1999.06-2002.06 北京林業大學生物學院攻讀博士學位
2002.07-2004.06 中國林業科學研究院林業所做博士後研究工作
2004.06-2005.02 中國林業科學研究院林業所工作,任副研究員
2005.02-2006.02 澳大利亞CSIRO做博士後研究員
2006.03-2008.06 北京林業大學生物學院工作,任副教授
2008.06-至今 北京林業大學生物學院工作,任教授、博士生導師
2011.12-2017.05 北京林業大學生物學院工作,任副院長
2017.06-至今 北京林業大學國際交流與合作處,任處長
1、國家自然科學基金面上項目「毛白楊優異種質資源表觀遺傳效應及功能解析」 (項目編號31670333)。
2、國家重點研發計劃(基礎研究)課題「樹木次生生長的群體變異遺傳解析」 (課題編號2016YFD0600102)。
- 1、國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(「973」計劃)課題「木材品質性狀的聯合遺傳學研究」 (課題編號2012CB114506)。
- 2、國家自然科學基金面上項目「反義RNA抑制楊樹UDP-葡萄糖脫氫酶基因表達的研究」(項目編號30471409)。
- 3、國家自然科學基金面上項目「毛白楊木材纖維品質相關基因的單核苷酸多態性分析和連鎖不平衡作圖」(項目編號30600479)。
- 4、國家自然科學基金面上項目「楊樹木材形成過程中幹細胞維持和分化的基因調控機制」(項目編號30872042)。
- 5、國家自然科學基金面上項目「楊樹木質部差異表達基因內插入、缺失的發生及其遺傳效應」(項目編號31170622)。
- 6、林業公益性項目「抗逆基因資源功能性評價關鍵技術研究「(項目編號201204306)。
- 7、教育部科學研究重大項目「應用SNP技術選育優質毛白楊工業用材新品種」(項目編號307006)。
- 8、全國百篇優秀博士論文專項基金「毛白楊基因組纖維素合成酶基因的SNPs發現及其應用」(項目編號200770)。
- 9、教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃專項基金「應用SNP技術選育「三北」防護林小葉楊新品種」(項目編號NCET-07-0084)。
- 10、北京市科技新星支持計劃專項基金(項目編號2007A032)。
- 11、國家林業局「948」項目「基於木材纖維素生物合成的基因輔助育種技術引進」(項目編號2009-4-22)。
10、獲 「北京市青年崗位能手」榮譽稱號;
- 1. Jianbo Xie, Kecheng Qian, Jingna Si, Liang Xiao, Dong Ci, and Deqiang Zhang*. Conserved noncoding sequences conserve biological networks and influence genome evolution. Heredity, 2018, doi: 10.1038/s41437-018-0055-4
- 2. Chenrui Gong, Qingzhang Du, Jianbo Xie, Mingyang Quan, Beibei Chen, and Deqiang Zhang*. Dissection of insertion-deletion (InDel) variants within differentially-expressed genes involved in wood formation in Populus. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 8: 2199
- 3. Jianbo Xie, Xiaohui Yang, Yuepeng Song, Qingzhang Du, Ying Li, Jinhui Chen, and Deqiang Zhang*. Adaptive evolution and functional innovation of Populus-specific recently evolved miRNAs. New Phytologist, 2017, 213: 206-219
- 4. Daling Zhou, Qingzhang Du, Jinhui Chen, Qingshi Wang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Identification and allelic dissection uncover roles of lncRNAs in secondary growth of Populus tomentosa. DNA Research, 2017, 24: 473-486
- 5. Ying Li, Yuepeng Song, Baohua Xu, Jianbo Xie, and Deqiang Zhang*. Poplar CBF1 functions specifically in an integrated cold regulatory network. Tree Physiology, 2017, 37 (1): 98-115
- 6. Wan Shi, Mingyang Quan, Qingzhang Du, and Deqiang Zhang*. The interactions between the long noncoding RNA NERDL and its target gene affect wood formation in Populus tomentosa. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1035
- 7. Liang Xiao, Mingyang Quan, Qingzhang Du, Jinhui Chen, Jianbo Xie, and Deqiang Zhang*. Allelic interactions among Pto-MIR475b and its four target genes potentially affect growth and wood properties in Populus. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1055
- 8. Longxin Wang, Bowen Wang, Qingzhang Du, Jinhui Chen, Jiaxing Tian, Xiaohui Yang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Allelic variation in PtoPsbW associated with photosynthesis, growth, and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2017, 292: 77-91
- 9. Qingzhang Du, Chenrui Gong, Qingshi Wang, Daling Zhou, Haijiao Yang, Wei Pan, Bailian Li and Deqiang Zhang*. Genetic architecture of growth traits in Populus revealed by integrated QTL analysis and association studies. New Phytologist, 2016, 209(3): 1067-1082
- 10. Jinhui Chen, Jianbo Xie, Beibei Chen, Mingyang Quan, Ying Li, Bailian, and Deqiang Zhang*. Genetic variations and miRNA-target interactions contribute to natural phenotypic variations in Populus. New Phytologist, 2016, 212(1): 150-160
- 11. Dong Ci, Yuepeng Song, Qingzhang Du, Min Tian, Shuo Han and Deqiang Zhang*. Variation in genomic methylation in natural populations of Populus simonii is associated with leaf shape and photosynthetic traits. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(3): 723-737
- 12. Yuepeng Song, Dong Ci, Min Tian and Deqiang Zhang*. Stable methylation of a noncoding RNA gene regulates gene expression in response to abiotic stress in Populus simonii. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(5): 1477-1492
