Bruno Briseghella查看源代码讨论查看历史
Bruno Briseghella,男, 福州大学土木工程学院 博士。
1997 意大利Padova大学结构工程学士及硕士学位
2005 意大利Trento大学结构工程博士学位
1999 – 2003 “Briseghella Associati”,顾问工程师。意大利,Padova。
2003 to date “Bolina Ingegneria Srl”执行理事, 顾问工程师。意大利,venice。
2007 to date “Tecnostrutture Srl” (预制结构构件) 创新和新产品的开发顾问。意大利。
2008 to date 意大利Padova工程师协会执行委员会代表委员
- [1].J. Xue, B. Chen, B. Briseghella, Numerical analysis of the Influence of Debonding on CFST Single Tube Arch, Arch10 - 6th international conference on arch bridges, Fuzhou (China), October 2010 (accepted)
- [2].S. Palaoro, E. Siviero, B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Concept and construction methods of arch bridges in Italy, Arch10 - 6th international conference on arch bridges, Fuzhou (China), October 2010 (accepted)
- [3].B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, A New Multi-Span Arch Bridge over the Piave River in Venice: Conceptual design and Structural Optimization, Arch10 - 6th international conference on arch bridges, Fuzhou (China), October 2010 (submitted)
- [4].B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Tensigrity bridges: a survey and some proposals regarding arch bridges, Arch10 - 6th international conference on arch bridges, Fuzhou (China), October 2010 (submitted)
- [5].S. Palaoro, E. Siviero, B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, The state of art of the Italian arch bridges, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)
- [6].J. Xue, B. Chen, B. Briseghella, Experimental research on debonding in concrete-filled steel tubes columns subjected to eccentric loading, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)
- [7].B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Topology optimization to minimize unexpected bending moments in the shell supporting the deck of shell bridges, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)
- [8].J. He, T. Zordan, A. Chen, B. Biseghella, R. M, X. Ruan, Cyclic Behaviour of Prefabricated High-Strength Concrete Composite Beam-to-Column Joints, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)
- [9].B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Optimization Design of Soil-Pile Interaction and Abutment Size of IABs, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)
- [10].B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Shape optimization of an arch bridge by the evolutionary procedure, 8th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Vancouver (BC Canada), 3-6 August, 2010. (accepted)
- [11].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, F. Busatta, Safety Monitoring of the Cable Stayed Bridge in the Commercial Harbor of Venice, Italy, Fifth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2010, Pennsylvania, 11 – 15 July, 2010. (accepted)
- [12].T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, C. Lan, Parametric analyses on concrete super long integral abutment bridges: a sustainable solution, Proceedings of Sustainable Development Strategies for Constructions in Europe and China Conference, Roma, 2010
- [13].B. Briseghella, A. Zanchettin, T. Zordan, A non conventional moment resisting composite joint: recent studies and possible applications, Proceedings of FIB Symposium, October 2009, London, UK.
- [14].B. Briseghella, Q. Zhang, T. Zordan, Network arch bridges with externally inclined arches and composite steel and concrete decks, Proceedings of IASS Symposium IASS-SLTE 2008, October 2008, Acapulco, Mexico.
- [15].B. Briseghella, I. Paoletti, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Conceptual design of Spatial Bridges, Proceedings of IASS Symposium IASS-SLTE 2008, October 2008, Acapulco, Mexico.
