


國籍 中國
職業 中心主任
知名於 擅長領域:青光眼早期診斷、手術治療、激光治療等,尤其擅長難治性青光眼的診治

國家973項目首席科學家,中華醫學會眼科學分會名譽主任委員,中國醫師協會眼科學分會副主任委員,中華眼科學會青光眼學組前任組長,廣東省眼科醫師學會主任委員,世界青光眼協會常務理事,《中華眼科雜誌》及《中華實驗眼科雜誌》副總編。《Clinical and Experimental Optometry》、《Journal of Glaucoma》編委。主編衛生部與人民衛生出版社統編七年制《眼科學》和八年制《眼科學》教材、高等教育出版社統編五年制《眼科學》教材和《現代青光眼研究進展》4本著作,參編4本專著。單獨或與他人合作在專業雜誌上發表文章100多篇,其中SCI收錄8篇。領導的課題組獲各類科研基金30餘項,曾獲省部級科技進步獎5項。已培養博士研究生14名,出站博士後4名,在讀博士研究生9名,在站博士後2名。 主要成就,973首席科學家。



中山大學中山眼科中心二級教授,國務院政府特殊津貼專家,首屆中山大學名醫。國家973項目首席科學家,眼科學國家重點實驗室終身名譽主任,從事眼科醫療、教學、科研及防盲工作30餘年,在青光眼診斷治療、白內障超聲乳化與眼內窺鏡激光治療疑難青光眼、幹細胞研究、近視眼防治等方面有較高的造詣。整合圖像處理技術的應用提高了青光眼早期診斷和干預的效率,有效降低青光眼致盲率。致力於我國青光眼臨床診療模式的轉變,提出「青光眼診療模式轉變」的重要觀點,以第一完成人獲得2010年「國家科技進步二等獎」。 葛堅教授從事眼科臨床及研究工作30餘年,在青光眼診治、白內障超聲乳化與眼內窺鏡激光治療疑難青光眼、幹細胞研究、近視眼防治等方面有較高的造詣。所領導的團隊相繼獲得了973計劃、863重大專項、衛生部臨床重點學科項目、教育部科學技術研究重大項目、國家自然科學基金重點項目等多項基金的資助,獲得國家科技進步二等獎、教育部及廣東省科技進步一等獎等獎項十餘次。截至目前,單獨或與他人合作發表論文330篇,其中SCI收錄論文140篇。主編衛生部統編七年制以及八年制《眼科學》教材、教育部五年制《眼科學》教材和《現代青光眼研究進展》。已培養博士研究生71名,已出站博士後8名,其中17人次獲得國家自然科學基金,1人獲得全國百篇優秀博士論文獎。分別獲得"全國醫院優秀院長"、 "廣東省優秀院長"、 "中華眼科傑出成就獎"、"中國醫師獎"、亞太眼科學會"傑出服務獎"、中美眼科學會"金鑰匙獎"、世界青光眼協會"高級研究科學家獎"("Senior Research Scientist"獎)和"突出貢獻獎(The World Glaucoma Association Recognition Award)",澳大利亞政府"傑出創新獎"("Excellence in Innovation"獎),亞太眼科學會"最高學術獎"("De Ocampo"獎)等榮譽。 2017年9月15日,中國眼科醫師「明日之星」計劃啟動 助推國際化領軍人才培養。華廈眼科醫院集團戰略發展與學術委員會主任葛堅教授主持啟動儀式。


1、國家自然科學基金重點項目一項("可降解幹細胞組織工程化視網膜膜片修復視神經病變的機制及療效研究",項目編號: 81430009,2015-2019)(第一負責人,研究經費320萬)


(1)mRNA 誘導視網膜母細胞瘤細胞去編程為視網膜前體細胞及其功能的研究(項目編號:81170846,2012-2015)(第一負責人,研究經費60萬)



1.青光眼的發病機理與早期診斷研究;2. 國人青光眼致病基因TIGR、OPTN基因篩查與功能研究;3.糖皮質激素性青光眼發病機理與防治研究;4.視網膜與神經節細胞損害與再生研究;5.白內障超聲乳化手術在青光眼治療中的應用;6.抗青光眼術後濾過泡纖維化調控的研究;7.胚胎幹細胞與組織幹細胞等定向誘導與功能重建研究。這些研究為解決眼科領域目前亟待解決的難點問題提供了創新的思路,確立了在國內眼科學界的學術地位。











