



學 名:Yulania jigongshanensis

(T. B. Chao et al.) D. L. Fu


亞 界:綠色植物亞界

總 門:輪藻總門


亞 門:木賊亞門(維管植物亞門)


亞 綱:木蘭亞綱

超 目:木蘭超目




雞公山玉蘭(jī gōng shān yù lán,學名 Yulania jigongshanensis (T. B. Chao et al.) D. L. Fu,異名:Magnolia jigongshanensis ),木蘭科雙子葉植物綱木蘭亞綱的一個較原始的科。廣義的木蘭科包括有木蘭亞科、八角亞科、五味子亞科、水青樹亞科等,狹義的木蘭科指木蘭亞科和鵝掌楸亞科。 [1]



Yulania jigongshanensis (T. B. Chao et al.) D. L. Fu J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 19: 198. 2001. 雞公山玉蘭 ji gong shan yu lan

Magnolia jigongshanensis T. B. Chao et al., J. Henan Univ., Nat. Sci. 26: 62. 2000.

Trees. Twigs purplish brown, lustrous, glabrous, rarely pubescent; young twigs pale yellowish green, terete, densely pubescent.

Petiole 1-3 cm, furrowed adaxially; leaf blade broadly elliptic, broadly ovate, orbicular, suborbicular, obovate, or obtriangular, 16.5-19.5 × 5-17.5 cm, thinly leathery to leathery, abaxially pale yellowish green and densely curved pubescent, adaxially dark green, lustrous, and densely pubescent along veins, secondary veins 5-9 on each side of midvein and prominent on both surfaces, base subrounded to broadly cuneate, apex obtuse and with a long mucro to 2-lobed.

Brachyblasts densely pubescent. Flower buds ovoid, small, densely grayish white to pale yellowish brown villous. Flowers appearing before leaves.

Tepals 9; outer 3 tepals pale yellowish green, sepal-like, triangular or lanceolate, 1-5(-15) mm, membranous; inner 6 tepals pale yellowish white but outside pale purplish in middle at base, petal-like, spatulate-elliptic, 5-9 × 3-5 cm, apex obtuse to sometimes emarginate.

Stamens 65-71; filaments purple; anthers 0.8-1.3 cm, dehiscing latrorsely. Carpels many, densely pubescent. Fruit terete, 15-20 × 3-5 cm. Fl. Apr, fr. Aug.


● Henan (Jigong Shan).

One of the largest plantations of Yulania for growing medicinal xinyi is found at Jigong Shan Forest Station in Xinying, Henan. This plant may be one of the many hybrids that originate in plantations with different Yulania species, probably with Yulania biondii as one of the parents.

One of the largest plantations of Yulania for growing medicinal xinyi is found at Jigong Shan Forest Station in Xinying, Henan. This plant may be one of the many hybrids that originate in plantations with different Yulania species, probably with Yulania biondii as one of the parents.[2]


1.木蘭屬Magnolia L. 花頂生,花被多輪,每心皮有胚珠1~2,蓇葖果,背縫線開裂。 廣玉蘭(荷花玉蘭、洋玉蘭)[M.grandifloraL.]:葉常綠,革質,下面具銹色柔毛,花大;原產北美,中國引栽,觀賞。[3]

玉蘭(白玉蘭、玉堂春)[M.denudataDesr.]:花大,白色,花被3輪9片,先花後葉;各地栽培觀賞,花蕾供藥用。 厚朴(M.officinalisRehd。etWils.):落葉喬木,葉大,頂端圓;中國特產,主要分布於長江流域及華南;樹皮、花、果藥用,主要成分為厚朴酚。 同屬常見的尚有凹葉厚朴[M.biloba(Rehd。etWils)Cheng]、辛夷(紫玉蘭M.lilifloraDesr.)等。

2.含笑屬MicheliaL. 花腋生,不全部張開,花絲明顯,每心皮有胚珠2個。 含笑花[Mi.figo(Lour.)Spreng.]:常綠灌木,嫩枝、芽及葉柄均被棕色毛;產華南,供觀賞。 白蘭花(緬桂,把兒蘭)[Mi.albaDC.]:葉披針形,花白,花瓣狹長有芳香;原產印尼,中國江南、西南、華南各地栽培,觀賞。

3.鵝掌楸屬Liriodendron Linn. 落葉喬木,花大,葉分裂,先端截形,具長柄;單花頂生,萼片3,花瓣6,翅果不開裂。2種,一產北美,一產中國中部,名鵝掌楸(L.chinenseSarg.) 鵝掌楸(馬褂木)[Liriodendron chinense]:落葉大喬木,高達40米,胸徑l米以上;小枝灰色或灰褐色。葉片馬褂狀,長4-18厘米,寬5-19厘米,葉形奇特,分布在長江以南各省區;越南北部也有,是中國的珍稀植物。





  1. 雞公山玉蘭, 植物智, 2020-01-18
  2. 雞公山玉蘭 Yulania jigongshanensis 雞公山玉蘭 分類信息 形態特徵 生態習性 功用價值 物種保護 DNA序列 分類樹 植物標本 名稱分類 Sp2000 CN(2020) 植物志 中國植物志 (FRPS) Flora...
  3. FOC >> Vol.7 (2008) >> Magnoliaceae >> Yulania