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出生 1965年5月
国籍 中国
母校 英国皇家工程院
职业 教育科研工作者

宋士吉,男, 1965年5月生于 黑龙江省富锦市清华大学自动化系教授博士生导师[1],毕业于2009年获英国皇家工程院授予的"Distinguished Visiting Fellowship"奖









1993年3月至1996年5月, 哈尔滨工业大学数学系,获博士学位

1986年9月至1989年5月,哈尔滨工业大学数学系, 获硕士学位

1982年9月至1986年7月, 哈尔滨师范大学数学系,获学士学位


2006年12月至今, 清华大学自动化系教授



1996年7月至1998年9月,中国海洋大学海洋环境科学与工程, 博士后








2003年1月至今, 《模糊系统与数学》编委


《Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems》,series A, Associated Editor

《Mathematics and Computers in Simulation》,Guest Editor


1. 复杂工业系统建模、分析、优化运行与智能控制

2. 复杂供需链系统的库存管理及运输路径优化调度

3. 大规模生产制造过程车间/流水线问题优化调度

4. 基于缺失数据的统计学分析、智能预测与评价技术

5. 大洋矿产资源可视化信息系统及其应用



[1] 面向大型原料采购过程的复杂物流系统建模、库存优化与协同配送策略,国家自然科学基金,批准号:60874071,起止时间:2009,01-2011,12

[2] 基于多级库存随机分布特征的微元法建模、优化算法及在大型采购物流中应用,教育部高等学校博士点基金,批准号:20090002110035,起止时间:2010,01-2012,12

[3] "十一五"大洋信息系统研究与建设,国家海洋局大洋专项,批准号:DYXM-115-03 -3,起止时间:2007,01-2010,12

[4] 全球海底热液硫化物数据库研究,清华大学自主研究计划项目,起止时间:2010,10-2012,12

[5]国际海域热液硫化物资源调查可视化平台及其业务化运行, 起止时间:国家海洋局大洋专项,2011,01-2015,12

[6] 大型钢铁原料采购物流的虚拟库存管理及协同配送技术研究, 科技部863项目, 批准号:2007AA04Z102,起止时间:2007,10-2009,12

[7] 中央空调整体节能优化控制算法及软件研究,企业联合开发横向课题,批准号:20102001045,起止时间:2009,08-2010,12

[8] 风力发电场数据挖掘与专家系统预测与故障诊断技术及其应用验证,企业联合开发横向课题,起止时间:2011,04-2011,12

[9] 基于不确定动态系统的递归网络实时优化计算及应用,国家自然科学基金,批准号:60574077,起止时间:2006,01-2008,12

[10] 基于神经网络与动态规划的智能优化算法及在复杂生产制造过程中应用,科技部973项目子课题,批准号:2002CB312205-05,起止时间:2002,01-2006,12

[11] XX-X运载火箭姿态控制系统高精度传递函数计算,清华大学-运载火箭技术研究院联合研究项目,批准号:2007AV4676,起止时间:2007,07-2008,12

[12] 基于模糊微分方程的不确定系统的稳定性分析与控制,国家自然科学基金,批准号:60074015,起止时间:2001,01-2002,12

[13] UK-China Bridge in Sustainable Energy and Built Environment,英国政府资助中英科技桥合作项目,批准号:EP/G042594/1,起止时间:2009,04-2012,04

[14] 复杂芯片制造过程实时调度与优化控制理论和算法研究及应用,国家自然科学基金重点项目,批准号:60834004,起止时间:2009,01-2012,12

[15] 不确定时变非线性动态系统的分析与控制,国家自然科学基金重点项目,批准号:69934010,起止时间:2000, 01-2003, 12


[1] Jin Feng, Gupta J, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Single machine scheduling with sequence-dependent family setups to minimize maximum lateness. Journal of The Operational Research Society, 2010, 61(7): 1181-1189.

[2] Li Guocheng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng. Generalized gradient projection neural networks for nonsmooth optimization problems. Science China,Information Sciences, 2010, 53(5): 990-1005.

[3] Zhang Heming, Liang Silv, Song Shiji, Truncation Error Calculation based on Richardson Extrapolation for Variable-Step Collaborative Simulation, Science China,Information Sciences, 2011, 54(6): 1-13.

[4] Yuli Zhang, Shiji Song, Cheng Wu, Wenjun Yin,A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Two-stage Multi-item Inventory System with Stochastic Demand. Neural Computing and Applications, 2011, accepted

[5] Yukui Zhang, Shiji Song, Cheng Wu, Heming Zhang, Kang Li,Identification Based on Fuzzy Inference Rules of Chiller Model in HVAC System with Intelligent Optimization Algorithms. Neural Computing and Applications, 2011, accepted

[6] Jin Feng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Dominance property based tabu search for single machine scheduling problems with family setups. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,2009, 20(6): 1233-1238.

[7] Jin Feng,Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, A simulated annealing algorithm for single machine scheduling problems with family setups. Computers & Operations Research,2009, 36: 2133- 2138.

[8] Ji Pengcheng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Infinitesimal Dividing Modeling Method for Dual Suppliers Inventory Model with Random Lead Times. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,2009, 20(3):527-536.

[9] Jin Feng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Structural Property and Meta-heuristic for the Flow Shop Scheduling Problem. In Computational Intelligence in Flow Shop and Scheduling, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Editor Uday K. Chakraborty, 2009, pp.1-20.

