毛九节 |
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中文名:毛九节 拉丁学名:Psychotria pilifera Hutchinson 别 名:牙歪硬、花叶九节木、 毛九节木、小功劳、牙歪摁 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:木兰纲 亚 纲:菊亚纲 目:茜草目 科:茜草科 亚 科:茜草亚科 族:九节族 属:九节属 |
毛九节(máo jiǔ jié),学名:Psychotria pilifera Hutchinson,俗名:牙歪硬、花叶九节木、毛九节木、小功劳、牙歪摁,异名:Psychotria siamica ,是茜草科,九节属植物。为灌木,高0.75-1.75米;小枝密被棕褐色卷曲长毛。果红色,长圆状椭圆形,无毛,长0.8-1厘米,直径4-5毫米,有纵棱,顶冠以宿萼片,宿萼片外面被长毛;种子2,黑色,腹面稍凹下,长5-6毫米。果期8-12月。 [1]
Shrubs, 0.75-1.75 m tall; stems densely villous to villosulous. Petiole 1-5 cm, densely villous; leaf blade drying papery or membranous, dark reddish brown, elliptic, elliptic-obovate, or elliptic-oblong, 8-23 × 3-11 cm, moderately to densely and similarly strigose to hirsute on both surfaces, base acute or obtuse to rounded, margins flat and ciliate, apex acute to shortly acuminate with tip to 1 cm and sometimes curved; secondary veins 5-15 pairs, not forming a submarginal vein, apparently without domatia; stipules caducous to tardily deciduous, ovate-triangular, interpetiolar, 15-25 mm, densely hirsute to villosulous, 2-lobed for ca. 1/2, lobes narrowly triangular, acuminate to caudate.
Inflorescences terminal becoming pseudoaxillary, congested-cymose to subcapitate, densely hirsute or villous, pedunculate; peduncle 3-6.5 cm; branched portion pyramidal to subglobose, 2-3.5 × 2-5 cm; bracts linear-lanceolate, 4-10 mm, ciliate, acuminate. Flowers subsessile. Calyx glabrescent to sparsely villosulous; hypanthium portion obconic, ca. 1 mm; limb 2.5-3.5 mm, lobed for ca. 2/3; lobes narrowly triangular to linear-lanceolate. Corolla in bud funnelform, outside villosulous, to 4 mm. Drupes red, oblong-ellipsoid, 8-10 × 4-5 mm, sparsely villosulous to glabrescent; pyrenes 3- or 4-ribbed. Fl. Jul, fr. Aug-Dec.
The protologue described the inflorescences as sometimes axillary, but this appears to be a description of the position separated here as pseudoaxillary. W. C. Chen (in FRPS 71(2): 59. 1999) described the petioles as becoming glabrescent with age and the secondary leaf veins as impressed above, but these conditions have not been seen on any of the specimens studied.The protologue described the inflorescences as sometimes axillary, but this appears to be a description of the position separated here as pseudoaxillary. W. C. Chen (in FRPS 71(2): 59. 1999) described the petioles as becoming glabrescent with age and the secondary leaf veins as impressed above, but these conditions have not been seen on any of the specimens studied.
生长于海拔1500-1700米的山谷溪边林中。● Forests in ravines; 1300-1700 m. Yunnan.
Psychotria pilifera Hutchins. in Sargent, Pl. Wils. 3: 415. 1916; 云南种子植物名录, 下册: 1269. 1984.