


丁颂东 四川大学教 授(研究员)、博导主持和主研过国家自然科学基金“先进核裂变能的燃料增殖与嬗变”重大研究计划培育/集成/面上项目、863项目、中科院战略性先导科技专项(钍基熔盐堆核能系统)子项目、中国原子能科学研究院后处理专项、中国工程物理研究院合作项目、中国核动力研究院合作项目、教育部和四川省的科研项目共计40余项。



1986-1990 四川大学化学系放射化学专业读本科;

1990-1993 四川大学化学系放射化学专业读硕士研究生;

1993-1996 四川大学原子核科学技术研究所工作;

1996至今 四川大学化学学院工作;






[1] Huang H, Ding SD*, Liu N, Wu YX, Su DP, Huang S. Extraction of trivalent americium and europium from nitric acid solution with a calixarene-based diglycolamide. Sep Purif Technol, 2014, 123: 235-240.

[2] Huang H, Ding SD*, Su DP, Liu N, Wang JR, Tan ML, Fei JE. High selective extraction for thorium(IV) with NTAamide in nitric acid solution: Synthesis, solvent extraction and structure studies. Sep Purif Technol, 2014, 138: 65-70.

[3] Ding SD*, Yang T, Liu N, Zhang L. Extraction of strontium from nitric acid solution with N,N,N',N'-tetraisobutyl diglycolamide. J Iran Chem Soc, 2010, 7(3): 545-553.

[4] Yang T, Ding SD*, Liu N, Zhang L. Synthesis of extraction resin containing N,N,N',N'-tetraisobutyl diglycolamide and its application for separation of Sr(II) from Rb(I). Sep Sci Technol, 2009, 44(11): 2526-2540.

[5] Zhang L, Ding SD*, Yang T, Zheng GC. Adsorption behavior of rare earth elements using polyethyleneglycol (phosphomolybdate and tungstate) heteropolyacid sorbents in nitric solution. Hydrometallurgy, 2009, 99(1-2): 109-114.

[6] 吴宇轩, 丁颂东*, 刘宁, 黄松, 黄璜, 苏冬萍. 新法合成酰胺荚醚萃取剂. 高等学校化学学报, 2014, 35(2): 257-261.

[7] 黄松, 丁颂东*, 金永东, 马利建, 夏传琴, 李首建, 吴宇轩, 黄璜. 双二苷酰胺从硝酸溶液中萃取Eu(III)和Am(III). 高等学校化学学报, 2014, 35(7): 1369-1378.

[8] 吴宇轩, 刘宁, 丁颂东*. 用于锕系分离以及三价镧系/锕系分离的水溶性配体. 化学进展, 2014, 26(10): 1655-1664.

[9] Su DP, Huang H, Huang S, Liu N, Ding SD*. Extraction of trivalent europium and americium from nitric acid solution with bisdiglycolamides. Sep Sci Technol, 2015. (in press)

[10] Yang X, Liang YN, Ding SD, Li SJ, Chai ZF, Wang DQ. Influence of a bridging group and the substitution effect of bis(1,2,4-triazine) N?Donor extractants on their interactions with a NpV cation. Inorg Chem, 2014, 53(15): 7848-7860.

[11] Kong F, Liao JL, Ding SD, Yang YY, Huang H, Yang JJ, Tang J, Liu N. Extraction and thermodynamic behavior of U(VI) and Th(IV) from nitric acid solution with tri-isoamyl phosphate. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2013, 298: 651-656.

[12] Liu XQ, Kong F, Liao JL, Ding SD, Yang YY, Huang H, Luo SZ, Liu GP, Li XL, Yang JJ, Tang J, Liu N. Extraction kinetics of uranium(VI) and thorium(IV) with tri-iso-amyl phosphate from nitric acid using a Lewis cell. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2014, 302: 1069-1076.

[13] Su DP, Huang H, Ding SD*, Li SJ, Liu N. Extraction of thorium(IV), uranium(VI) and rare earths with NTAamide. The 2nd China-Japan academic symposium on nuclear fuel cycle, P90, Shanghai, China, 2013.11.27-30.

[14] Yuan Y, Ding SD*, Zhao YQ, Wang YZ. Hydrolytic degradation behaviors of poly(p-dioxanone) in ambient environments. Chinese J Polym Sci, 2014, 32(12): 1678-1689.

[15] Zhao YQ, Ding SD*, Yuan Y, Wang YZ. Enhanced degradation stability of poly(p-dioxanone) under different temperature and humidity with bis-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl) carbodiimide. J Appl Polym Sci, 2014, 131(6). (DOI: 10.1002/APP.40026)

[16] Ding SD, Wang YZ. Enhanced thermal stability of poly(1,4-dioxan-2-one) in melt by adding a chelator. Polym Degrad Stabil,2006, 91(10): 2465-2470.

[17] Ding SD, Bai CY, Liu ZP, Wang YZ. Enhanced thermal stability of poly (p-dioxanone) in melt by adding an end-capping reagent. J Therm Anal Calorim, 2008, 94(1): 89-95.

[18] Liu ZP, Ding SD*, Wang YZ, Sui YJ. Enhanced hydrolytic stability of poly(p-dioxanone) with polycarbodiimide. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009, 112: 3079-3086.

[19] Ding SD, Wang YZ, Rudd CD. Borontrifluoride-catalyzed degradation of poly-ε-caprolactone at ambient temperature. Polym Degrad Stabil, 2009, 94(9): 1515-1519.

[20] Ding SD*, Zheng GC, Zeng JB, Zhang Li, Li YD, Wang YZ. Preparation, characterization and hydrolytic degradation of poly[p-dioxanone-(butylene succinate)] multiblockcopolymer. Eur Polym J, 2009, 45(11): 3043-3057.

[21] Ding SD*, Liu ZP, Yang T, Zheng GC, Wang YZ. Effect of polycarbodiimide on the thermal stability and crystallization of poly(p-dioxanone). J Polym Res, 2010, 17(1): 63-70.

[22] Zheng GC, Ding SD*, Zeng JB, Wang YZ, Li YD. Nonisothermal crystallization behaviors of poly(p-dioxanone) and poly(p-dioxanone)/poly(butylene succinate) multiblock copolymer from amorphous state. J Macromol Sci B, 2010, 49:260-276.

[23]白春燕, 丁颂东, 刘中平, 王玉忠. 扩链法制备高分子量聚对二氧环己酮的研究. 高分子学报, 2007, (12):1201-1204.

[24] Wang J, Ding SD*, Wang YZ. Preparation of UV-crosslinked biodegradable poly(p-dioxanone)/poly(ethylene glycol) films.J Control Release, 2011, 152(suppl): 239-240.

[25] 丁颂东, 杨堂, 张利. 以酰胺化合物为萃取剂的萃淋树脂及其制备方法, ZL200710049559.3, 申请日2007.7.19, 授权日2010.4.14.

[26] 丁颂东, 吴宇轩, 黄松, 等. 二酰胺荚醚萃取剂的合成方法, 申请号: 201210468561.5, 申请日: 2012.11.19.

[27] 王玉忠, 丁颂东. 制备具有不同降解速率脂肪族聚酯或其制品的方法, CN1233686, 2005.12.28授权.

[28]“基于聚对二氧环己酮的完全生物降解聚合物及其制备方法”项目获教育部技术发明奖一等奖, 2007.1.25.

[29]“生物降解高分子的设计合成及其材料结构与性能”项目获四川省科技进步奖一等奖, 2012. 12.[1]
