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2010-2012 讲师, 北京大学经济学院

2012-2022 副教授,北京大学经济学院

2016至今 博导,北京大学经济学院

2022至今 长聘副教授,北京大学经济学院











Introduction to Chinese Economy(全英文)






Ji, X.* et al. Global value chain participation and trade-induced energy inequliaty. Energy Economics, 2022, accpetd.

Ji, X.* et al. Legislation improvement alleviates the decooupling between welfare and wealth in China. Ecological Economics, 2022, under review.


[1] Long, X., Ji, X.*. Economic growth quality, environmental sustainability, and social welfare in China-provincial assessment based on Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). Ecological Economics, 2019, 159: 157-176. (IF="5.389," Q1, Cited 25)

[2]Ji, X.* Liu, Y., Han, M., Meng, J.. The mutual benefits from Sino-Africa trade: Evidence on emission transfer along the global supply chain. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 263: 110332. (IF="6.789," Q1)

[3]Ji, X.*, Long, X. A Review of the ecological and socioeconomic effects of biofuel and energy policy recommendations. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 61: 41-52. (IF="14.982," Q1, Cited 53)

[4]Ji, X.*, Liu, Y., Meng, J., Wu, X.*. Global supply chain of biomass use and the shift of environmental welfare from primary exploiters to final consumers. Applied Energy, 2020, 276: 115484. (IF="9.746," Q1)

[5]Ji, X.*, Luo, Z.. Opening the black box of economic processes: Ecological Economics from its biophysical foundation to a sustainable economic institution. The Anthropocene Review, 2020, 7(3): 231-247. (IF="4.182," Q2)

[6]Ji, X., Han, M.*, Ulgiati, S.*. Optimal allocation of direct and embodied arable land associated to urban economy: Understanding the options deriving from economic globalization. Land Use Policy, 2020, 91: 104392. (IF="5.398," Q1)

[7]Ji, X.*, Yao, Y.X., Long, X.L.. What causes PM2.5 pollution? Cross-economy empirical analysis from socioeconomic perspective. Energy Policy. 2018, 119: 458-472. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 82, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

[8]Long, X.L., Ji, X.*, Ulgiati, S.. Is Urbanization eco-friendly? An energy and land use cross-country analysis? Energy Policy. 2017, 100: 387-396. (IF="6.142," Q1)

[9]Ji, X.*, Ren, J., Ulgiati, S.. Towards urban-rural sustainable cooperation: Models and policy implication. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 213: 892-898. (IF="9.297," Q1)

[10]Ji, X.*, Chen, B.*. Assessing the energy-saving effect of urbanization in China based on stochastic impacts by regression on population, affluence and technology (STIRPAT) model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 306-314. (IF="9.297," Q1, Cited 56)

[11]Wu, X.D., Guo, J.L., Li, C., Chen, G.Q.*, Ji, X.*. Carbon emissions embodied in the global supply chain: Intermediate and final trade imbalances. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 707: 134670. (IF="7.963," Q1)

[12]Wu, X.D., Guo, J.L., Ji, X., Chen, G.Q.*. Energy use in world economy from household-consumption-based perspective. Energy Policy, 2019, 127: 287-298. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 19)

[13]Wu, X.D., Ji, X., Li, C.H.,Xia, X.H., Chen, G.Q.*. Water footprint of thermal power in China: Implications from the high amount of industrial water use by plant infrastructure of coal-fired generation system. Energy Policy, 2019, 132: 452-461.(IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 16)

[14]Ji, X.*. Taking the pulse of urban economy: From the perspective of systems ecology. Ecological Modelling, 2015, 318: 36-48. (IF="2.974," Q2)

[15]Han, M.Y., Shao, L ., Li, J. S., Guo, S., Meng, J., Ahmad, B., Hayat, T., Alsaadi, F., Ji, X.*, Alsaedi, A., Chen, G.Q.. Emergy-based hybrid evaluation for commercial construction engineering: A case study in BDA. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 47: 179-188. (IF="4.958," Q1, Cited 19)

[16]Ji, X.*. Ecological accounting and evaluation of urban economy: taking Beijing city as the case. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011, 16(3): 1650-1669. (IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 25)

[17]Ji, X., Chen, G.Q.*. Unified account of gas pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions: Chinese transportation 1978-2004. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010. 15(9): 2710-2722. (IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 33)

[18]Chen, H., Chen, G.Q.*, Ji, X.*. Cosmic emergy based ecological systems modelling. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010. 15(9): 2672-2700. (IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 49)

[19]Ji, X., Chen, G. Q.*, Chen, B., Jiang, M.M.. Exergy-based assessment for waste gas emissions from Chinese transportation. Energy Policy, 2009. 37(6): 2231-2240. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 51)