- 13. Jiaxing Tian, Yuepeng Song, QingzhangDu, Xiaohui Yang, Dong Ci, Jinhui Chen, Jianbo Xie, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Population genomic analysis of gibberellin-responsive long noncoding RNAs in Populus. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(8): 2467-2482
- 14. Jianbo Xie, Jiaxing Tian, QingzhangDu, Jinhui Chen, Ying Li, Xiaohui Yang, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Association genetics and transcriptome analysis reveal a GA-responsive pathway involved in regulating photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(11): 3325-3338
- 15. Beibei Chen, Qingzhang Du, Jinhui Chen, Xiaohui Yang, Jiaxing Tian, Bailian Li and Deqiang Zhang*. Dissection of allelic interactions among Pto-miR257 and its targets and their effects on growth and wood properties in Populus. Heredity, 2016, 117 (2): 73-83
- 16. Qingshi Wang, Dong Ci, Tong Li, Peiwen Li, YuePeng Song, Jinhui Chen, Mingyang Quan, Daling Zhou, and Deqiang Zhang*. The role of DNA methylation in xylogenesis in different tissues of poplar. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1003
- 17. Mingyang Quan, Qingshi Wang, Souksamone Phangthavong, Xiaohui Yang, Yuepeng Song, Qingzhang Du, and Deqiang Zhang*. Association studies in Populus tomentosa reveal the genetic interactions of Pto-MIR156c and its targets in wood formation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1159
- 18. Mingyang Quan, Jiaxing Tian, XiaohuiYang, Qingzhang Du, Yuepeng Song, Qingshi Wang, Jinhui Chen and Deqiang Zhang*. Association studies reveal the effect of genetic variation in lncRNA UGTRL and its putative target PtoUGT88A1 on wood formation in Populus tomentosa. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2016,12(1): 8
- 19. Jiaxing Tian, Jinhui Chen, Bailian Li and Deqiang Zhang*. Association genetics in Populus reveals the interactions between Pto-miR160a and its target Pto-ARF16. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2016, 291(3), 1069-1082
- 20. Qingzhang Du, Zunzheng Wei, Xing Zhao, Xiaohui Yang, Dong Ci, and Deqiang Zhang*. Dissection of additive, dominant, epistatic roles of allelic variation within heat shock factor genes in Chinese indigenous poplar (Populus simonii). Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2016, 12:91
- 21. Haijiao Yang, Xiaohui Yang, Longxin Wang, Chenrui Gong, Beibei Chen, Qingzhang Du, and Deqiang Zhang*. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in two GID1s orthologs associate with growth and wood property traits in Populus tomentosa. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2016, 12: 109-
- 22. Yuepeng Song, Min Tian, Dong Ci, and Deqiang Zhang*. Methylation of microRNA genes regulates gene expression in bisexual flower development in andromonoecious poplar. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2015, 66(7): 1891–1905
- 23. Qingzhang Du, Jiaxing Tian, Xiaohui Yang, Wei Pan, Baohua Xu, Bailian Li, P?r K. Ingvarsson, and Deqiang Zhang*. Identification of additive, dominant and epistatic variation conferred by key genes in cellulose biosynthesis pathway in Populus tomentosa. DNA Research, 2015, 22(1):53–67
- 24. Jinhui Chen, Beibei Chen, Xiaohui Yang, Jiaxing Tian, Qingzhang Du and Deqiang Zhang*. Association genetics in Populus reveals the interactions between Pt-miR397a and its target genes. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 11672
- 25. Xiaohui Yang, Zunzheng Wei, Qingzhang Du, Jinhui Chen, Qingshi Wang, Mingyang Quan, Yuepeng Song, Jianbo Xie and Deqiang Zhang*. The genetic regulatory network centered on Pto-Wuschela and its targets involved in wood formation revealed by association studies. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 16507
- 26. Dong Ci, Yuepeng Song, Min Tian and Deqiang Zhang*. Methylation of miRNA genes in the response to temperature stress in Populus simonii. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 921
- 27. Jinhui Chen, Beibei Chen, and Deqiang Zhang*. Transcript profiling of Populus tomentosa genes in normal, tension, and opposite wood by RNA-seq. BMC Genomics, 2015, 16:164
