



移除 3,210 位元組, 6 年前
2012年9月28日,國防部長[[高華柱]]說,蔡同榮推動美國國會法案,賣[[F16]]給台灣。<ref>{{cite news | language = | author = | coauthors = | url = http://www.taiwanus.net/news/press/2011/201109282127561631.htm| title =小英訪美斬獲大 推手蔡同榮| work = | publisher = 民視| pages = | date =2011-9-128 | accessdate = }}</ref>
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*Chai, Trong R. 1969. Professionals in Communist China: Conflict and Accommodation. Ph.D. diss., University of Southern California.
*______. 1975. ''Professionals in China: Conflict and Accommodation''. Tokyo: New Citizens Pub. Co.
*______. 1976. Taiwan for the Taiwanese: Taiwan Independence Movement, Its Characteristics and Prospects. In ''The Taiwan Issue: Proceedings of the Symposium, November 6, 1975'', edited by Jack F. Williams, 79-84. East Lansing: Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University.
*______. 1977a. A Content Analysis of the Obituary Notices on Mao Tse-tung. ''Public Opinion Quarterly'' 41 : 475-87.
*______. 1977b. Who Controls the State Council of China? ''Asia Quarterly'' 2: 143-62.
*______. 1978. Chinese Leaders' Support for Hua Kuo-feng: A Content Analysis. ''Asia Quarterly'' , no. 3: 189-208.
*______. 1979a. Communist Party Control over the Bureaucracy: The Case of China. ''Comparative Politics'' 11: 359-70.
*______. 1979b. Chinese Policy toward the Third World and the Superpowers in the UN General Assembly 1971-1977: A Voting Analysis. ''International Organization'' 33, no. 3: 391-403.
*______. 1980a. Chinese Politics in the General Assembly. Public Opinion Quarterly 44: 23-34.
*______. 1980b. The Communist Part of China: The Process of Institutionalization. ''Asian Affairs'' 11: 43-54.
*______. 1980c. Mao Zedong's Control over the State Council of China. ''Asian Quarterly'' , no. 2: 75-92.
*______. 1981a. The Chinese Academy of Sciences in the Cultural Revolution: A Test of the "Red and Expert" Concept. ''Journal of Politics'' 43, no. 4: 1215-29.
*______. 1981b. Political Participation, Institutionalization and Stability in China: A Test of Huntington's Theory. ''Social Science Journal'' 18: 25-40.
*______. 1981c. Chinese Policy toward the Third World in the UN General Assembly. ''International Interaction'' 8: 319-33.
*______. 1986. The Future of Taiwan. ''Asian Survey'' 26, no. 12: 1309-23.
*Chai, Trong R. 1989. Taiwan Should Remain Independent of China. In ''China: Opposing Viewpoints'', edited by William Dudley, and Karin Swisher, 184-90. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven.
*蔡同榮,2003,民視與我。台北:民視文化,ISBN 9572869825。
*蔡同榮,2007,熱情為台灣。台北:民視文化,ISBN 9789572982143。
*蔡同榮,2010,顧台灣。台北:民視文教基金會,ISBN 978-957-292816-7。
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*Shu, Wei-Der. 2005. Chapter Seven: Case Study (3): The Process of National Identity Formation of Trong R. Chai. In Transforming National Identity in the Diaspora: An Identity Formation Approach to Biographies of Activists Affiliated with the Taiwan Independence Movement in the United States, 386-479. Ph.D. diss., Syracuse University.