班加夫男爵夫人奧尼爾 |
![]() 出生 1941年8月23日 獲獎 郝爾拜獎(2017) 曾擔任 英國國家學術院院長 任期 2005-2009年 曾擔任 英國上議院議院 任期 1999年2月25日終身貴族 |
奧諾拉·希薇亞·奧尼爾,班加夫男爵夫人奧尼爾(英語:Onora Sylvia O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve,1941年8月23日-),英國哲學家,上議院中立議員。
奧尼爾是劍橋大學名譽哲學教授、英國科學院前院長(2005-2009),並主持了納菲爾德基金會(1998 - 2010年)[1]。 2003年,她擔任英國哲學協會(BPA)的創始主席。 2013年,奧尼爾在阿姆斯特丹大學擔任斯賓諾莎哲學主席[2]。
在一系列著作中,奧尼爾捍衛了康德主義倫理學並進行建設性的闡釋。同時她也受約翰·羅爾斯(John Rawls)著作的深刻影響,強調信任、同意和對自治的尊重在公正社會中的重要性。奧尼爾撰寫了大量關於信任的文章,指出「人們經常選擇依賴他們認為是不信任的人」,並表示我們「需要免費的專業人士和公共服務為公眾服務……需要致力於追求更明智的問責形式……需要重新思考在其中懷疑已成為司空見慣的媒體文化」。
- 亞里士多德協會主席(1988-1989年)、
- 動物處置委員會會員(1990-1994年)、
- 納菲爾德生物倫理委員會主席(1996-1998年)
- 人類遺傳學諮詢委員會會員(1996-1999年)英國廣播公司章程審查專家委員會成員。
- O'Neill, Onora. Acting on principle : an essay on Kantian ethics. New York: Columbia University Press. 1975.
- O'Neill, Onora. Faces of Hunger: An Essay on Poverty, Development and Justice. Allen & Unwin. 1986.
- O'Neill, Onora. Constructions of Reason: Exploration of Kant's Practical Philosophy. Cambridge University Press. 1989.
- O'Neill, Onora. Towards Justice and Virtue. Cambridge University Press. 1996.
- O'Neill, Onora. Bounds of Justice. Cambridge University Press. 2000.
- O'Neill, Onora. Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics (The 2001 Gifford Lectures. Cambridge University Press. 2002.
- O'Neill, Onora. A Question of Trust: The BBC Reith Lectures. Cambridge University Press. 2002.
- O'Neill, Onora. Justice, Trust and Accountability. Cambridge University Press. 2005.
- O'Neill, Onora. Rethinking Informed Consent in Bioethics. Cambridge University Press. 2007. (with Neil Manson)
- O'Neill, Onora. Constructing authorities : reason, politics, and interpretation in Kant's philosophy. Cambridge University Press. 2015.
- O'Neill, Onora. Justice across boundaries : whose obligations?. Cambridge University Press. 2016.
- O'Neill, Onora. Between consenting adults. Philosophy & Public Affairs (Wiley). Summer 1985, 14 (3): 252–277. JSTOR 2265350.
- O'Neill, Onora. Kant on duties regarding nonrational nature. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes (Wiley). June 1998, 72 (1): 211–228. JSTOR 4107017. doi:10.1111/1467-8349.00043.
- O'Neill, Onora. Constructivism vs. contractualism. Ratio (Wiley). December 2003, 16 (4): 319–331. doi:10.1046/j.1467-9329.2003.00226.x.
- See also: Scanlon, T.M. Replies. Ratio (Wiley). December 2003, 16 (4): 424–439. doi:10.1046/j.1467-9329.2003.00231.x.
- O'Neill, Onora. Interpreting the world, changing the world. Philosophy Now. March–April 2013, 95: 8–9.
- ↑ Biography of Officers Archive.is的存檔,存檔日期2008-10-04 of the British Academy
- ↑ Universiteit van Amsterdam. The Spinoza Chair. uva.nl. [2017-10-23]. (原始內容存檔於2018-07-01).
- ↑ British Academy Press Release 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2007-06-17.
- ↑ Remarks by Baroness Onora O』Neill,FSCB ORG UK,2016/10/20
- Licence to Deceive BBC-The Reith LecturesOnora O'Neill: A Question of Trust: 2002
- National Portrait Gallery -Onora Sylvia O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve
- "On the Side of the Angels" Video of Onora O'Neill debating Ken Livingstone and Peter Lilley at HowTheLightGetsIn Festival, 2 June 2013
- What Should Press Regulation Regulate? Podcast of Baroness O'Neill speaking at a conference by the Foundation for Law, Justice & Society, Oxford, 2012
- Media Freedoms and Media Standards, Centre for Ethics & Law Annual Lecture, University College London, 28 November 2012 Pdf.
- Reith Lectures 2002 on A Question of Trust by O'Neill
- Announcement of her introduction at the House of Lords House of Lords minutes of proceedings, 3 March 1999
- List of O'Neill's published books and papers in academic journals
- Giffordlectures-Onora O'Neill