- 28. Jinhui Chen, Mingyang Quan, and Deqiang Zhang*. Genome-wide identification of novel long non-coding RNAs in Populus tomentosa tension wood, opposite wood and normal wood xylem by RNA-seq. Planta, 2015, 241 (1): 125–143
- 29. Ying Li, Baohua Xu, Qingzhang Du, and Deqiang Zhang*. Association genetics and expression patterns of a CBF4 homolog in Populus under abiotic stress. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2015, 290(3): 913–928
- 30. Qingzhang Du, Lu Wang, Xiaohui Yang, Chenrui Gong, and Deqiang Zhang*. Populus endo-?-1,4-glucanases gene family: genomic organization, phylogenetic analysis, expression profiles and association mapping. Planta, 2015, 241(6): 1417–1434
- 31. Xiaohui Yang, Qingzhang Du, Jinhui Chen, Bowen Wang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Association mapping in Populus reveals the interaction between Pto-miR530a and its target Pto-KNAT1. Planta, 2015, 242(1): 77–95
- 32. Mingyang Quan, Jinhui Chen, and Deqiang Zhang*. Exploring the secrets of long noncoding RNAs. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16, 5467–5496
- 33. Ying Li, Baohua Xu, Qingzhang Du, and Deqiang Zhang*. Transcript abundance patterns of Populus C-REPEAT BINDING FACTOR2 orthologs and genetic association of PsCBF2 allelic variation with physiological and biochemical traits in response to abiotic stress. Planta, 2015, 242(1): 295–312
- 34. Yuepeng Song, Kaifeng Ma, Dong Ci, Zhiyi Zhang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Biochemical, physiological and gene expression reveals sex-specific differences floral development in Populus tomentosa. Physiologia Plantrum, 2014, 150(1): 18–31
- 35. Xiaohui Yang, Xinguo Li, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Identification of genes differentially expressed in shoot apical meristems and in mature xylem of Populus tomentosa. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2014, 32(2): 452–464
- 36. Qingzhang Du, Baohua Xu, Chenrui Gong, Xiaohui Yang, Wei Pan, Jiaxing Tian, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Variation in growth, leaf and wood-property traits of Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.), a major industrial tree species in Northern China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2014, 44(4): 326–339
- 37. Jiaxing Tian, Qingzhang Du, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the 5'UTR of UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (PtUGDH) associate with wood properties in Populus tomentosa. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2014, 10(2): 339–354
- 38. Bowen Wang, Qingzhang Du, Xiaohui Yang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Identification and characterization of nuclear genes involved in photosynthesis in Populus. BMC Plant Biology, 2014, 14:81
- 39. Yuepeng Song, Qingqing Chen, Dong Ci and Deqiang Zhang*. Effects of high temperature on photosynthesis and related gene expression in poplar. BMC Plant Biology, 2014, 14:111
- 40. Jiaxing Tian, Mengqi Chang, Qingzhang Du, Baohua Xu, and Deqiang Zhang*. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in PtoCesA7 and their association with growth and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2014, 289(3): 439–455
- 41. Qingzhang Du, Lu Wang, Daling Zhou, Haijiao Yang, Chenrui Gong, Wei Pan, and Deqiang Zhang*. Allelic variation within the S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase gene family is associated with wood properties in Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa). BMC Genetics, 2014, 15 (Suppl 1):S4
- 42. Zunzheng Wei, Guanyu Zhang, Qingzhang Du, Jinfeng Zhang, Bailian Li and Deqiang Zhang*. Association mapping for morphological and physiological traits in Populus simonii. BMC Genetics, 2014, 15 (Suppl 1):S3
- 43. Yuepeng Song, Dong Ci, Min Tian and Deqiang Zhang*. Comparison of the physiological effects and transcriptome responses of Populus simonii under different abiotic stresses. Plant Molecular Biology, 2014, 86(1): 139-156
- 44. Bowen Wang and Deqiang Zhang*. Association of allelic variation in PtoXET16A with growth and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(9): 16949-16974
