











  • 2001.06-2006.09 河西学院,农业与生物技术学院,助教
  • 2013.01-2013.09 北京师范大学自然资源学院,讲师
  • 2013.09-2016.11 北京师范大学自然资源学院,副教授
  • 2018.11-2019.11 美国俄勒冈州立大学,访问学者
  • 2016.11-2021.09 北京师范大学地理科学学部,副教授
  • 2021.09- 北京师范大学地理科学学部,教授


Water,编辑 Frontiersin Water(Section Water and Hydro-complexity),编辑


1. 主持国家自然基金委面上项目:灌丛化草地生态系统蒸散发及其组分的拆分与模拟研究(项目批准号:42071034)

2. 主持国家自然基金委面上项目:植被冠层叶水同位素富集及数值模拟研究(项目批准号:41671019)

3. 主持国家青年自然基金委项目:半干旱区退耕草地蒸散发估算,分离及其检验的同位素示踪及数值模拟(项目批准号:41301014)

4. 黑河流域中下游生态水文过程的系统行为与调控研究 (编号: 912253003) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(参加)

5. 黑河流域生态系统结构特征与过程集成及生态情景研究 (编号: 91425301) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(参加)

6. 青海湖流域关键带碳水过程及其生态功能变化(41730854)国家自然科学基金重点项目(参加)



1. Wang P*, Haitao Sun,Xiao-Yan Li, Xin Song, Xiao fan Yang, Xiuchen Wu, Xia Hu, Hongyun Yao, JingjingMa, Juanjuan Ma. 2021. Seasonalvariations in water flux compositions controlled by leaf development: isotopicinsights at the canopy–atmosphere interface. International Journal ofBiometeorology,

2. Wang P*, Jingjing Ma,Juanjuan Ma, Haitao Sun and Qi Chen. A Novel Approach for the Simulation ofReference Evapotranspiration and Its Partitioning, Agriculture,2021,11, 385.https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11050385

3. Wang P*, Y Tong, X-Y Li, Y Huang, X Yang, X Wu. 2019. Vegetationdynamics dominate the energy flux partitioning across typical ecosystem inHeihe River Basin: Observation with numerical modeling. Journal of GeographicalSciences, 29(9): 1565-1577

4. Wang P*, Y Deng, X-Y Li, Z Wei, X Hu, F Tian, X Wu, Y Huang,Y-JMa, C Zhang, Y Wang, E Li, J Wang. 2019. Dynamical effects of plastic mulch onevapotranspiration partition in a mulched agriculture ecosystem: measurementwith numerical modeling. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 268, 98-108.

5. Wang P*, Deng Y, Z Wei. 2019. Modeling Investigation of DiurnalVariations in Water Flux and Its Components with Stable Isotopic Tracers. Atmospheres,10, 403.

6. Tong Y, Wang P*, Li Xiao-Yan*, Wu X, Shi F,Li E, Bai Y, J Wang, Y Wang. 2019. Seasonality of thetranspiration fraction and its controls across typical ecosystems in AridInland Heihe River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres,124(3),1277-1291

7. Wang P*, Li X-Y, L Wang, X Wu, X Hu Y Fan, Y Tong. 2018.Divergentevapotranspiration partition dynamics between shrubs and grasses in a shrub-encroachedsteppe ecosystem, New Phytologist,219,(4),1325-1337.

8. Wang P*, T Yamanaka, Li X-Y, X Wu, B Chen, Y Liu, Z Wei, WMa.2018. A multiple time scale modeling investigation of leaf water isotope enrichmentin a temperate grassland ecosystem. Ecology Research,33 (5),901-915.

9. Wang P*, Li X-Y, Y Huang, S Liu, Z Xu, X Wu, Y Ma.2016.Numerical modeling the isotopic composition of evapotranspiration in anarid artificial oasis cropland ecosystem with high-frequency water vaporisotope measurement, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 230–231, 79-88.

