Just Once(鍾鎮濤演唱歌曲)
Just Once - 鍾鎮濤 (Kenny Bee)
I did my best but I guess my best wasn't good enough
'Cause here we are back where we were before
Seems nothing ever changes
We're back to being strangers
Wondering if we ought to stay or head on out the door
Just once can we figure out
What we keep doing wrong
Why we never last for very long
What are we doing wrong
Just once can't we find a way to finally make it right
To make the magic last for more than just one night
If we could just get to it
I know we could break through it
I gave my all but I think my all may have been too much
Cause Lord knows we're not getting anywhere
Seems we're always blowing
Whatever we've got going
And it seems at times with all we've got
We haven't got a friend
Just once can we figure out
What we keep doing wrong
Why we never last for very long
What are we doing wrong
What are we doing wrong
Just once can't we find a way to finally make it right
To make the magic last for more than just one night
I know we could break through it
If we could just get to it just once
I want to understand
Why it always comes back to goodbye
Why can't we get ourselves in hand
And admit to one another
We're no good without each other
Take the best and make it better
Find a way to stay together
Just once can't we find a way to finally make it right
To make the magic last for more than just one night
I know we could break through it
If we could just get to it just once
鍾鎮濤(Kenny Bee,1953年2月23日-),出生於中國香港,中國香港男歌手、演員,溫拿樂隊主音歌手兼吉他手。[1]
1973年,與譚詠麟等人組成溫拿樂隊,並擔任主唱。1974年,溫拿簽約寶麗多(寶麗金前身),推出第一首單曲《Sunshine Lover》,由鍾鎮濤主唱,在香港成為熱門歌曲。1976年,主演影片《秋霞》。[2]
鍾鎮濤的音樂風格受歐西流行曲影響較深,所以在他80年代的唱片裡,除了個別歌曲(如《淚之旅》、《魅幻》等)之外,都比較少加入當時深深影響香港樂壇的日本流行音樂元素,與譚詠麟、張國榮的唱片的大量加入日本曲風的做法相異,也間接使鍾鎮濤的音樂稍微受普羅大眾忽視。不過鍾鎮濤的創作才華,使他與陳百強、林子祥等比較注重音樂創作與鋪排的歌手一樣,受到比較資深的樂迷歡迎。1988年10月,鍾鎮濤推出「晴有獨鍾」的新曲加精選大碟後,離開與他合作了十多年的寶麗金唱片公司,加盟CBS SONY的另一個品牌EPIC唱片公司。1989年3月推出《人潮內?我像獨行》大碟,不過此大碟反應只是中上,只有第一主打歌曲《甘心》比較受注意。同年年尾推出「看星的日子」,一曲改編自Richard Marx的Right Here Waiting的《紅葉斜落我心寂寞時》反應良佳,另一主打歌《想你的方向》也反應不俗。不過後來1990年的大碟《不死鳥》卻未能承接聲勢。此後,鍾鎮濤於1992年加盟華納唱片公司,並且再闖台灣市場及改編張雨生遺作《大海》,獲得不俗的迴響。90年代中後期,鍾鎮濤的演藝事業開始轉趨平靜。[4]