疣果孪叶豆 |
中文学名:疣果孪叶豆 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:木兰纲 目:豆目 科:云实科 |
疣果孪叶豆(yóu guǒ luán yè dòu,学名 Hymenaea verrucosa Gaertn.俗名:非洲叉叶树,异名:Trachylobium verrucosum ),乔木,高6-24米;小枝灰白色。小叶卵状长圆形,不对称,长5-8(-12)厘米,宽2.5-5厘米,先端急尖,基部斜圆形,两面光滑,无毛;小叶柄明显,长约3毫米。分布于马达加斯加和桑给巴尔岛、我国台湾等。 [1]
花期9-11月;果期翌年5-6月。 [2]
Hymenaea verrucosa Gaertn. Fruct. 2: 303. t. 139, 7. 1791; Langenh. et Lee in Brittonia 26: 14. 1974. ——Trachylobium verrucosum (Gaertn.) Oliv. Fl. Trop. Afr. 2: 311. 1871; Backer & Bakh. f. Fl. Java 1: 528. 1963;何丰吉, 台湾热带植物彩色图鉴, 1: 126. f. 115. 1977.
Trachylobium verrucosum (Gaertner) Oliver.
Trees, 6-24 m tall. Branchlets grayish white. Petiolules ca. 3 mm; leaflets ovate-oblong, asymmetric, 5-8(-12) × 2.5-5 cm, both surfaces glabrous, base obliquely rounded, apex acute. Inflorescences panicles; bracts and bracteoles deciduous, ovate or orbicular. Flowers small. Calyx tube expanded and turbinate in upper part; lobes 7-11 mm, outside densely adpressed pu-berulent, inside densely white silky. Petals unequal in size, up-permost inner 3 larger, suborbicular, clawed, other 2 small, scaly, or sometimes 5 subequal and all clawed. Ovary shortly stalked, densely strigose at base. Legume blackish brown, slightly compressed, obovoid, 3-4.2 cm, tuberculate. Fl. Sep-Nov, fr. next May-Jun.
Cultivated. Taiwan [native to Madagascar; cultivated in Indonesia (Java), Pacific islands (Hawaii), Singapore, and Sri Lanka].