- [16].B. Briseghella, F. Busatta, C. Gentile, T. Zordan, Finite Element Modelling of a curved deck cable stayed bridge in Venice from operational modal analysis, Proceedings of IABSE Congress, Chicago, September 2008
- [17].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, A. Chen, X. Ruan, E. Siviero, Structural optimization of a non conventional composite steel and concrete connection through FE analysis, Proceedings of IABSE Congress, Chicago, September 2008
- [18].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Twelve Network Arch Bridges in Abu Dhabi, Proceedings of Chinese-Croatian Joint Colloquium on Long Arch Bridges, Brijuni (Croatia), July 2008
- [19].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Erection Design and Testing of the IVth bridge over the Grand Canal in Venice, Proceedings of the Third International Conference Footbridge 2008, Porto, 2-4 July 2008
- [20].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, The IVth Bridge over the Grand Canal of Venice: from conceptual design to construction, Proceedings of IASS Symposium: Structural Architecture - Towards the future looking to the past, Venice, 3-6 December 2007
- [21].B. Briseghella, U. Di Bennardo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Structural optimization and construction of the San Donà Bridge, Proceedings of IASS Symposium: Structural Architecture - Towards the future looking to the past, Venice, 3-6 December 2007
- [22].B. Briseghella, E. de la Grennelais, U. Di Bennardo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Structural optimization and construction of the new bridge in Venice – San Donà, Third International conference “Structural Engeneers World Congress 2007”, Bangalore (India), November 2007
- [23].B. Briseghella, E. de la Grennelais, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Refurbishment of an arch bridge increasing its stiffness and reducing its weight, Proceedings of IABSE Symposium Improving Infrastructure Worldwide, Weimar, September 2007
- [24].B. Briseghella, N. Gallino, C. Gentile, T. Zordan, Finite Element Modelling of a tied arch bridge from operational modal analysis, Arch07 - 5th international conference on arch bridges, Madeira (Portugal), September 2007
- [25].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, A newly developed connection between a centrifuged high performance concrete pre-fabricated column and a composite steel and concrete beam, Proceedings of “Conceptual approach to structural design”, Venice, June 2007
- [26].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Attainment of a moment resisting structure through rehabilitation of a simply supported bridge, Proceedings of the fib Symposium; Concrete Structures-Stimulators of Development, Dubrovnik, May 2007
- [27].B. Briseghella, A. Del Grosso, C. Gentile, E. Siviero, A. Torre, T. Zordan,Reception test and monitoring system of the new Marghera cable-stayed bridge in the harbour of Venice, ILDMI2007, Shanghai, May 2007
- [28].B. Briseghella, E. de la Grennelais, E. Siviero, T. Zordan,Seismic retrofit of an concrete arch bridge, ILDMI2007, Shanghai, May 2007
- [29].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, P. Tolaccia, T. Zordan, Sperimentazione in scala reale sul Quarto Ponte sul Canal Grande a Venezia, Convegno Nazionale “Sperimentazione su materiali e strutture”, Venezia, 6-7 dicembre 2006
- [30].B. Briseghella, C. Gentile, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Approccio metodologico al consolidamento dei ponti storici, Convegno Nazionale “Sperimentazione su materiali e strutture”, Venezia, 6-7 dicembre 2006
- [31].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Small and medium span bridges: case studies for standard solutions with reduced maintenance requirements, 7th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Canada, 2006.
- [32].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Retrofitting techniques for short and medium span bridges, 2nd International fib Congress, Naples, Italy, 2006.
- [33].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Innovative solutions for retrofitting and new construction of bridge structures responding to new functional demands, IABSE Symposium “Responding to Tomorrow’s Challenges in Structural Engineering”, Budapest, Hungary, 2006.
- [34].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, P. Tolaccia, T. Zordan, Problematiche statiche in fase di progettazione ed esecuzione: un caso studio, CRASC 06, 3° Convegno Nazionale sui Crolli e l’Affidabilità delle Strutture Civili, Messina, 20-22 Aprile 2006.
- [35].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, A. Steffen, M. Svalduz, T. Zordan, A Couple of tubular footbridges supporting a 5 lanes road deck, International conference Footbridge 2005, 6-8 December, 2005.
- [36].B. Briseghella, A. Comerlati, C. Janna, T. Zordan, Retrofitting of the truss girder of a pedestrian bridge in Eraclea, Venice, International conference Footbridge 2005, 6-8 December, 2005.
- [37].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Advanced retrofitting techniques with hybrid use of carbon fibre and external post-tensioning: a case study, Fourth international conference on current and future trends in Bridge design, construction and maintenance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,10-11 October 2005.
- [38].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Spatial tubular solution for bridge design, 3rd New York City Bridge Conference, New York, September 12-13, 2005.
- [39].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, 3D tubular mesh as a girder for bridge design, International Symposium IASS 2005 – Theory, Technique, Evaluation, Maintenance of Shell and Spatial Structures, Bucharest, Romania, 6-8 September 2005.
- [40].T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, Nuovi orientamenti per la progettazione di ponti e viadotti a carattere non convenzionale, Nuovi orientamenti per la progettazione di Ponti e Viadotti a cura di M. Arici and E. Siviero (Eds), Taormina, Marzo 2005.