[10] Jin Feng, Gupta JND, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Makespan distribution of permutation flowshop schedules. Journal of Scheduling, 2008,11: 421-432.

[11] Jin Feng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng,A simulated annealing based beam search algorithm for the flow-shop scheduling problem. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2008, 22: 65-75.

[12] Wang Xizhao,Li Chunguo, Yeung D.S., Song, Shiji, A definition of partial derivative of random functions and its application to RBFNN sensitivity analysis. Neurocomputing, 2008, 71:1515-1526.

[13] Zou Hongxing, Song Shiji, Liu Zhixin, Chen Yongqiang and Li Yanda, Acceleration- based Dopplerlet transform - Part I: Theory. Signal Processing, 2008, 88: 931-945.

[14] Jin Feng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, An improvement of NEH algorithm with application in large scale FSP. IIE Transactions, 2007, 39: 229-234.

[15] Li Guocheng, Song Shiji, Zhang Bo, Controllability of nonlinear integrodifferential systems in Banach space with nonlocal conditions. Dynamic Systems and Applications, 2007, 16: 729-741.

[16] Li Guocheng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Subgradient-based feedback neural networks for solving non-differentiable convex optimization problems. Science in China, Series F, 2006, 49: 421-435.

[17] Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Xue XP, Existence and uniqueness of Cauchv problem for fuzzy differential equations under dissipative conditions. Computer And Mathematics with Applications, 2006, 51: 1483-1492.

[18] Song Shiji, Li Guocheng, Guan Xiaohong, A neural network model for non-smooth optimization over a compact convex subset. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISNN2006, 2006, 3971: 344-349.

[19] Li Guocheng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Differential inclusions-based neural networks for non-smooth convex optimization on a closed convex subset. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISNN2006, 2006,3971: 350-358.

[20] 李国成,宋士吉,吴澄,随机二阶多值周期问题解的存在性. 数学学报,2006,49: 1-6.

[21] 宋士吉,张龙,吴澄,随机环境下两周期库存系统基于风险效用的最优采购策略. 电子学报,2006, 34: 2058-2062.

[22] 哈明虎,冯志芳,宋士吉,高林庆,拟概率空间上学习理论的关键定理和学习过程一致收敛速度的界,计算机学报,2008,31: 476-485.

[23] Wu Xiaohui, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Study on risk analysis of supply chain enterprises. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2006, 17 :19-25.

[24]Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Lee ES. Asymptotic equilibrium and stability of fuzzy differential equations. Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 2005, 49: 1267-1277.

[25] Zhang Long, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng. Supply chain coordination of loss-averse newsvendor with contract. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2005, 10: 133-140.

[26]Shen Xisheng, Song Shiji, Cheng Lixin. A neural network for constrained saddle point problems: an approximation approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, 3610: 470-475.

[27]Wu Jianrong, Song Shiji. Filtering for linear noise correlation and its application to singular systems, Chinese Physics, 2004, 13:1978-1981.

[28]Li Guocheng, Xue Xiaoping, Song Shiji. On the periodic solution of differential inclusions and applications. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2004, 25: 168-177.

[29]Mo Yaru, Xue Xiaoping, Song Shiji. On stability of delayed cellular neural networks with sigmoid output functions. Science in China, Series F, 2003, 46: 371-380.

[30] Song Shiji, Wu Cheng. Reverse triple I method of restriction for fuzzy reasoning. Progress in Natural Science, 2002, 12(5): 373 -377.

[31]Song Shiji, Feng Chunbo, Lee ES. Triple I method of fuzzy reasoning. Computer and Mathematics with Applications. 2002, 44: 1567-1579.

[32]Song Shiji, Wu Cheng. Reverse triple I method of fuzzy reasoning. Science in China, Series F, 2002, 45: 344-364.

[33]Song Shiji, Feng Chunbo, Wu Congxin. Theory of restriction degree of Triple I method with total inference rules of fuzzy reasoning. Progress in Natural Science, 2001, 11(1): 58-66.

[34]Song Shiji, Guo Lei, Feng Chunbo. Global Existence of Solutions to Fuzzy Differential Equations. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2000, 115: 371-376.

[35]Song Shiji, Wu Congxin. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Cauchy Problem of Fuzzy Differential Equations. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2000, 110: 55-67.

[36]Song Shiji, Liu Qinyu, Xu Qichun. Existence and comparison theorem to volterra fuzzy integral equations in (En, D). Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1999, 104: 315-321.

[37]Song Shiji, Liu Qinyu. On disturbance evolution and nonlinear stability of the multilayer quasi-geostrophic basic flows. Science in China, Series D, 1999, 42: 160-171.

[38]Song Shiji, Liu Qinyu. Disturbance evolution and the nonlinear stability to the basic flows for two-dimensional quasi-geostrophic motion. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999, 44: 1179-1184.

[39]Song Shiji, Liu Qinyu, Qu Qichun. Existence and comparison theorems to Volterra fuzzy integral equation in (E^n, D). Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1999, 104: 315-321.

[40]Wu Congxin, Song Shiji. Existence Theorem to the Cauchy Pproblem of Fuzzy Differential Equations under Compactness-type Conditions. Information Sciences, 1998, 108: 123-134.


2009年获英国皇家工程院授予的"Distinguished Visiting Fellowship"奖






2.《Modeling and Optimization of Complex Networked Systems》,校研究生精品课