10. Wang P*, T Yamanaka, Li X-Y, Wei Z. 2015. Partitioningevapotranspiration in a temperate grassland ecosystem: Numerical modeling withisotopic tracers, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 208, 16-31.

11. Wang P* T Yamanaka.2014, Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration andassessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology,7,345–353.doi:10.1002/eco.1352

12. Li Y, Wu X, HuangY…. Wang P et al. 2021. Compensation effect of wintersnow on larch growth in Northeast China. Climatic Change 164, 54. (SCI, IF:4.134)

13. Hao B, Hartmann H,Li Y, …WangP et al. 2021.Precipitation gradient drives divergent relationship between non-structuralcarbohydrates and water availability in Pinus tabulaeform is of Northern China.Forests, 12(2): 133. doi:10.3390/f12020133. (SCI, IF:2.221)

14. Cui J, Tian L, WeiZ, Wang P et al. 2020. Quantifying thecontrols on evapotranspiration partitioning in the highest alpine meadowecosystem. Water Resources Research, 56(4). (TOP SCI,Q1 IF: 5.24)

15. Ma W, Wei Z, Wang P, Asanuma J. 2020.Transpiration and evaporation of grassland using land surface modelling.Hydrological Processes, 34. (SCI, IF:2.221)

16. Chen B, Ma C, WFKrajewski, Wang P, F Ren. 2020. Logarithmic transformation andpeak-discharge power-law analysis. Hydrology Research, 51(1) (SCI IF:1.555)

17. Hu Xia, X-Y Li, ZCLi, Z Gao, X Wu, Wang P, YL Lyu, L Liu. 2020. Linking 3-D soilmacropores and root architecture to near saturated hydraulic conductivity oftypical meadow soil types in the Qinghai Lake Watershed, northeasternQinghai–Tibet Plateau, Catena, 185,104287,0341-8

18. Li ZC, X Hu, Li XY…Wang P et al. 2019. Quantification ofsoil macropores at different slope positions under alpine meadow using computedtomography in the QingHai lake watershed, ne qinghai–tibet. Eurasian SoilScience, 52(11), 1391-1401.(SCI, IF:1.365)

19. LiWei, X-Y Li, Y Huang, Wang P*, Zhang cicheng. 2019. Spatialpatch structure and adaptive strategy for the desert shrub Reaumuriasoongorica in the arid Heihe River Basin ecosystem. Journal of GeographicalSciences.

20. Yu-JunMa, Xiao-Yan Li, Lei Liu, Xiao-Fan Yang, Xiu-Chen Wu, Pei Wang, Henry Lin, Guang-Hui Zhang, Chi-Yuan Miao. 2019. Evapotranspirationand its dominant controls along an elevation gradient in the Qinghai Lakewatershed, northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Journal of Hydrology, 575, 257-268.

21. Hu X, LI X-Y, Wang P, Liu Y, Wu X,Li Z,Zhao Y, Cheng Y, Guo L-L, Lyu Y-L, Liu L-Y. 2019. Influence of enclosure onCT-measured soil macropores and root architecture in a shrub-encroachedgrassland in northern China, Soil and Tillage Research, 187, 30,167-1987.

22. FanY, Li XY, Huang H, Wu XC, YuKL, Wei JQ, ZhangCC, Wang P, HuX, D'OdoricoP. 2019. Does phenology play a role in the feedbacksunderlying shrubencroachment? Science of the Total Environment, 657,1064-1073.

23. Bai Y,Li X-Y, Zhou S, Yang X, Yu K,Wang M, Liu S, WangP,Wu X, Wang X, Zhang C, Shi F, Wang Y, Wu Y. Quantifying plant transpiration andstomatal behavior at the canopy scale: An underlying water use efficiencymethod, Agricultural & Forest Meteorology,271,375-384.