當天記者在診室里意外見到的維吾爾族大媽馬依努爾就是一個典型。三個月前她感覺雙眼脹痛,左眼特別嚴重,當她的兒子將她送到烏魯木齊最大的醫院眼科時,當時左眼視力只有0.01,右眼0.6,眼壓40多,眼科專家說已經是青光眼晚期了,做手術成功率無法保證,有可能在麻醉過程中就失明,且術後併發症多,「你們最好到內地找水平更高的專家!」當地專家說。患者及家屬十分焦急,馬依努爾在兒子的陪同下,5月15日千里迢迢來到中山眼科中心。經檢查發現,病人既有青光眼也有白內障。她的兒子回憶說:「我上網找了很多資料,看到中山眼科醫院是全國排名第一,網上對葛教授的評價很高。選定了教授後我抱着僥倖的心理發了郵件給他,我很擔心病情複雜他不肯收,想不到葛教授回覆說沒問題。」5月18日葛教授親自為馬依努爾左眼做新型青光眼微創手術聯合白內障摘除術,「術後眼睛不脹痛了,眼壓控制得很好,視力也有提高,甚至不需要滴眼藥水。我媽媽高興壞了!」小伙子滿臉笑容向記者介紹。 「我不記得做過多少類似的複雜病例了,當時收到郵件,想到遠在新疆的病人來求醫,很不容易,能幫他解決的就儘量照顧一下吧!」看着不斷說感謝話的小伙子,葛堅教授語氣平常地說。在一個專業網站上,記者看到,裡面貼滿了全國各地病人對他精湛技藝醫術和良好醫德的感激之言,小到幾個月的嬰兒,大至七八十歲的老人患者,每一位都能在這裡受到很好的治療,希望能挽救視功能。因此,全國各地的難治複雜的青光眼病人,都源源不斷地慕名湧來。「我希望能夠更多地加強基層醫生的培訓,讓病人在當地醫院眼科醫生就能解決問題,這麼遠來廣州看病,又要住旅店又要交通費用,花費要大好多啊!」想着為病人儘量節省費用,葛堅教授對一些需要再次檢查的病人交待「趕快去查一下,結果來了直接過來看」、「你是貴州來了?爭取今天看完能回家。」對需要手術的病人,他會趕快交代助手看有沒有床位,幫忙辦理手續入院!「有床位就住進來,儘快手術!」他有條不紊地交代。



1. Wei Chi, Fei Li...Ge J*,Robert N. Weinre,Kang Zhang, and Yehong Zhuo, Caspase-8 promotes NLRP1/NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1β production in acute glaucoma,PNAS,Jun 11,2014

2. He Y, Leung KW, Ren Y, Pei JZ, Ge J*, Tombran-Tink J. PEDF Improves Mitochondrial Function in RPE cells During Oxidative Stress. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Sep 11.

3. Xi L, Wang T, Zhao F, Zheng Q, Li X, Luo J, Liu J, Quan D, Ge J*. Evaluation of an injectable thermosensitive hydrogel as drug delivery implant for ocular glaucoma surgery. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 20;9(6)

4. Chen P, Hu H, Chen Z, Cai X, Zhang Z, Yang Y, Yu N, Zhang J, Xia L, Ge J*, Yu K, Zhuang J. BRCA1 silencing is associated with failure of DNA repairing In retinal neurocytes. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 11;9(6).

5. Huang R,Ge J*, Chen G, Gao X, Laties AM, Zhang X. Four Measures of Intraocular Pressure Fluctuation: Which Correlates Most Optimally With Actual Office-hour Readings? J Glaucoma. 2014 Apr 25.

6. Liu B, Zhu Y, Zhou J, Wei Y, Long C, Chen M, Ling Y, Ge J*, Zhuo Y. ndoplasmic reticulum stress promotes amyloid-beta peptides production in RGC-5 cells. Cell Stress Chaperones. 2014 Mar 19.

7. Huang J, Ling Y, Lin M, Wu Z, Cheng B, Ge J*. Ten-year follow-up of familial nanophthalmos in three siblings. Eye Sci. 2013 Sep;28(3):113-8.

