近几年主要围绕静电纺丝技术大范围组装纳米颗粒,并制备功能性复合材料方面展开工作。在排列电纺纤维及对复合薄膜的光学、表面增强拉曼(SERS)、光催化、电催化及锂离子电池等领域的性能研究方面有着丰富的经验积累,并取得了一系列研究成果。以第一作者和/或通讯作者身份在 Chem. Soc. Rev、Nano Energy、Appl. Catal. B-Environ.、Mater. Horiz.和J. Mater. Chem. A等国际学术期刊上发表学术论文23 篇, 其中2篇入选ESI Top1%高被引论文,1篇被选为封面论文,1篇被选为背封面论文,2篇被选为卷首论文,1篇被选为热点论文。授权国家发明专利8项。主持国家自然科学基金联合项目等7项。
1. 张传玲,刘江涛,姜志浩,卢兵荣,曹付虎,一种Co/N/S掺杂的多孔碳纳米管及其制备方法,中国,ZL201710258088.0,授权。
2. 张传玲,俞书宏,卢兵荣,曹付虎,一种新型金属有机配合物纤维及其衍生多孔碳纤维的制备方法,中国,CN201610221897.X,授权。
3. 张传玲,卢兵荣,曹付虎,刘江涛,姜志浩,一种新型金属有机配合物纤维及其衍生多孔碳纤维的制备方法,中国,ZL201710114796.7,授权。
4.张传玲, 李昊, 刘江涛, 姜志浩, 卢兵荣,一种N掺杂多孔碳纳米纤维@二氧化锡锂离子电池负极材料及其制备方法,中国,ZL201810125949.2,授权。
5.张传玲, 姜志浩, 刘江涛, 卢兵荣, 李昊,一种用作锂离子电池负极材料的二硫化钼包覆碳纳米纤维及其制备方法,中国,ZL201710906664.8,授权。
6.张传玲, 魏金兰, 刘江涛, 左路杰,王寒,高翔, 胡雨桢,一种Fe/N掺杂的多孔碳纤维的制备方法,中国,ZL201711190360.2,授权。
7. 俞书宏,张传玲, 光控开关控制元件的制备方法及光控开关 ,中国, CN201410776661.3,授权。
8. 俞书宏,张传玲, 静电纺丝法组装Au/Ag一维纳米结构单元及应用,中国,CN201210335544.4,授权。
[1] Chuan-Ling Zhang,* Hao Li, Qiang Zhang, Fu-Hu Cao, Yan Xie, Bing-Rong Lu, Wu-Di Zhang, Huai-Ping Cong, Hao Li, Core-shell structured porous carbon nanofibers integrated with ultra-small SnO2 nanocrystals for fast and stable lithium storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127705.
[2] Chuan-Ling Zhang*, Yan Xie, Jiang-Tao Liu, Fu-Hu Cao, Huai-Ping Cong, Hao Li*, 1D Core?Shell MOFs Derived CoP Nanoparticles-Embedded N-doped Porous Carbon Nanotubes Anchored with MoS2 Nanosheets as Efficient Bifunctional Electrocatalysts, Chem. Eng. J., 2021, 419, 129977.
[3] Chuan-Ling Zhang,* Jiang-Tao Liu , Hao Li , Ling Qin , Fu-Hu Cao * and Wang Zhang, The controlled synthesis of Fe3C/Co/N-doped hierarchically structured carbon nanotubes for enhanced electrocatalysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 261, 118224.
[4] Chuan-Ling Zhang*, Bing-Rong Lu, Fu-Hu Cao, Zhen-Yu Wu, Wang Zhang, Huai-Ping Cong, Shu-Hong Yu*, Electrospun metal-organic framework nanoparticle fibers and their derived electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction, Nano Energy, 2019, 55, 226.
[5] Chuan-Ling Zhang*, Zhi-Hao Jiang, Bing-Rong Lu, Jiang-Tao Liu, Fu-Hu Cao, Hao Li, Zhi-Long Yu, and Shu-Hong Yu*, MoS2 nanoplates assembled on electrospun polyacrylonitrile-metal organic framework-derived carbon fibers for lithium storage, Nano Energy, 2019, 61, 104-110.
[6] Chuan-Ling Zhang,* Bing-Rong Lu, Fu-Hu Cao, Zhi-Long Yu, Huai-Ping Cong and Shu-Hong Yu*, Hierarchically structured Co3O4@carbon porous fibers derived from electrospun ZIF-67/PAN nanofibers as anodes for lithium ion batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 12962–12968.
[7] Chuan-Ling Zhang*, Fu-Hu Cao, Jin-Long Wang, Zhi-Long Yu, Jin Ge, Yang Lu, Zhi-Hua Wang, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Highly Stimuli-Responsive Au Nanorods/Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) Composite Hydrogel for Smart Switch, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 24857-24863.
[8] Chuan-Ling Zhang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Spraying functional fibres by electrospinning, Mater. Horiz. 2016, 3(4): 266-269.
[9] Wudi Zhang, Qianyu Zhang, Qiufan Shi, Sen Xin, Jiang Wu, Chuan-Ling Zhang,* Lifeng Qiu, and Chaofeng Zhang*, Facile Synthesis of Carbon-Coated Porous Sb2Te3 Nanoplates with High Alkali Metal Ion Storage, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 29934-29940.
[10] Chuan-Ling Zhang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Nanoparticles meet electrospinning: Recent advances and future prospects, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 43, 4423.
[11] Chuan-Ling Zhang, Kong-Peng Lv, Huai-Ping Cong, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Controlled Assemblies of Gold Nanorods in PVA Nanofiber Matrix as Flexible Free-Standing SERS Substrates by Electrospinning, Small 2012, 8, 648.
[12] Chuan-Ling Zhang, Kong-Peng Lv, Nai-Yin Hu, Le Yu, Xi-Feng Ren, Shi-Lin Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Macroscopic-Scale Alignment of Ultralong Ag Nanowires in Polymer Nanofiber Mat and Their Hierarchical Structures by Magnetic-Field-Assisted, Small 2012, 8, 2936.
[13] Chuan-Ling Zhang, Kong-Peng Lv, Hai-Tao Huang, Huai-Ping Cong and Shu-Hong Yu*Co-assembly of Au nanorods with Ag nanowires within polymer nano?ber matrix for enhanced SERS property by electrospinning, Nanoscale 2012, 4, 5348.[1]