

Ready Aim Fire

來自 新浪看點 的圖片

外文名:Ready aim fire

歌曲原唱:Imagine Dragons

填 詞:Imagine Dragons



《Ready aim fire》是鋼鐵俠3(Iron Man 3)的一首歌曲,歌名意為準備,瞄準,開火,由Imagine Dragons演唱作詞。[1]



Ready Aim Fire 預備、舉槍、開火!

With our backs to the wall, 身後一片虛無

the darkness would fall 黑暗降臨眼前

We never quite thought we could loose it all 未料想我們的結局竟會是一無所有

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire 預備、舉槍、開火×2

An empire’s falling just one day 一個帝國的陷落也就一天光景

You close your eyes and the glory fades 你緊閉雙眼追憶崢嶸歲月已逝

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire away (fire!) 預備、舉槍、開火×2(開火!)

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire away 預備、舉槍、開火×2

Off in the distance, staring’s resistant 回憶像手中的沙抓不住、留不下

Bottling up and festering 只能飲恨將怨怒雪藏

Hey Mr Motion, make me a potion 軍醫給我一針強心劑,讓我重整雄風

Shake it all up with your mystery 大法師揮動你的魔棒,施下重生的咒語

How come I』ve never seen 我從來沒見過你

your face 』round here? 你這個陌生人

I know every single face 』round here 我認識這兒的每一個人

A man on a mission, changing the vision 原來是我轉換錯了視角,我才是那個索命的冤鬼

I was never welcome here 我才是不受歡迎的人

We don』t have a choice to stay 我們委身來到這不毛之地

We』d rather die than do it your way 我們寧願死不屈

With our backs to the wall, 我們身陷法場

the darkness would fall 死亡就要降臨

We never quite thought we could loose it all 未料想我們的結局竟會是一無所有

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire 預備、舉槍、開火×2

An empire’s falling just one day 一個帝國的陷落也就一天光景

You close your eyes and the glory fades 你緊閉雙眼追憶崢嶸歲月已逝

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire away (fire!) 預備、舉槍、開火×2(開火!)

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire away 預備、舉槍、開火×2

Back in the casing, shaking and pacing 將靈魂裝進皮囊,在輪迴之路上踽踽獨行

This is the tunnel’s light 在路的盡頭才是光明

Blood in the writing, stuck in the fighting 在那裡我們的血化為墨,骨化為矛

Look through the riffle’s sight 舊世界漣漪般顫動崩塌

How come I』ve never seen 我從來沒見過你

your face 』round here? 你這個陌生人

I know every single face 』round here 我認識這兒的每一個人

Here in the heckle, holding the shackle 桎梏的靈魂,平生所歷被良心拷問

I was never welcome here 我才是不受歡迎的人

We don』t have a choice to stay 我們委身來到這不毛之地

We』d rather die than do it your way 我們寧願死不屈

With our backs to the wall, 我們身陷法場,

the darkness would fall 死亡將要降臨

We never quite thought we could loose it all 未料想我們的結局竟會是一無所有

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire 預備、舉槍、開火×2

An empire’s falling just one day 一個帝國的陷落也就一天光景

You close your eyes and the glory fades 你閉上你的眼睛和榮耀消逝

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire away (fire!) 預備、舉槍、開火×2(開火!)

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire away 預備、舉槍、開火×2

With our backs to the wall, 背靠着牆

the darkness would fall 黑暗將要降臨

We never quite thought we could loose it all 我們從未料到我們將會失去一切

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire 準備瞄準射擊,準備瞄準射擊

An empire’s falling just one day 一個帝國的陷落也就一天光景

You close your eyes and the glory fades 你緊閉雙眼追憶崢嶸歲月已逝

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire away (fire!) 預備、舉槍、開火×2(開火!)

Ready aim fire, Ready aim fire away 預備、舉槍、開火×2[2]


Imagine Dragons是美國一支獨立搖滾樂隊,被國內樂迷稱為「夢龍」。2008年誕生於猶他州普洛佛,之後駐紮於拉斯維加斯。2012年憑藉主流出道的錄音室專輯《Night Visions》獲得巨大成功。[3]


#花式安利大賽#【鋼鐵俠/踩點】Ready Aim Fire


  1. Ready Aim Fire,酷我音樂
  2. [外鏈網址 網頁標題],外鏈網站
  3. Ready Aim Fire,QQ音樂