8. Cai X, Chen Z, Pan X, Xia L, Chen P, Yang Y, Hu H, Zhang J, Li K, Ge J*, Yu K, Zhuang J. Inhibition of angiogenesis, fibrosis and thrombosis by tetramethylpyrazine: mechanisms contributing to the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis. PLoS One.2014 Feb 5;9(2).

9. Lai K、Jin C、Tu S、Xiong Y、Huang R、Ge J*, Intravitreal injection of99Tc-MDP inhibits the development of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization in rhesus monkeys, Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, Jan 5, 2014

10. Wang Z、Huang J、Lin J、Liang X、Cai X、Ge J*,Quantitative Measurements of the Ciliary Body in Eyes with Malignant Glaucoma after Trabeculectomy Using Ultrasound Biomicroscopy,Ophthalmology,Dec 6,2013

11. Yang X、Su W、Wang M、Bai Y、Li Y、Ge J*, Zhuo Y Effect of anterior chamber paracentesis on initial treatment of acute angle closure,Can J Ophthalmol,(6)48553-8,2013

12. Yang XJ、Ge J*、Zhuo YH,Role of mitochondria in the pathogenesis and treatment of glaucoma. Chin Med J (Engl),126(22),4358-65,Nov 2013

13. Huang J、Wang Z、Wu Z、Li Z、Lai K、Ge J*,Comparison of Ocular Biometry Between Eyes With Chronic Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma and their Fellow Eyes With Primary Angle-Closure or Primary Angle-Closure Suspect,J Glaucoma,Jun 25 2013

14. Yang Y、Tian S、Brown B、Chen P、Hu H、Xia L、Zhang J、Cai X、Chen Z、Pan X、Ge J、Yu K、Zhuang J,The Rb1 gene inhibits the viability of retinoblastoma cells by regulating homologous recombination,Int J Mol Med, 32(1),137-43,Jul 2013

15. Yu D、Chen M、Sun X、Ge J*,Differentiation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells into corneal epithelial-like cells,Cell Biol Int, 37(1),87-94,Jan 2013

16. Deng F、Hu H、Chen M、Sun X、Liu X、Dong Z、Liu Y、Xi L、Zhuang J、Ge J*,Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human Tenon's capsule fibroblasts,Mol Vis,18,2871-81,2012

17. Chen M、Huang J、Yang X、Liu B、Zhang W、Huang L、Deng F、Ma J、Bai Y、 Lu R、Huang B、Gao Q、Zhuo Y、Ge J*,Serum starvation induced cell cycle synchronization facilitates human somatic cells reprogramming,PLoS One,7(4):e28203,2012

18. Lu R、Qu Y、Ge J*、Zhang L、Su Z、Pflugfelder SC、Li DQ,Transcription factor TCF4 maintains the properties of human corneal epithelial stem cells,Stem Cells, 30(4),753-61,Apr 2012

19. Lu R、Zhang X、Huang D、Huang B、Gao N、Wang Z、Ge J*,Conjunctival reconstruction with progenitor cell-derived autologous epidermal sheets in rhesus monkey,PLoS One,6(11),e25713,2011

20. Li Y、Zhang Q、Yin X、Yang W、Du Y、Hou P、Ge J*、Liu C、Zhang W、Zhang X、Wu Y、Li H、Liu K、Wu C、Song Z、Zhao Y、Shi Y、Deng H,Generation of iPSCs from mouse fibroblasts with a single gene, Oct4, and small molecules,Cell Res,21(1):196-204,Jan 2011

21. Ma J、Kabiel M、Tucker BA、Ge J*、Young MJ,Combining chondroitinase ABC and growth factors promotes the integration of murine retinal progenitor cells transplanted into Rho(-/-) mice,Mol Vis, 17,1759-70,2011

22. Sun X、Chen M、Li J、Zhuang J、Gao Q、Zhong X、Huang B、Zhang W、Huang L、Ge J*,E13.5 retinal progenitors induce mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells to differentiate into retinal progenitor-like cells, Cytotherapy,13(3),294-303,Mar 2011