- [41].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Tecniche miste di retrofitting con impiego di frp e precompressione esterna, Nuovi orientamenti per la progettazione di Ponti e Viadotti a cura di M. Arici and E. Siviero (Eds), Taormina, Marzo 2005.
- [42].M. Arici, B. Briseghella, M. F. Granata, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Esperienze didattiche e progettuali di architettura strutturale nelle Università di Palermo e Venezia, Nuovi orientamenti per la progettazione di Ponti e Viadotti a cura di M. Arici and E. Siviero (Eds), Taormina, Marzo 2005.
- [43].Briseghella B., Zordan T., Adjustable deck solutions for Veneto Strade flyovers, Proc. IABSE Symposium Towards Metropolitan Habitats and Infrastructure, Shangai, China, sept. 2004. Paper 116.
- [44].Briseghella B., Siviero E., Zordan T., An integral composite bridge in Trento, Italy: Design and Analysis, Proc. IABSE Symposium Towards Metropolitan Habitats and Infrastructure, Shangai, China, sept. 2004. Paper 117.
- [45].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, M. Pircher, M. Wallner, Innovation in Movable Bridges: Sophisticated Design and Analysis with an Eye on Tradition, Proceedings of the Second New York City Bridge Coference, Pag. 83-93, New York (USA), October 20-21st 2003.
- [46].B. Briseghella, E. Maiorana, A. Miazzon, Stabilità di lastre soggette a carico localizzato, XIX Congresso C.T.A., Vol. 1, pag. 115-128, Genova, September 28-29-30, October 1st 2003.
- [47].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, New structural solutions for movable bridges based on past experience, 2nd Specialty Conference on The conceptual approach to structural design, Milan, 01 - 02 July 2003.
- [48].B. Briseghella, S. Bullo, R. Di Marco, T. Zordan, Risposta non lineare di una connessione tra una trave composta e un pilastro: risultati sperimentali, V Workshop italiano sulle strutture composte, Fisciano (Sa), 28-29 Novembre 2002.
- [49].A. Mammino, F. Tonon, B. Briseghella, P. Faccio, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, A New Tunnel for the City of Mestre, International Conference ACUUS 2002, Torino (Italy), November 14 th -16 th , 2002.
- [50].B. Briseghella, A. Guerriero, G. Meneghini, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, 10 Years experience in Footbridge design at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice, Footbridge 2002, Paris, November 20-22, 2002.
- [51].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, A new movable footbridge over Canale Burlamacca in Viareggio, Footbridge 2002, Paris, November 20-22, 2002.
- [52].Briseghella B., Bullo S., Di Marco R., Zordan T., Non linear response of a composite steel and concrete connection, V° workshop Italiano sulle strutture miste, Salerno, November 2002.
- [53].B. Briseghella, G. Meneghini, E. Siviero, Design of concrete bridges. Experience at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (IUAV), First FIB Congress, Osaka, 2002.
- [54].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Design and Analysis of a variable stiffness movable footbridge, “Towards a better built environment - innovation, sustainability, information technology” IABSE Symposium, Melbourne (Australia), September 2002. IABSE 2002 – Prize for outstanding paper by young authors.
- [55].B. Briseghella, S. Martinello, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, and F. Bertoluzza, Defectiveness Analysis on twenty bridges in the municipality of Bolzano. 6th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Vancouver (BC Canada), July 31 – August 2, 2002.
- [56].B. Briseghella, S. Martinello, E. Siviero, and F. Bertoluzza, Bridge inspection and monitoring in the municipality of Bolzano (Italy). First International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2002, Barcelona, 14 – 17 July, 2002.
- [57].B. Briseghella, G. Meneghini, E. Siviero, Progettazione di ponti in c.a. e c.a.p. . L’esperienza dell’Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV). AICAP, Bologna, 6 Giugno 2002.
- [58].B. Briseghella, G. Meneghini, E. Siviero, Considerazioni sull’affidabilitá strutturale di strutture “innovative”: il caso delle passerelle pedonali. Convegno Nazionale "Crolli e affidabilita' delle strutture civili", Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, 6-7 dicembre 2001.
- [59].L. Briseghella, B. Briseghella, Italian devices challenge seismic risk. First Iran-Italy workshop earthquake engineering: seismic vulnerability of civil construction. October, 8-10, I.R.Iran, 2001.
