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2020/12–至 今,合肥工业大学,土木与水利工程学院,讲师


[1] 中央高校专项资助项目(合肥工业大学青年教师科研创新启动经费),基于监测数据的高速铁路桥梁安全性能评定方法研究,JZ2021HGQA0248,2021/05-2023/04,主持;

[2] 澳大利亚ARC研究基金项目,基于先进传感技术在役桥梁承载能力评定研究,项目编号:LP160100528,2017-2020,参与;

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于非平稳振动响应瞬时特征的非线性桥梁结构模型修正方法研究,51578206,2016/01-2019/12,参与。


[1] Yu Xin, Jun Li, Hong Hao. Enhanced vibration decomposition method based on multisynchrosqueezing transform and analytical mode decomposition. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2021, e2730.

[2] Yu Xin, Hong Hao, Jun Li. Operational modal identification of structures based on improved empirical wavelet transform. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2019, 26(7): e2323.

[3] Yu Xin, Hong Hao, Jun Li. Time-varying system identification by enhanced Empirical Wavelet Transform based on Snchroextracting Transform. Engineering Structures, 2019, 196(1): 109313.

[4] Yu Xin, Hong Hao, Jun Li, ZuoCai Wang, HuaPing Wan, WeiXin Ren, Bayesian based nonlinear model updating using instantaneous characteristics of structural dynamic responses. Engineering Structures, 2019, 183: 459-474.

[5] Yu Xin, Jun Li, Hong Hao. Damage detection in initially nonlinear structures based on Variational Mode Decomposition. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2020, 20(10), 2042009.

[6] ZuoCai Wang, Yu Xin, WeiXin Ren. Nonlinear structural model updating based on instantaneous frequencies and amplitudes of the decomposed dynamic responses. Engineering Structures, 2015, 100: 189-200.

[7] ZuoCai Wang, Yu Xin, JinFeng Xing, WeiXin Ren. Hilbert low-pass filter of non-stationary time sequence using analytical mode decomposition. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2015, 23(15): 2444-2469.

[8] ZuoCai Wang, Yu Xin, WeiXin Ren. Nonlinear structural joint model updating based on instantaneous characteristics of dynamic responses. Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2016, 76-77: 476-496.

[9] Zhen Peng, Jun Li, Hong Hao, Yu Xin. High Resolution Time Frequency Representation for Instantaneous Frequency Identification by Adaptive Duffing Oscillator. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2020; 27: e2635.

[10] Gao Fan, Jun Li, Hong Hao, Yu Xin. Dynamic Response Reconstruction under Extreme Loading Conditions using Segment based Generative Adversarial Network. Engineering Structures, 2021; 234, 111970.

[11] HaoRan Zuo, KaiMing Bi, Hong Hao, Yu Xin, Jun Li, Chao Li. Fragility analyses of offshore wind turbines subjected to aerodynamic and sea wave loadings. Renewable Energy, 2020; 160: 1269-1282.

[12] ZuoCai Wang, DaYou Duan, HongRu Yu, Yu Xin, Fan Li. Local bending deformation monitoring of bi-dimensional bridge deck based on the displacement-strain transfer matrix. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2021[1]
