Shang, H., 2013. "Inference in Asset Pricing Models with a Low-Variance Factor." Journal of Banking and Finance 37, 1046-1060.
Shang, H., P. Yuan, and L. Huang, 2016. "Macroeconomic factors and the cross-section of commodity futures returns." International Review of Economics & Finance, 45: 316-332.
Shang, H., Q.Y. Song, and Y. Wu, 2017. "Credit market development and firm innovation: evidence from the People's Republic of China." Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy,22:, 71-89.
Shang H., T. Zhang, and P.M. Ouyang, 2018. "Credit allocation and firm productivity under financial imperfection: evidence from China" Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 54: 992-1010
Shang, H., Q.Y. Song, and Y. Wu, 2017. "Credit market development and firm innovation: evidence from the People's Republic of China." ADBI working paper 649.
Shang, H., Q.Y. Song, and Y. Wu, 2018. "Developing Credit Markets in Provinces Improves Innovation among Firms in the People’s Republic of China." VoxChina.org
The ADBI paper has been included in the book, "Avoiding the Middle-income Trap in Asia: The Role of Trade, Manufacturing, and Finance", Brookings Institution Press, 2018.
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