23. Cui D、Trier K、Zeng J、Wu K、Yu M、Hu J、Chen X、Ge J*,Effects of 7-methylxanthine on the sclera in form deprivation myopia in guinea pigs,Acta Ophthalmol,89(4),328-34,Jun,2011

24. Wan P、Wang X、Ma P、Gao N、Ge J*、Mou Y、Wang Z,Cell delivery with fixed amniotic membrane reconstructs corneal epithelium in rabbits with limbal stem cell deficiency,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,52(2),724-30, 2011

25. Qi Y、Zhang F、Song G、Sun X、Jiang R、Chen M、Ge J*,Cholinergic neuronal differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in rhesus monkeys,Sci China Life Sci,53(5),573-80,2010

26. Chen M、Chen Q、Sun X、Shen W、Liu B、Zhong X、Leng Y、Li C、Zhang W、Chai F、Huang B、Gao Q、Xiang AP、Zhuo Y、Ge J*,Generation of retinal ganglion-like cells from reprogrammed mouse fibroblasts,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,51(11),5970-8,2010

27. Cui D、Trier K、Zeng J、Wu K、Yu M、Ge J*,Adenosine receptor protein changes in guinea pigs with form deprivation myopia,Acta Ophthalmol, 88(7),759-65,Nov 2010

28. Guan L、Yu J、Zhong L、Huang B、Luo T、Zhang M、Lin S、Li W、Ge J*、Chen X、Liu Q、Zeng MZ、Song X,Biological safety of human skin-derived stem cells after long-term in vitro culture,J Tissue Eng Regen Med,2010

29. Ke Q、Wang X、Gao Q、Wu Z、Wan P、Zhan W、Ge J*、Wang Z,Carrier-free epithelial cell sheets prepared by enzymatic degradation of collagen gel,J Tissue Eng Regen Med,5(2),138-45,2010

30. Zhuo YH、He Y、Leung KW、Hou F、Li YQ、Chai F、Ge J*,Dexamethasone disrupts intercellular junction formation and cytoskeleton organization in human trabecular meshwork cells,Mol Vis,16,61-71,2010

31. Liu Y、Ding Y、Ma P、Wu Z、Duan H、Liu Z、Wan P、Lu X、Xiang P、Ge J*、Wang Z,Enhancement of long-term proliferative capacity of rabbit corneal epithelial cells by embryonic stem cell conditioned medium,Tissue Eng Part C Methods,16(4),793-802,2010

32. Yuan J、Yu JX、Ge J*,Sexual dimorphism on the neurogenic potential of rhesus monkeys mesenchymal stem cells,Biochem Biophys Res Commun,396(2),394-400,2010

33. Chai F、Luo R、Li Y、Bai Y、He Y、Wei Y、Yan Z、Ge J*、Zhuo Y,Down-regulation of GRP78 in human glaucomatous trabecular meshwork cells,Mol Vis,16,1122-31,2010

34. Liu Y、Jiang Z、Gao Q、Ge J*、 Chen J、Cao X、Shen Q、Ma P,Technical standards of a foldable capsular vitreous body in terms of mechanical, optical, and biocompatible properties,Artif Organs,34(10),836-45, 2010

35. Song J、Li Y、Ge J*、Duan Y、Sze SC、Tong Y、Shaw PC、Ng TB、Tsui KC、Zhuo Y、Zhang KY,Protective effect of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extracts on cultured human corneal limbal epithelial cells (HCLEC),Phytother Res,24(4),520-4,2010

36.Ge J*、Sun XH,、Wang NL、Zhao JL、Wu LL、Chen XM、Wang ZX、Li B,Intraocular pressure lowering efficacy and safety of travoprost 0.004% as a replacement therapy in patients with open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension,Chin Med J (Engl),123(11),1417-21,2010

37. Yang Z、Lan W、Ge J*、Liu W、Chen X、Chen L、Yu M,The effectiveness of progressive addition lenses on the progression of myopia in Chinese children. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt,29(1),41-8,Jan,2009

38. Yin Q、Hu A、Liang Y、Zhang J、He M、Lam DS、Ge J*、Wang N、Friedman DS、Zhao J、Congdon N,A two-site, population-based study of barriers to cataract surgery in rural China,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 50(3),1069-75,Mar 2009

