 9(1), 1-16.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Wu, Y., Li, Z., & Song, M.* (2022). Drivers and trajectories of China’s renewable energy consumption. Annals of Operations Research (SSCI; JCR: Q1), 313(1), 441-459.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Wang, Y., Li, D., & Song, M.* (2021). Carbon neutrality based on vegetation carbon sequestration for China's cities and counties: Trend, inequality and driver. Resources Policy (SSCI; JCR: Q1), 74, 102403.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Shahbaz, M., & Song, M.* (2021). Interaction determinants and projections of China’s energy consumption: 1997–2030. Applied Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1), 283, 116345.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Xie, Q., & Song, M.* (2020). Net primary productivity‐based factors of China's carbon intensity: a regional perspective. Growth and Change (SSCI; JCR: Q2), 51(4), 1727-1748.
Xu, C.* (2020). Determinants of carbon inequality in China from static and dynamic perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI; JCR: Q1), 277, 123286.
Chen, J., Xu, C., & Song, M.* (2020). Determinants for decoupling economic growth from carbon dioxide emissions in China. Regional Environmental Change (SCI; JCR: Q2), 20(1), 1-12.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Song, M.*, Xie, Q., & Liu, X. (2020). Regional disparities and influencing factors for carbon productivity change in China’s transportation industry. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (SCI; JCR: Q1), 14(8), 579-590.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Managi, S., & Song, M.* (2019). Energy-carbon performance and its changing trend: an example from China’s construction industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling (SCI; JCR: Q1), 145, 379-388.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Cui, L., Huang, S., & Song, M.* (2019) Driving factors of CO2 emission and inequality character in China: A combined decomposition approach. Energy Economics (SCI/SSCI; JCR: Q1), 78, 589-597. (ESI Highly Cited Paper,入選中國內地(2010年至2020年)在「經濟學和商學」領域282份高被引文章(英文)名單)
Chen, J., Wu, Y., Xu, C., Song, M.*, & Liu, X. (2019) Global non-fossil fuel consumption: Driving factors, disparities, and trends. Management Decision (SSCI; JCR: Q1), 57(4), 791-810. (ESI Highly Cited Paper,入選中國內地(2010年至2020年)在「經濟學和商學」領域282份高被引文章(英文)名單)
Chen, J., Xu, C., Li, K., & Song, M.* (2018). A gravity model and exploratory spatial data analysis of prefecture-scale pollutant and CO2 emissions in China. Ecological Indicators (SCI; JCR: Q1), 90, 554-563.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Song, M.*, & Liu, X. (2018). Driving factors of China’s energy productivity and its spatial character: Evidence from 248 cities. Ecological Indicators (SCI; JCR: Q1), 90, 18-27.
吳茵茵*,徐沖,陳建東. 不完全競爭市場中差異化環保稅影響效應研究[J]. 中國工業經濟,2019,(05):43-60.