擔任Decision Support Systems、International Journal of Production Research、PLOS One、Information Technology & Management、Industrial Management & Data Systems、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal、Water Resources Management和Systemic Practice and Action Research等SCI/SSCI期刊的審稿人。在Springer出版英文專著1部,在國際主流SCI/SSCI期刊發表論文十餘篇。
[1] 2021-2023, 「生命周期視角下虛假新聞的傳播機制與揭露策略研究,」. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金(62001314), 24萬元.
[2] 2020-2022, 「在線虛假評論的干預機制研究:基於發布動機的視角,」. 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金(20YJC630159), 8萬元.
[3] 2020-2022, 「網絡虛假信息的發布機制研究,」. 中央高校基本科研業務費(YJ202008), 15萬元.
[4] 2019-2021, 「多維視角下減少在線虛假評論的路徑探索,」. 湖南省自然科學基金項目青年項目(2019JJ50403), 5萬元.
[5] 2016-2018, 「基於系統動力學仿真計劃生育政策調整對湖南人口發展的影響,」. 湖南省自然科學基金項目面上項目(2016JJ2094), 5萬元. (已結題)
[1] Pengkun Wu. Population Development Challenges in China: Family Planning Policy and Provincial Population Difference [M]. Springer Nature, 2020: XIX+241 pages. IBSN: 978-981-15-8009-3 (Hardcover); 978-981-15-8010-9 (eBook).
[2] Yuanyuan Wu, Eric Ngai, Pengkun Wu*, Chong Wu. Fake online reviews: a literature review, synthesis and directions for future research [J]. Decision Support Systems, 2020, 132, 113280.
[3] Yi He, Qingyun Xu, and Pengkun Wu*. Omnichannel retail operations with refurbished consumer returns [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2020, 58(1), 271-290.
[4] Pengkun Wu, Eric Ngai*, and Yuanyuan Wu. Toward a real-time and budget-aware task package allocation in spatial crowdsourcing [J]. Decision Support Systems, 2018, 110, 107-117.
[5] Pengkun Wu, Chong Wu*, and Yuanyuan Wu. Reforming path of China’s fertility policy in stabilizing demographic dividend perspective [J]. Social Indicators Research, 2018, 137(3), 1225-1243.
[6] Pengkun Wu, Yuanyuan Wu, and Chong Wu*. Research on fertility policy in China: the relative necessity for reform among the different provinces [J]. Social Indicators Research, 2018, 135(2), 751-767.
[7] Pengkun Wu*, Chao Xia, Fangzhou Liu, Yuanyuan Wu and Yi He. An integrated water strategy based on the current circumstances in China [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(17-18), 8108-8124.
[8] Yi He*, Qingyun Xu, Bing Xu and Pengkun Wu. Supply chain coordination in quality improvement with reference effects [J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2016, 67(9), 1158-1168.