- 45. Baohua Xu, Jiaxing Tian, Qingzhang Du, Chenrui Gong, Wei Pan and Deqiang Zhang*. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in a cellulose synthase gene (PtoCesA3) are associated with growth and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. Planta, 2014, 240(6): 1269–1286
- 46. Xiaohui Yang, Xinguo Li, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling reveals molecular signatures of secondary xylem differentiation in Populus tomentosa. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014, 3 (4): 9489-9504
- 47. Qingzhang Du, Wei Pan, Baohua Xu, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci within cellulose synthase (PtoCesA) genes are associated with growth and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. New Phytologist, 2013, 197(3): 763–776
- 48. Qingzhang Du, Chenrui Gong, Wei Pan, and Deqiang Zhang*. Development and application of microsatellites in candidate genes involved in wood formation in the Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.). DNA Research, 2013, 20(1): 31–44
- 49. Kaifeng Ma, Yuepeng Song, Zhen Huang, Liyuan Lin, Zhiyi Zhang, and Deqiang Zhang*. The low fertility of Chinese white poplar: dynamic changes in anatomical structure, endogenous hormone concentrations, and key gene expression in the reproduction of a naturally occurring hybrid. Plant Cell Reports, 2013, 32(3): 401–414
- 50. Qingzhang Du, Wei Pan, Jiaxing Tian, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. The UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase gene family in Populus: structure, expression, and association genetics. PLoS One, 2013, 8(4): e60880
- 51. Zunzheng Wei, Qingzhang Du, Jinfeng Zhang, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Genetic diversity and population structure in Chinese indigenous poplar (Populus simonii) populations using microsatellite markers. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2013, 31(3): 620–632
- 52. Jinhui Chen, Yuepeng Song, He Zhang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Genome-wide analysis of gene expression in response to drought stress in Populus simonii. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2013, 31(4): 946–962
- 53. Yuepeng Song, Kaifeng Ma, Dong Ci, Zhiyi Zhang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Sexual dimorphism floral microRNA profiling and target gene expression in andromonoecious poplar (Populus tomentosa). PLoS One, 2013, 8(5): e62681
- 54. Yuepeng Song, Kaifeng Ma, Dong Ci, Xueyuan Tian, Zhiyi Zhang, and Deqiang Zhang*. The SUPERMAN gene family in Populus: nucleotide diversity and gene expression in a dioecious plant. Plant Cell Reports, 2013, 32(8): 1277–1288
- 55. Kaifeng Ma, Yuepeng Song, Xiaohui Yang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Variation in genomic methylation in natural populations of Chinese white poplar. PLoS One, 2013, 8(5): e63977
- 56. Yuepeng Song, Qingqing Chen, Dong Ci, and Deqiang Zhang*. Transcriptome profiling reveals differential transcript abundance in response to chilling stress in Populus simonii. Plant Cell Reports, 2013, 32(9):1407–1425
- 57. Yuepeng Song, Kaifeng Ma, Dong Ci, Jiaxing Tian, Qingqing Chen, Bowen Wang, Zhiyi Zhang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Sexual dimorphic floral development in dioecious plants revealed by transcriptome, phytohormone, and DNA methylation analysis in Populus tomentosa. Plant Molecular Biology, 2013, 83(6):559–576
- 58. Qingzhang Du, Baohua Xu, Wei Pan, Chenrui Gong, Qingshi Wang, Jiaxing Tian, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Allelic variation in a cellulose synthase gene (PtoCesA4) associated with growth and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 2013, 3(11): 2069–2084
- 59. Jiaxing Tian, Qingzhang Du, Mengqi Chang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Allelic variation in PtGA20Ox associates with growth and wood properties in Populus spp. PLoS One, 2012, 7(12): e53116
- 60. Qingzhang Du, Deqiang Zhang*, and Bailian Li. Development of 15 novel microsatellite markers from cellulose synthase genes in Populus tomentosa (Salicaceae). American Journal of Botany, 2012, 99(2): e46–e48