[20]Yuan, X. H., Ji, X., Chen, H. Chen, B., Chen, G.Q.. Urban dynamics and multiple-objective programming: A case study of Beijing. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2008. 13(9): 1998-2017. (IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 35)

[21]Ji, X., Chen, G.Q.*. Exergy analysis of energy utilization in the transportation sector in China. Energy Policy, 2006. 34 (14): 1709-1719. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 74)

[22]Ghisellini, P.*, Ji, X., Liu, G.Y., Ulgiati, S.. Evaluating the transition towards cleaner production in the construction and demolition sector of China: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 195: 418-434. (IF="9.297," Q1, Cited 48)

[23]Li, J. S., Chen, G. Q.*, Lai, T. M., Ahmad, B., Chen, Z. M., Shao, L., Ji, X.. Embodied greenhouse gas emission by Macao. Energy Policy, 2013. 59: 819-833. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 57, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

[24]Zhang, B., Chen, G. Q.*, Xia, X. H., Li, S. C., Chen, Z. M., Ji, X.. Environmental emissions by Chinese industry: Exergy-based unifying assessment. Energy Policy, 2012. 45: 490-501. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 24)

[25]Han, M.Y., Chen, G.Q.*, Mustafa,M.T., Hayat, T., Shao, L., Li, J.S., Xia, X.H., Ji, X.. Embodied water for urban economy: A three-scale input–output analysis for Beijing 2010. Ecological Modelling, 2015. 318: 19-25. (IF="2.974," Q2, Cited 39)

[26]Jiang, M.M., Zhou, J.B., Chen, B., Yang, Z.F., Ji, X., Zhang, L.X., Chen, G.Q.. Ecological evaluation of Beijing economy based on emergy indices. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009.14(5): 2482-24.(IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 63)

[27]Yang, Q., Chen, B., Ji, X., He, Y. F., Chen, G. Q.*. Exergetic evaluation of corn-ethanol production in China. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009. 14 (5): 2450-2461. (IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 80, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

[28]Chen, G. Q.*, Jiang, M. M., Yang, Z. F., Chen, B., Ji, X., Zhou, J. B.. Exergetic assessment for ecological economic system: Chinese agriculture. Ecological Modelling, 2009, 220(3): 397-410. (IF="2.974," Q2, Cited 43)

[29]Chen, G. Q.*, Ji, X.. Chemical exergy based evaluation of water quality. Ecological Modelling, 2007, 200 (1-2): 259-268. (IF="2.974," Q2, Cited 45)


[1]季曦、熊磊. 中国石油资源的资产负债表编制初探. 中国人口·资源与环境. 2017年第6期.

[2]季曦、刘洋轩. 矿产资源资产负债表编制技术框架初探. 中国人口·资源与环境. 2016年第3期. (引用61)

[3]季曦、王小林. 碳金融创新与“低碳扶贫”. 农业经济问题. 2012年第1期, 79-88. (引用21)

[4]季曦、刘民权. 城市,人与环境——“城市的可持续发展”国际研讨会综述. 经济科学. 2011年第1期.

[5]季曦、刘民权. 以人类发展的视角看城市化的必然性. 南京大学学报(哲社版). 2010. 引用12

[6]周宏春、季曦. 改革开放30年中国环境保护政策演变. 南京大学学报(哲社版). 2009. 第46卷第1期, 31-40. (引用97)

[7]季曦、李刚. 推动中国生态经济学复兴,助力中国生态文明建设——首届“生态经济学与生态文明”国际会议综述. 生态经济. 2020年第6期.

[8]季曦. 资源经济学学科综述. 中国经济学年鉴2010. 中国社会科学出版社. 2011.


[1] 全球气候融资新趋势. 人民日报. 2011年11月02日(22 版)国际(经济透视)板块.

[2] 狼、羊,怎么取舍?人民日报. 2008年12月21日.


[1]《稳态经济新论》Herman Daly著. 人民大学出版社. 2020年3月.


[1]Xi Ji. (2020). Ecological economics in China: from origins, to inertia, to rejuvenation. In Costanza, R., J.D. Erickson, J. Farley, and I. Kubiszewski (editors). Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: 61-89.

[2]《公园城市发展报告(2020)——发展新范式》(潘家华,陈蛇主编). 社科文献出版社. 2020年11月.(编委).

[3]季曦,王小林. 低碳扶贫的机遇、挑战和政策建议. In 《利贫增长的公共政策研究》(中国国际扶贫中心编). 中国财政经济出版社 .2012

[4]中国发展报告2010:促进人的发展的中国新型城市化战略. 人民出版社.2011.(背景报告作者之一).









[1]担任Ecological Economics期刊Editor,Economia Politica期刊的Associate Editor







[8]Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management 编委;Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment编委;Biophysical Economics and Sustainability 编委