24. Wang Y,Li X-Y, Zhang C, Xiuchen Wu, Enzai Du, Huawu Wu,Xiaofan Yang, Wang P, Yan Bai, Yinan Wu, YongmeiHuang,2019. Responses of soil respiration to rainfall addition in a desertecosystem:Linking physiological activities and rainfall pattern, Science ofThe Total Environment,650, 2, 3007-3016.

25. Li E, TY, Huang Y, Li X-Y, Wang P,HChen,Yang C. 2019. Responses of two desert riparian species tofluctuatinggroundwater depths in hyperarid areas of Northwest China.Ecoydrology,12(3),1-12.

26. Shi F,Wu X*, Li X-Y, Wang P, X Yang,Y Li,X Jiang, T Pei, Y Bai, B Hao, C Zhang,Y. 2019. Seasonal Divergence Treegrowthvariability along drought gradient over Northeastern China. Forest.10(1),39.

27. Hu Xia,Xiao-Yan Li, L Guo, Yong Liu, Wang P,Y-DZhao, Y Cheng, Y Lyu, L-Y Liu, 2019. Influence of shrub roots on soilmacroporesusing X-ray computed tomography in a shrub-encroached grassland inNorthernChina Journal of Soils and Sediments. Journal of Soils Sediments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-018-2218-6.

28. ZhangC, Li X-Y, Wang Y, Wu H, Wang P,LiW, Bai Y, Li E, Wang S, Miao C, X Wu. 2018. Responses of two desert shrubstosimulated rainfall pulses in an arid environment, northwestern China, PlantandSoil, 435:239–255

29. Wu X,Guo W, Liu H, Li X-Y, Peng C, Craig D A, Zhang C, WangP, Pei T, Ma Y, Tian Y, Song Z, Zhu W, Wang Y, Li Z, ChenD.2019.Exposures to temperature beyond threshold disproportionatelyreducevegetation growth in the northern hemisphere, National Science Review,nwy158, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwy158 .

30. Wu X, Li X-Y, Liu H, P Ciais, Li Y,Xu C,Babst F,W Guo,Hao B, WangP, Y Huang,Liu Shao m, Tian Y, He B, Zhang C.2019, Uneven winter snowinfluence on tree growth across temperate China. GlobalClimateChange, 25(a),144-154.

31. Ma,Y.-J., Li, X.-Y., Liu, L., Huang, Y.-M.,Li, Z., Hu,X., Wang P. 2018. Measurements and modeling of the waterbudget insemiarid high-altitudeQinghai Lake basin, NortheastQinghai-Tibet Plateau.Journalof Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123,10, 857–10,871.

32. LiX.Y., Yang X, Ma Y.-J, G. Hu, X. Hu, X. Wu, WangP, Y. Huang, B. Cui, and J. Wei. 2018. Qinghai Lake BasinCritical ZoneObservatory on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Vadose Zone Journal,17: 180069.

33. Hu X, LI Z, LI X-Y, Wang P, Zhao Y,Liu L, Lv Y. 2018. Soil Macropore StructureCharacterized by X-Ray ComputedTomography Under Different Land Uses in theQinghai Lake Watershed,Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Pedosphere 28(3): 478–487.

34. F Shi,X Wu*, LI X-Y *, D Chen, H Liu, S Liu, X Hu, B He,C Shi, Wang P, R Mao, Y Ma, Y Huang. 2018 Weakeningrelationship betweenvegetation growth over the Tibetan Plateau and large-scaleclimate variability.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeoscience, (SCI, IF:3.484)

35. Bai Y.,Li X, Liu S, Wang P. 2017.Modellingdiurnal and seasonal hysteresis phenomena of canopy conductance in anoasisforest ecosystem. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 246,98-110.

36. Pei T,X Wu, X Li, Y Zhang, F Shi, Y Ma, WangP,C Zhang 2017. Seasonal divergence in the sensitivity ofevapotranspiration toclimate and vegetation growth in the Yellow River Basin,China, Journal ofGeophysical Research: Biogeoscience, 122,(1),103-118.

