


来自 孔夫子网 的图片





中国经济将走向何方,这是许多经济界人士和决策者关心的话题。本书梳理了这么几方面的内容:其一, 中国目前的经济水平,在纵向和横向的比较中的位置是怎样的 —— 或者说, 我们现在哪里; 其二, 中国在经济发展上取得的成就,为什么取得这样的成就 —— 换言之,我们以前做对了什么; 其三,中国经济现有的主要问题以及内部情况和外部环境变化的影响是怎样的 —— 也就是说, 我们需要再作什么。 作者具备全球视野,在国际比较的框架中,从国际贸易、国际金融、汇率与外汇储备、国际投资等多方面,对中国经济面临的问题进行分析,对中国经济未来发展进行展望,对于关心中国发展的专业读者和政策制定者具有较大的借鉴意义。


PrefaceThe Time from 2010 to 2040 Sees a Path to the Peak of

China's Economy

Chapter 1 China's Development: Great Conception of History

Chapter 2 Globalization and China's Economy: 30-year Reform

1. Brief History of Economic Globalization

2. Rise of Chinese Economy in Mighty Globalization Era

3. Financial Crisis Reshaped Globalization and China's Economy

4. New Impetus of Globalization and New Structure of World Economic Governance Exhibits

China's Leading Role

Chapter 3 Chinese Economy in Post-crisis Era:

New Transition& New Growth

1. Reform and Countermeasure of China's Development

2. Chinese Mode and China's Road

3. Economic Growth: Searching for New Impetus in New Environment

4. Deepening of Traditional Transition and Breakthrough of New Transition

Chapter 4 International Finance Against New Moary Policy

1. New Pattern of Global Moary Policy and New Challenges of Financial Security

2. RMB Exchange Rate. from Unilateral Appreciation to Bilateral Fluctuation

3. RMB Internationalization: from China's Currency to World Currency

4. International Balance of Payments: End of “Double Surplus” Era and Advent of “Inflection

Point” of Foreign Exchange Reserve

Chapter 5 International Trade in Global Governance


1. Reshuffle of World Trade

2. New Competition and New Imbalance: Global Challenges and China's Strategy

3. Protectionism. World Problem or Chinese Phenomenon?

4. Changes in Global Trade System and China's New Thoughts on Free Trade

Chapter 6 Introduction of Foreign Capital: New Opportunities

in weakening Globalization

1. Impact and Opportunities Caused by China's Utilization of Foreign Capital

2. Reflection for Improvement upon Second Thoughts on Quantity and Quality of

Foreign Capital

3. Industrial layout: “Romance of Three Kingdoms” Among State-owned Enterprises, Private

Enterprises and Foreign-funded Enterprises

Chapter 7 Foreign Investment: New Driving Force to

Strengthen Globalization

1. Rapid Growth and Diversified Drives of China's Foreign Investment

2. Industrial Upgrade and Business Internationalization: New Opportunities and New


3. “The Belt and Road” Initiative- Sharing Prosperity and Development with the World

Chapter 8Outlook for Chinese Century
