


来自 植物智 的图片


拉丁学名:Acer Linn.




亚 纲:原始花被亚纲

( Archichlamydeae)



属:槭属(Acer Linn.)


色木枫(sè mù fēng),学名 Acer pictum Thunb.,异名:Acer pictum subsp. incurvatum Acer pictum var. parviflorum ,是双子叶植物纲、无患子目槭树科植物,该属共有200余种,分布于北温带,主产地为中国和日本,中国有140余种,广布于南北各省,但分布中心为中部或西部,有些种类的木材很有用,有些可为荫蔽树和观赏树,又为一很好的密源植物。美洲糖槭A. saccharum Marsh. 所产的槭糖是由树干内流出的液汁蒸发后制成的。植物大小均有,叶为3裂片,有齿边,梗、叶在秋天掉落。干长有年轮并引人注目,由大传导管组成的春材。下垂的枝上长有花,花落后结有带翼的果实。果实成对,掉落以后会分开。 [1]



乔木到20米高,雄花两性花同株的。树皮灰色。 小枝纤细,无毛; 冬芽近球形,鳞片对。 叶脱落 叶柄4-6厘米,纤细,无毛;

叶片背面的浅的绿色,正面深绿色,长圆形, ( 8-)9-11(-12) * (4-)6-8(-12) 厘米,纸质,背面除了在脉或在脉腋上具淡黄或带白色的毛外无毛, 3-, 5-, 7-, 或9裂;

裂片三角形或卵形的,边缘全缘,先端渐尖或近尾状渐尖的。花序顶生,圆锥状伞房状,长约4×4厘米,无毛,许多花的;花序梗1-2 厘米花梗约1厘米,无毛。

萼片5,黄绿色,长圆形,2-8毫米,具缘毛,先端钝。 花瓣5,带白色,椭圆形或椭圆状倒卵形的,长约3毫米。雄蕊8,短于花瓣,无毛。子房无毛的或后脱落,在雄花里的不发育;

花柱非常短,无毛; 柱头外卷。 淡黄的果成熟时; 小坚果平,压缩,1-1.3厘米×8-10毫米; 翅长圆形,包括小坚果 3-3.5 * 1-1.5厘米,翅张开不同的。花期4 -5月,果期9 月。2n=26.。

Trees to 20 m tall, andromonoecious. Bark gray. Branchlets slender, glabrous; winter buds subglobose, scales 4 pairs. Leaves deciduous; petiole 4-6 cm, slender, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially pale green, adaxially dark green, oblong, (8-)9-11(-12) × (4-)6-8(-12) cm, papery, abaxially glabrous except for yellowish or whitish hairs on veins or at vein axils, sometimes abaxially pubescent, adaxially glabrous, base truncate, subtruncate, or hastate, 3-, 5-, 7-, or 9-lobed; lobes triangular or ovate, margin entire, apex acuminate or subcaudate-acuminate.

Inflorescence terminal, paniculate-corymbose, ca. 4 × 4 cm, glabrous, numerous flowered; peduncles 1-2 cm. Pedicel ca. 1 cm, glabrous. Sepals 5, greenish yellow, oblong, 2-8 mm, ciliate, apex obtuse. Petals 5, whitish, elliptic or elliptic-obovate, ca. 3 mm.

Stamens 8, shorter than petals, glabrous. Ovary glabrous or glabrescent, rudimentary in staminate flowers; style very short, glabrous; stigmas revolute. Fruit yellowish when mature; nutlets flat, compressed, 1-1.3 cm × 8-10 mm; wing oblong, including nutlet 3-3.5 × 1-1.5 cm, wings spreading variously. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Sep. 2n = 26.


Forests, usually in valleys, also cultivated; sea level to 3300 m. Anhui, Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, SE Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan, Korea, Mongolia, E Russia].

森林,通常在山谷,也是栽培的; 海平面到海拔3300米。安徽, 甘肃, 河北,黑龙江。河南,湖北,湖南,江苏,吉林,辽宁,内蒙古,陕西,山西,四川,西藏东南部,云南,浙江 [日本,朝鲜,蒙古,俄罗斯东部]

One of us (Chang) believes that Acer pictum subsp. macropterum, subsp. mono, subsp. pictum, subsp. pubigerum, and subsp. tricuspis so closely resemble each other that they may be taken for one variable and widely distributed taxon. However, one of us (Chen) believes that some of the subspecies are good and differ in their distributions; while awaiting future results about their status, it is best to retain their subspecific status. de Jong notes that A. pictum is a very complex species requiring further study.

一的我们(常)相信那pictum亚种 macropterum,亚种 单声道,亚种 pictum,亚种 pubigerum 和亚种 我们中的一人(Chang)相信Acer pictum subsp. macropterum, subsp. mono, subsp. pictum, subsp. pubigerum, 和subsp. tricuspis相互非常象,他们可以被当作一个易变的和广布的类群。不过,我们中的一个(Chen)相信这些亚种是好的,并且其分布各不同;在等待将来的关于他们的地位的结果时,保留他们的亚种的 地位最好。de Jong注意到A. pictum是一复合种需要进一步研究。

1 Leaf blade usually 3-lobed, sometimes 5-lobed (2)

+ Leaf blade usually 5- or 7-lobed (3)

2(1) Wings spreading horizontally, wing 3-4 cm including nutlet. 12d subsp. macropterum 大翅色木枫

+ Wings spreading at acute angle, wing ca. 3 cm including nutlet. 12e subsp. tricuspis 三尖色木枫

3(1) Leaf blade smaller, 5-lobed, rarely 3-lobed. 12c subsp. pubigerum 江南色木枫

+ Leaf blade larger, 5-, 7-, or 9-lobed (4)

4(3) Leaf blade abaxially with short upright hairs throughout. 12a subsp. pictum 色木枫(原亚种)

+ Leaf blade abaxially not hairy, or pilose on main veins. 12b subsp. mono 五角枫


  1. 色木枫, 植物智, 2020-01-18