[1] 孙九霞,女,教授、博士生导师,国内旅游人类学研究的领军人之一。现任中山大学旅游学院副院长、中山大学旅游休闲与社会发展研究中心主任。
学术兼职/Membership in Academic Organizations
现代旅游业发展协同创新中心副主任/Deputy director, Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Tourism Industry
天津财经大学兼职教授/ Adjunct professor , Tianjin University of Finance and Economics山东女子学院客座教授/ Visiting professor, Shandong Women’s University
中国人类学学会理事/Member of council, The Chinese Anthropological Society
中国地理学会旅游地理专业委员会委员/ Member, Professional Committee of Tourism Geography, Geographical Society of China
广东社会学会副会长/vice president of Guangdong Sociology Institute
广东省民族研究会理事/Member of council, Guangdong Ethnology Institute
人类学高级论坛青年学术委员会主席/ Chairman, Youth Academic Committee, Senior Forum of Anthropology金钟山旅游研究院副院长/ Deputy dean of JinzhongshanTourismAcademy