歌名:Without You
Without you
The ground thaws
The rain falls
The grass grows
Without you
The seeds root
The flowers bloom
The children play
The stars gleam
The poets dream
The eagles fly
Without you
The earth turns
The sun burns
But I die
Without you
Without you
The breeze warms
The girls smiles
The cloud moves
Without you
The tides change
The boys run
The oceans crash
The crowds roar
The days soar
The babies cry
Without you
The moon glows
The river flows
But I die
Without you
The world revives
Colors renew
But I know blue
Only blue
Lonely blue
Within me blue
Without you
Without you
The hand gropes
The ear hears
The pulse beats
Without you
The eyes gaze
The legs walk
The lungs breathe
The mind churns
The heart yearns
The tears dry
Without you
Live goes on
But I m gone
Cause I die
Without you
Without you
Without you
Without you
费翔(本名:Kris Philllps,1960年12月24日-),父亲是美国军人,母亲是中国人,出生于中国台湾,毕业于斯坦福大学戏剧系,美籍华裔男歌手、演员。[1]
费翔,上世纪八十年代最出名的华语流行音乐巨星,穿越了黑胶、卡带、CD、网络四大时代。中美混血,台湾歌星,归乡游子,特殊的身份与时代,使他成为当时少男少女们疯狂迷恋的第一男神,盒带销售超过三千万。但,一切戛然止于1989年。65场疯狂的全国巡演之后,他远渡重洋,自此脱离了我们的视线,成为百老汇演出公会里KRIS PHILLIPS。