絨毛漆 |
中文名:絨毛漆 學 名:Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook. f.) O. Kuntze 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 亞 綱:原始花被亞綱 目:無患子目 亞 目:漆樹亞目 科:漆樹科 族:漆樹族 屬:漆屬 分布區域:西藏南部 |
絨毛漆(拉丁學名:Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook. f.) O. Kuntze)漆樹科,漆屬喬木,小枝圓柱形,粗壯,奇數羽狀複葉互生,小葉對生,革質,圓錐花序腋生,花淡黃白色,花萼小,無毛,外果皮薄,被微柔毛,果核骨質,壓扁,先端微凹。 生於常綠闊葉林中,山谷闊葉林中, 山谷林下,山坡。分布廣西自治區, 雲南省,西藏自治區等地。 [1]
喬木,高5-7米或更高;小枝圓柱形,粗壯,徑約8毫米,密被銹色絨毛, 絨毛漆(5張) 具皮孔。
Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook. f.) O. Kuntze, Rev. Cen. Pl. 154. 1891; 雲南植物志2: 394. 1979.——Rhus vernicifera DC. Prodr. 2: 68. 1825, p. p. quoad. specim. Nepal. ——R. juglandifolia Wall. Cat. 996. 1828, nom nud., non Willd. ——R. wallichii Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 11. 1876; Engl. in DC. Monog. Phan. 4: 402. 1883.
Trees, 5-7 m tall, rarely more; branchlets ferruginous tomentose, lenticellate. Petiole and rachis ferruginous tomentose; leaf blade imparipinnately compound to 30 cm; leaflets 7-11, opposite; leaflet petiolule 1-3 mm, tomentose; leaflet blade ovate-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 10-13 × 5-7 cm, coriaceous, adaxially minutely pubescent, sometimes only along midrib, abaxially ferruginous tomentose, base rounded to subcordate, margin entire, apex acuminate, lateral veins 20-25 pairs, veinlets prominent abaxially. Inflorescence paniculate, 12-15 cm, less than half as long as pinnately compound leaf; peduncle and rachis ferruginous tomentose, lenticellate. Flowers light yellow, sessile to subsessile. Calyx lobes ca. 0.7 mm, glabrous. Petals oblong, ca. 2 mm. Stamens equal to petals in length. Disk 5-lobed. Ovary globose, ferruginous pubescent. Infructescence erect; drupe globose, minutely pubescent; epicarp thin, irregularly dehiscent at maturity; mesocarp thick, waxy, with brown longitudinal resin canal.