

Come Tomorrow(许冠杰演唱歌曲)


《Come Tomorrow》是许冠杰演唱歌曲,收录于专辑《Interlude》。



Come Tomorrow - 许冠杰 (Sam Hui)

If the song of the songbird could replace my wrong word

Then my dear that's the song I would borrow

And tonight you would hear the saddest song of the year

And you'd be mine once again come tomorrow

If the song of the swallow

Could reveal my sorrow then my dear he would sing just for you

And tonight you would hear the saddest song of the year

And you'd be mine once again come tomorrow

Just tonight while in flight on your windowsill daylight

To tell you all of my tears and tonight you would hear

The saddest song of the year

And you'd be mine once again come tomorrow

If the song of the swallow could reveal my sorrow

Then my dear he would sing you sing just for you

And tonight you would hear the saddest song of the year

And you'd be mine once again come tomorrow

Oh yes tonight you would hear the saddest song of the year

And you'd be mine you be mine once again come tomorrow

Come tomorrow come tomorrow come tomorrow



1967年,担任莲花乐队的主音歌手,同年发行首张专辑《Just A Little》。1970年,以个人身份发展。1971年,凭借创作的歌曲《铁塔凌云》受到关注。1973年,出演个人首部电影《马路小英雄》。1974年,发行的粤语专辑《鬼马双星》揭开了香港粤语流行乐坛的序幕。1977年,凭借专辑《半斤八两》获得第1届金唱片奖百年纪念奖。1978年,主演喜剧电影《卖身契》。1981年,由他创作的歌曲《印象》获得第4届十大中文金曲奖。1982年,签约新艺城电影公司;同年主演的喜剧电影《最佳拍档》成为香港电影年度票房冠军。1985年,获得第8届十大中文金曲奖金针奖。1986年,在十大劲歌金曲颁奖礼上获得劲歌金曲荣誉大奖。1989年,发行专辑《许冠杰89歌集》。2004年复出歌坛,并在香港红磡体育馆举办38场演唱会。2005年,获得CASH金帆音乐奖音乐成就大奖。[2]

2019年2月16日、3月23日、30日,举办许冠杰&谭咏麟阿Sam & 阿Tam Happy Together”世界巡回演唱会。[3]