37. Zhang,C, Li X, Wu, H, Wang P, WangY, WuW. 2017. Differences in water-use strategies along an aridity gradientbetweentwo coexisting desert shrubs (reaumuria soongorica, and nitrariasphaerocarpa):isotopic approaches with physiological evidence. Plant &Soil,419(1-2)169-187.

38. Wu X, HLiu, X Li, S Piao, P Ciais, W Guo, Y Yin, BPoulter, C Peng, N Viovy, NVuichard, Wang P, Y Huang.2017. Highertemperature variability reduces temperature sensitivity ofvegetation growth inNorthern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 44,6173-6181.

39. Wu X, HLiu, X Li, S Piao, P Ciais, W Guo, Y Yin, BPoulter, C Peng, N Viovy, Wang P, Y Huang. 2017.Differentiatingdrought legacy effects on vegetation growth over the temperateNorthernHemisphere. Global Change Biology, 24(1),504-516.

40. F Tian, X Feng, L Zhang, B Fu, S Wang, Y Lv, WangP. 2016. Effects of revegetation on soil moisture under different precipitationgradients in the Loess Plateau, China,Hydrology Research, 48(5) 1378-1390.

41. X Li, Y Ma, Y Huang, X Hu, X Wu, Wang P,GLi, S Zhang, H Wu, Z Jiang, B Cui, L Liu. 2016. Evaporation and surface energybudget over the largest high-altitude saline lake on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(18),10470-10485.


42. 童雅琴,王佩,李小雁*,张赐成,白岩.2018. 黑河流域高寒草甸生态系统水分收支及蒸散发拆分研究.生态学报,38(20):7400-7411.

43. 王佩*,马琪顺, 王家琪,黄洁钰, 李炜,张赐成. 温带草地蒸散发及波文比观测与比较:涡动相关及波文比系统[J]. 草地学报,2017,25(3): 453-459.

44. 王芑丹,杨温馨, 黄洁钰,徐昆, 王佩*.灌丛化的蒸散耗水效应数值模拟研究—以内蒙古灌丛化草原为例. 植物生态学报,2017,41,348–358.

45. 吴艺楠, 马育军, 刘文玲, 李小雁, 王佩. 2017. 基于biomod的青海湖流域高原鼠兔分布模拟. 动物学杂志, 52(3), 390-402.

46. 杨晓华,吴耀平,黄敬峰,王建文,王佩, 王晓鸣,HUETE Alfredo R.基于支持向量机的水稻生物物理参数遥感估算. 中国科学C 辑:生命科学2009.39(11):1080 ~ 1091

47. 谢芳,邱国玉,尹婧,熊育久,王佩. 泾河流域40年的土地利用/覆盖变化对比研究.自然资源学报.2009(8)1354-1365

48. 王佩,邱国玉,尹婧,熊育久,谢芳. 泾河流域温度与器皿蒸发量时空特征及变化趋势. 干旱气象,2008,(1).17-22

49. 邱国玉,王佩,谢芳. 在我国高校实行本科生导师制的探索与思考. 中国大学教学,2008,(9).25-27

50. 邱国玉,尹婧,熊育久,赵少华,王佩,吴秀琴,曾爽. 北方干旱化和土地利用变化对泾河流域径流的影响. 自然资源学报,2008.23(2):211-218

51. 王佩,张有富.日光温室甜玉米套种大白菜反季节高效栽培模式. 北方园艺,2006,(1).71-72

52. 王佩,陈叶,陈天仁. 紫苏的栽培与利用. 中国农村小康科技.2004, (12).28-29)


53. 王佩等. 2017 Soil-Plant-Atmosphere- Continuum with isotopic tracer software. (软著编号: 1911812)

54. 王佩等. 2017 陆地生态系统水热通量双源模型. (软著编号: 1911812)[1]