39. Liu B、Rasool S、Yang Z、Glabe CG、Schreiber SS、Ge J*、Tan Z,Amyloid-peptide vaccinations reduce {beta}-amyloid plaques but exacerbate vascular deposition and inflammation in the retina of Alzheimer's transgenic mice,Am J Pathol,175(5),2099-110,2009

40. Shao T、Gao Q、Jiang R、Duan Y、Sun X、Ge J*,Dynamic alteration of low-density lipoprotein receptor after exposure to transforming growth factor-beta2 in human Tenon's capsule fibroblasts. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther,25(6),499-506,2009

41. Sun X、Jiang R、Zhang Y、Chen M、Xiang P、Qi Y、Gao Q、Huang B、Ge J*, Gene expression and differentiation characteristics in mice E13.5 and E17.5 neural retinal progenitors,Mol Vis,15,2503-14,2009

42. Zhuang J、Li F、Liu X、Liu Z、Lin J、Ge Y、Kaminski JM、Summers JB、Wang Z、Ge J*、Yu K,Lithium chloride protects retinal neurocytes from nutrient deprivation by promoting DNA non-homologous end-joining,Biochem Biophys Res Commun,380(3),650-4,2009

43. Zhuo YH、Wang M、Li Y、Hao YT、Lin MK、Fang M、Ge J*,Phacoemulsification treatment of subjects with acute primary angle closure and chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma,J Glaucoma,18(9),646-51,2009

44. Gao Q、Tan J、Ma P、Ge J*、Liu Y、Sun X、Zhou L,PKC alpha affects cell cycle progression and proliferation in human RPE cells through the downregulation of p27kip1,Mol Vis,15,2683-95,2009

45. He Y、Leung KW、Zhuo YH、Ge J*,Pro370Leu mutant myocilin impairs mitochondrial functions in human trabecular meshwork cells,Mol Vis, 15、815-25,2009

46.Yang Z、Lan W、Ge J*、Liu W、Chen X、Chen L、Yu M,The effectiveness of progressive addition lenses on the progression of myopia in Chinese children. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt,29(1),41-8,2009

47. Gao Q、Chen X、Ge J*、Liu Y、Jiang Z、Lin Z、Liu Y,Refractive shifts in four selected artificial vitreous substitutes based on Gullstrand-Emsley and Liou-Brennan schematic eyes,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,50(7),3529-34,2009

48. Wang Y、Guo L、Ren L、Yin S、Ge J*、Gao Q、Luxbacher T、Luo S,A study on the performance of hyaluronic acid immobilized chitosan film,Biomed Mater,4(3), 035009,2009

49. Liu Q、To CH、Ge J*、Chan CY、Lv L、Lam TC、Siu AW,Astigmatic shift and conjunctival epithelial ingrowths following late-onset iatrogenic LASIK flap dehiscence during scleral buckling surgery,Clin Exp Optom,92(6),500-2,2009

50. Huang DP、Zhuo YH、Cai JH、Xu N、Zhong XF、Yu YY、Lai ZG、Gong D、Ge J*,Histological and ultrastructural study on the medial canthal ligament of blepharophimosis, ptosis and epicanthus inversus syndrome,Chin Med J (Engl),122(22),2700-4,2009

51. Zhang X、Du S、Fan Q、Peng S、Yu M、Ge J*,Long-term surgical outcomes of primary congenital glaucoma in China,Clinics (Sao Paulo),64(6), 543-51,2009

52. Lan YQ、Zhang C、Xiao JH、Zhuo YH、Guo H、Peng W、Ge J*,Suppression of IkappaBalpha increases the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in human ciliary muscle cells,Mol Vis,15,1977-87,2009

53. Wu Z、Zhou Y、Li N、Huang M、Duan H、Ge J*、Xiang P、Wang Z,The use of phospholipase A(2) to prepare acellular porcine corneal stroma as a tissue engineering scaffold. Biomaterials,30(21),3513-22,2009

54. Chen M、Sun X、Jiang R、Shen W、Zhong X、Liu B、Qi Y、Huang B、Xiang AP、Ge J*,Role of MEF feeder cells in direct reprogramming of mousetailtip fibroblasts,Cell Biol Int,33(12),1268-73,2009








