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2021.08-至今 福州大学 电气工程与自动化学院 副教授

2019.08-2020.07 江苏省如皋市如城工业园区 副书记/副主任 (挂职)

2018.11-2021.07 清华大学,电机工程与应用电子技术系,电气工程 博士后,合作导师:周远翔教授

2018.02-2018.08 英国莱斯特大学 工程学院 访问学者

2013.08-2018.07 清华大学,电机工程与应用电子技术系,电气工程 博士,导师:周远翔教授

2009.08-2013.07 清华大学,电机工程与应用电子技术系,电气工程及自动化、经济学双学士学位




[1] 2020.01-2022.12,国家自然科学基金,基于微观界面荷电表征的纳米电介质老化机制及抑制方法研究,主持;

[2] 2020.01-2020.12,北京市自然科学基金,核壳结构纳米电介质微观荷电特性及其对绝缘性能的影响机制,主持;

[3] 2019.04-2020.08,博士后面上基金(一等资助),运行工况下硅橡胶直流电树枝老化机理及抑制方法研究,主持;

[4] 2020.07-2021.12,新能源电力系统国家重点实验室课题,主持;

[5] 2021.01-2015.12, 国家自然科学基金重点项目,太赫兹空间电荷直流绝缘缺陷的三维构像及演化机理,主要参与;

[5] 2020.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金,直流电压下绝缘材料温阻特性的相变调控和电场优化研究,主要参与;

[6] 2014.1-2012.12,国家973计划项目: 多场耦合作用下固体绝缘介质空间电荷和电导的稳态暂态过程, 主要完成人;



[1] Y. X. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, C. Wu, et al. Charge transport dynamics and the effects on electrical tree degradation under DC voltages in thermally aged silicone rubber. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020 (SCI)

[2] Y. X. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, et al. DC electrical tree initiation in silicone rubber under temperature gradient. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 2018 (SCI)

[3] Y. X. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, et al. Electrical treeing behaviors in silicone rubber under impulse voltage considering high temperature, Plasma Science and Technology, 2018 (SCI)

[4] Y. X. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, et al. Temperature Dependence of DC Electrical Tree Initiation in Silicone Rubber Considering Defect Type and Polarity, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 2017 (SCI)

[5] Y. X. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, M. Chen, et al. Electrical Tree Initiation in Silicone Rubber under DC and Polarity Reversal Voltages, J. Electrostatics, 2017 (SCI)

[6] Y. X. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, R. Liu, et al. Three-Dimensional Morphology and Spherical Growth Mechanisms of Electrical Trees in Silicone Rubber, J. Electrostatics, 2015 (SCI)

[7] Y. X. Zhou, Y. X. Zhang, L. Zhang, et al. Electrical Tree Initiation of Silicone Rubber after Thermal Aging, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 2016 (SCI)

[8] Y. X. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, L. Zhang, et al. Electrical Trees and Their Growth in Silicone Rubber at Various Frequencies, Energies, 2018 (SCI)

[9] X. Q. Zhu(#), Y. X. Zhang(#), Y. X. Zhou, et al. Moisture absorption characteristics of nanoparticle-doped silicone rubber and its influence mechanism on electrical properties,Polymers, 2021 (SCI)

[10] L. Zhang, Y. X. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, et al. Crystalline modification and its effects on dielectric breakdown strength and space charge behavior in isotactic polypropylene. Polymers, 2018 (SCI)

[11] B. Y. Zhang, M. Ghassemi, Y. X. Zhang. Insulation Materials and Systems for Power Electronics Modules: A Review Identifying Challenges and Future Research Needs, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 2020 (SCI)

[12] B. Y. Zhang, Q, Wang, Y. X. Zhang, et al. A self-assembled, nacre-mimetic, nano-laminar structure as a superior charge dissipation coating on insulators for HVDC gas-insulated systems, Nanoscale, 2019 (SCI)

[13] Q. Wang, X. D. Liang, S. M. Liu, Y. X. Zhang, et al. Interfacial and Bulk Polarization of P(VDF-HFP) Investigated by Dielectric Spectroscopy, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 2021 (SCI)

