
Georgia on my mind (方大同)查看源代码讨论查看历史

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[ 圖片來自QQ音乐]

Georgia on my mind 是一首由方大同演唱,语种: 英语,流派:Pop,唱片公司:华纳唱片,发行时间:2009-08-11,收录在专辑《Timeless》中。[1]


Georgia' Georgia' the whole day through

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind

Talkin' 'bout Georgia


A song of you

Comes as sweet and clear

As moonlight through the pines

Other arms reach out to me

Other eyes smile tenderly

Still in peaceful dreams I see

The road leads back to you

Georgia' sweet Georgia' no peace I find

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind

Other arms reach out to me

Other eyes smile tenderly

Still in peaceful dreams I see

The road leads back to you

I'm in Georgia' Georgia

No peace' no peace I find

Just this old' sweet song

Keeps Georgia forever on

Forever on forever on

My mind

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia forever on my mind [2]


  方大同在 1983 年 7 月 14 日生于夏威夷 6 岁搬往上海,是方爸爸方妈妈希望他学会中国文化 在上海习了三年中关键词为空!国武术,会耍点功夫也会耍太极 12 岁搬到广州,跟爸爸。
