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《美丽的费隆妮叶夫人》(La belle ferronnière)被认为是达芬奇于大约1483年到1500年之间所画的一幅肖像画,这幅肖像画从某种程度上被认为是《蒙娜丽莎》画作的前身,现藏于卢浮宫。此画有时也被称作《无名女士的肖像》。卢浮宫方面认为这幅画是达芬奇在米兰求学时所做的作品。[1]
根据画作17世纪时的标题“La belle ferronnière”显示,所绘者可能是一名铁匠(即ferronnière)的女儿或妻子。达芬奇的《抱银鼠的女子》有时也用《美丽的费隆妮叶夫人》为标题。不过实际上此画的主人公究竟是谁并没有公论。她一度被认为是切奇利娅·加莱拉尼,[2] 但有学者认为这位女子应该是卢多维科·斯福尔扎之妻贝亚特丽斯·德斯特。[3] 也有人认为这是斯福尔扎的情妇卢克雷齐娅·克里韦利。[4]
此外,伯纳德·贝伦松认为其应是贝尔纳迪诺·德·康蒂(Bernardino de' Conti)。[5] 乔瓦尼·安东尼·博塔费奥则认为应是赫伯特·库克(Herbert Cook)。[6]
坎萨斯城艺术学院的一个版本曾被认为是真品,[7] 但后来被鉴定为伪作。所有者Andrée Lardoux Hahn女士因此将许多知名鉴定人以诽谤罪告上法庭。[8][9] 这场官司耗费了六万美元但没有得到显著成效。[10][11] 2010年1月28日以“可能在1750年以前由列奥纳多的追随者所绘”为名以150万美元的价格被人拍走,买主是身份未知的美国收藏家。[12]
- ↑ A. Brejon de Lavergnée and D. Thiébaut,Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du musée du Louvre (1981:193).
- ↑ Luke Syson and Larry Keith, Leonado Da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan, Exhibition Catalogue (National Gallery, London, 2011)
- ↑ Luke Syson and Larry Keith, Leonado Da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan, Exhibition Catalogue, National Gallery (London, 2011)
- ↑ "Controversial painting 'La Belle Ferronniere', once thought to be a da Vinci, sells for $1.5M" . New York Daily News. Reuters. January 29, 2010.
- ↑ Berenson, Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: Central Italian and North Italian Schools (1968:48).
- ↑ Herbert Cook, "Some Notes on the Early Milanese Painters Butinone and Zenale. Part III (Conclusion)-Zenale as a Portrait Painter" The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 5 No. 14 (May 1904:199-2090 p. 201f.
- ↑ Its earliest secure appearance was its purchase in 1847 by Antoine Vincent, from the collection of the comte de Betz, as from General Louis Tourton. (Brewer).
- ↑ "The most sensational art trial of the early twentieth century", according to John Brewer, "Art and Science: A Da Vinci Detective Story", Engineering and Science, No. 1/2 (2005); Brewer's The American Leonardo: A Tale of Obsession, Art and Money (New York: Oxford UP, 2009) is the definitive account of the Hahns' unsuccessful marketing of their painting.
- ↑ Bernard Berenson, Roger Fry, and the directors of the National Gallery, the Rijksmuseum, and others (Brewer).
- ↑ "Duveen on Da Vinci". Time.com. 1929-02-18 [2013-07-22].
- ↑ [ Displaying Abstract ]. "$500,000 suit hangs on da Vinci fingers: impressions on canvas said to prove master painted picture denounced by Duveen", ''The New York Times'', 5 November 1921. New York Times. 2012-06-10 [2013-07-22].
- ↑ "Mona Lisa She Is Not, but Coveted Nonetheless"
- ↑ "La belle Ferronière d'après Léonard de Vinci". Culture.gouv.fr. [2013-07-17].