[14] X. Huang, Y. X. Zhou, Q. Z. Gesang, L. Zhang, Y. X. Zhang, et al.Construction of Nanocellulose Sandwich-structured Insulating Paper and Its Enhancement for Mechanical and Electrical Properties, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 2021 (SCI)

[15] L. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, C. Y. Teng, Y. X. Zhang, et al. Transient dynamics of packet-like space charge in low-density polyethylene at high temperatures, J. Electrostatics, 2017. (SCI)

[16] L. Zhang, Y. X Zhou, C. Y. Teng, Y. X. Zhang, et al. Effect of epitaxial crystallization on packet-like space charge characteristics in low-density polyethylene under multi-field coupling conditions, J. Electrostatics, 2017. (SCI)

[17] L. Zhang, Y. X Zhou, C. Y. Teng, Y. X. Zhang, et al. Transient behavior of space charge in heat-treated low-density polyethylene under coupled fields, Sensors and Materials, 2017. (SCI)

[18] C. Y. Teng, Y. X. Zhou, S. H. Li, L. Zhang, Y. X. Zhang, et al. Regulation of temperature resistivity characteristics of insulating epoxy composite by incorporating positive temperature coefficient material, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 2020 (SCI)

[19] C. Y. Teng, W. J. Zhou, Y. X. Zhou, L. Zhang, Y. X. Zhang, et al. Improvement of the electrical resistivity of epoxy resin at elevated temperature by adding a positive temperature coefficient BaTiO3-based compound, Plasma Science and Technology, 2020 (SCI)

[20] Y. X. Zhou, L. Zhang, Y. X. Zhang, et al. Characterization and comprehension of corona partial discharge in air under power frequency to very low frequency voltage, Plasma Science and Technology, 2018 (SCI)

[21] Z. L. Zhou, Y. X. Zhou, X. Huang, Y. X. Zhang, et al. Feature Extraction and Comprehension of Partial Discharge Characteristics in Transformer Oil from Rated AC Frequency to Very Low Frequency, Energies, 2018 (SCI)

[22] J. G. Deng, M. Y. Wang, Y. X. Zhou, Z. L. Zhou, Y. X. Zhang, et al. Partial discharge characteristics of uniform gap in oil-impregnated paper insulation under switching impulse voltage. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 2017. (SCI)

[23] Y. X. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, L Zhang, et al. Electrical Tree Evolution under DC Voltages and Its Differences from AC Trees in Silicone Rubber,IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 2020. (EI)

[24] Y. X. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, L Zhang, et al.Electrical Tree Growth and Its Partial Discharge Pattern in Silicone Rubber under AC Voltages,IEEE Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, 2020. (EI)

[25] Y. X. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, L Zhang, et al. Electrical Tree Initiation and Propagation in Silicone Rubber under Long-term AC Aging, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 2016. (EI)

[26] Y. X. Zhang, Y. X. Zhou, X Zhang, et al. Characteristics of electrical treeing initiation and propagation in silicone rubber // 9th International Conference on Power Insulated Cables: Jicable’15, 2015:(F2.15)1-5.

[27] 李科, 张云霄, 周远翔, 等. 退火速率对环保型聚乳酸材料直流击穿和电导电流特性的影响. 电工技术学报, 2020.(EI)

[28] 周远翔, 张云霄, 刘睿, 等. 热老化时间对硅橡胶电树起始特性的影响研究, 高电压技术. 2014. (EI)


IEEE PES中国区高压绝缘技术委员会高压内绝缘技术分委会 秘书长/理事

中国电工技术学会 青年委员


国家电网有限公司高海拔高电压实验室 青年委员

《绝缘材料》杂志社编委会 青年委员

IEEE协会 会员

CIGRE协会 会员

电工技术学会 会员

IEEE TDEI、JAPS、AIP Advances、Optical materials、高电压技术、绝缘材料等多个期刊审稿人


2021年,The International Conference on Advanced Electrical Equipment and Reliable Operation, 国际会议分会场主席

2021年,The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment,国际会议分会场主席

2017年,Excellent Oral Presentation in 8th International Conference on Applied Electrostatics,国际会议优秀报告奖


2019年, 中国博士后基金面上项目一等资助


2020年, 江苏科技镇长团荣誉团员

2014年, 研究生国家奖学金



2010-2012年,清华大学学业一等奖学金 3次[1]