- 61. Yuepeng Song, Kaifeng Ma, Wenhao Bo, Zhiyi Zhang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Sex-specific DNA methylation and gene expression in andromonoecious poplar. Plant Cell Reports, 2012, 31(8): 1393–1405
- 62. Kaifeng Ma, Yuepeng Song, Xibing Jiang, Zhiyi Zhang, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Photosynthetic response to genome methylation affects the growth of Chinese white poplar. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2012, 8(6): 1407–1421
- 63. Yuepeng Song, Zeliang Wang, Wenhao Bo, Yuanyuan Ren, Zhiyi Zhang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Transcriptional profiling by cDNA-AFLP analysis showed differential transcript abundance in response to water stress in Populus hopeiensis. BMC Genomics, 2012, 13: 286
- 64. Qingzhang Du, Bowen Wang, Zunzheng Wei,Deqiang Zhang*, and Bailian Li. Genetic diversity and population structure of Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa) revealed by SSR markers. Journal of Heredity, 2012, 103 (6): 853–862
- 65. Lu Wang, Baolei Wang, Zunzheng Wei, Qingzhang Du, Deqiang Zhang*, and Bailian Li. Development of 35 microsatellite markers from heat stress transcription factors in Populus simonii (Salicaceae). American Journal of Botany, 2012, 99(9): e357–e361
- 66. Deqiang Zhang*, Baohua Xu, Xiaohui Yang, Zhiyi Zhang and Bailian Li. The sucrose synthase gene family in Populus: structure, expression, and evolution. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2011, 7(3): 443–451
- 67. Deqiang Zhang*, Qingzhang Du, Baohua Xu, Zhiyi Zhang and Bailian Li. The actin multigene family in Populus: organization, expression and phylogenetic analysis. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2010, 284(2): 105–119
- 68. Deqiang Zhang*, Xiaohui Yang, Zhiyi Zhang and Bailian Li. Expression and nucleotide diversity of the poplar COBL gene. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2010, 6(2): 331-344
- 69. Mingquan Ding, Peichen Hou, Xin Shen, Meijuan Wang, Shurong Deng, Jian Sun, Fei Xiao, Ruigang Wang, Xiaoyang Zhou, Cunfu Lu, Deqiang Zhang, Xiaojiang Zheng, ZanminHu, Shaoliang Chen. Salt-induced expression of genes related to Na+ /K+ and ROS homeostasis in leaves of salt-resistant and salt-sensitive poplar species. Plant Mol Biol, 2010, 73(3): 251-269
- 70. Bala R Thumma, Bronwyn A Matheson, Deqiang Zhang, Christian Meeske, Roger Meder, Geoff M Downes and Simon G. Southerton. Identification of a cis-acting regulatory polymorphism in a eucalypt cobra-like gene affecting cellulose content. Genetics, 2009, 183(3): 1153-1164
- 71. Deqiang Zhang, Zhiyi Zhang and Kai Yang. Identification of AFLP markers associated with embryonic root development in Populus tomentosa. Silvae Genetica, 2007, 56(1): 27-32
- 72. Juan Du, Hongli Xie, Deqiang Zhang, Xinqiang He, Minjie Wang, Yingzhang Li, Keming Cui and Mengzhu Lu. Regeneration of secondary vascular system in poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.) as a novel system to investigate gene expression by a proteomic approach. Proteomics, 2006, 6(3): 881-895
- 73. Deqiang Zhang, Zhiyi Zhang and Kai Yang. QTL analysis of growth and wood chemical content traits in an interspecific backcross family of white poplar (Populus tomentosa × P. bolleana) × P. tomentosa. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2006, 36(8): 2015-2023
- 74. Deqiang Zhang*, Zhiyi Zhang, Kai Yang and Bailian Li. Genetic mapping in (Populus tomentosa×P. bolleana) and P. tomentosa Carr. using AFLP markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2004, 108 (4): 657-662
張德強。林業生物技術,第9章 林木分子標記輔助育種技術307-343。2010,中國科學出版社.北京
Qingzhang Du, Baohua Xu, Deqiang Zhang*, Bailian Li. Advances in Environmental Research. Volume 25,Construction of a Core Collection of Populus Tomentosa Based on SSR Markers in China. pp. 151-169 Pub. Date: 2012 2nd Quarter,ISBN: 978-1-61942-556-9
Yuepeng Song and Deqiang Zhang. Chapter 3:The role of long noncoding RNAs in plant stress tolerance, Book: Plant Stress Tolerance: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition, 2017 [1]