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百合超目 Lilianae

禾本目 Poales

禾本科 Poaceae

赖草属 Leymus


pendulus L. B. Cai

垂穗赖草(chuí suì lài cǎo),学名 Leymus pendulus L. B. Cai ,植株具延长根状茎。 膝曲下面的秆直立或稍,60-150厘米高,2-3毫米直径, 4-6有节,平滑。 叶鞘无毛或者粗糙,基生者宿存,通常瓦解进纤维; 叶舌2-3.5毫米,膜,先端钝; 叶片绿色,平的或内卷, 5-22(-53) * 0.2-0.7 厘米,两面粗糙,边缘疏生具微刺的或纤毛虫。 穗状花序悬架,带褐色,非常疏松,产于海拔2300-2400米的林地边缘和山谷中,分布于青海(西宁)。 [1]


植株具延长根状茎。 膝曲下面的秆直立或稍,60-150厘米高,2-3毫米直径, 4-6有节,平滑。 叶鞘无毛或者粗糙,基生者宿存,通常瓦解进纤维;

叶舌2-3.5毫米,膜,先端钝; 叶片绿色,平的或内卷, 5-22(-53) * 0.2-0.7 厘米,两面粗糙,边缘疏生具微刺的或纤毛虫。

穗状花序悬架,带褐色,非常疏松,23-32厘米; 轴节间的15-30毫米中间以下,6-12毫米上部,密被短柔毛。 小穗2或3 每节,1.1-1.5厘米,具5-9;

小穗轴节间的1-1.5毫米,密被微柔毛。 线状披针形,近等长的颖片,9-11毫米,草质,1脉,粗糙背面,边缘疏生具缘毛的在中部以上。

披针形的Lemma,昏暗5-脉,稀少具微刺背面,青春期或者接近边缘; 首先外稃6-9毫米, 花药黄或带紫色,2.5-3.5毫米颖果棕色,先端短柔毛。

FOC >> Vol.22 (2006) >> Poaceae >> Leymus | eFloras.org Link 8.Leymus pendulus L. B. Cai垂穗赖草 chui sui lai cao

Plants with extended rhizomes. Culms erect or slightly geniculate below, 60–150 cm tall, 2–3 mm in diam., 4–6-noded, smooth. Leaf sheath glabrous or scabrous, basal ones persistent, usually disintegrating into fibers; ligule 2–3.5 mm, membranous, apex obtuse; leaf blade green, flat or involute, 5–22(–53) × 0.2–0.7 cm, both surfaces scabrous, margin sparsely spinulose or ciliate.

Spikes pendent, brownish, very lax, 23–32 cm; rachis internodes 15–30 mm below middle, 6–12 mm distally, densely pubescent. Spikelets 2 or 3 per node, 1.1–1.5 cm, with 5–9 florets; rachilla internodes 1–1.5 mm, densely puberulent.

Glumes linear-lanceolate, subequal, 9–11 mm, herbaceous, 1-veined, scabrous abaxially, margin sparsely ciliate above middle. Lemma lanceolate, obscurely 5-veined, sparsely spinulose abaxially, pubescent along or near margin; first lemma 6–9 mm, with slender awn 2–3 mm.

Palea equaling or slightly longer than lemma, sparsely spinulose along keels, scabrous between keels, apex pointed or bifid. Anthers yellow or purplish, 2.5–3.5 mm. Caryopsis brown, apex pubescent.


  • Woodland margins, mountain valleys, bases of walls; 2300–2400 m. Qinghai (Xining).

林地边缘,山谷,墙基础; 海拔2300-2400米,青海(西宁)。


  1. 垂穗赖草, 植物智, 2020-01-18