- [60].L. Briseghella, B. Briseghella, S. Guttilla, Bell tower behaviour in earthquakes. First Iran-Italy workshop earthquake engineering: seismic vulnerability of civil construction. October, 8-10, I.R.Iran, 2001.
- [61].L. Briseghella, B. Briseghella, S. Guttilla, Urban losses in Veneto (nordest, Italy) at regional level. First Iran-Italy workshop earthquake engineering: seismic vulnerability of civil construction. October, 8-10, I.R.Iran, 2001.
- [62].E. Siviero, B. Briseghella, G. Meneghini, Quattro ponti strallati per Padova. C.T.A., Settembre, Venezia, 2001.
- [63].E. Siviero, B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, The Mestre Tunnel. Fourth Symposium on Strait Crossings, September 2-5 2001, Bergen, Norway, 2001.
- [64].B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, S. Guttilla, Rischio sismico dei monumenti nella Grande Armenia. X Congresso Nazionale “L’ingegneria Sismica in Italia”, Potenza-Matera 9-13 settembre 2001, 2001.
- [65].B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, S. Guttilla, Problemi di sismicità per un deposito nucleare profondo nel Caucaso. X Congresso Nazionale “L’ingegneria Sismica in Italia”, Potenza-Matera 9-13 settembre 2001.
- [66].B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, New welded - bolted seismic connections for moment resisting frames. International conference on steel structures of the 2000's, 11-13 september, Istanbul, 2000.
- [67].B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, Damages to cable stayed bridge across the Joushuei River in 1999 Taiwan earthquakes and a structural repair and strengthening proposal. Proceedings of Bridge Engineering Conference, Vol. 2, pagg. 131-142, 26-30 March 2000, Sharm El Sheikh, Sianai, Egypt, 2000.
- [68].B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, Damage and numerical simulation of Acciano (Italy) earthdam during 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquake. Proceedings 12WCEE – 12th Word Conference on Earthquake Engineering, CD paper ID 0590, Auckland, Nuova Zelanda, 2000.
- [69].B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, C. Gallo, Telai di cemento armato di grande luce secondo l'Eurocodice 8. Atti del 9° Convegno Nazionale ANIDIS "L'ingegneria sismica in Italia", Torino, 199.
- [70].B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, Rischio sismico del Veneto: un progetto finalizzato della Regione Veneto. Atti del 9° Convegno Nazionale ANIDIS "L'ingegneria sismica in Italia", Torino, 1999.
- Journals
- [1].T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, C. Lan, Parametric and pushover analyses on integral abutment bridge, Engineering Structures (submitted)
- [2].F. Busatta, B. Briseghella, C. Gentile, T. Zordan, E. Siviero,Dynamic Characteristics of a Curved Cable Stayed Bridge: operational modal testing and finite element modelling. Journal of Construction Technology, 2010. (accepted)
- [3].J. Xue, B. Chen, B. Briseghella, Experiment on debonding in concrete-filled steel single tube columns subjected to eccentrically loading, Journal of Building Structures, 2010 (accepted)
- [4].T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, C. Lan, Parametric Analysis on an IAB Superstructure, Journal of Construction Technology, N. 01/2010
- [5].J. He, T. Zordan, A. Chen, B. Briseghella, R. Ma and X. Ruan, Static and dynamic performance of a composite beam-to-column joint, Steel & Composite Structures, Techno Press, 2009. (submitted)
- [6].T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, The Fourth Bridge over the Grand Canal in Venice: from Idea to Analysis and Construction, Structural Engineering International (SEI), 2010, Vol. 20, N. 1, pp. 6-12.
- [7].T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, E. Mazzarolo, Bridge Structural Optimization Through Step-By-Step Evolutionary Process, Structural Engineering International (SEI), 2010, Vol. 20, N. 1, pp. 72-78.
- [8].B. Briseghella, A. Zanchettin, T. Zordan, Behaviour of a moment resisting composite steel and concrete joint under alternate loading, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Ed. Elservier 2009 (submitted)
- [9].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Nonlinear experimental response of non-conventional composite steel and concrete connection, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, Vol. 3, No. 1. (1 March 2009), pp. 42-49
- [10].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Analisys and testing of the IVth bridge over the Grand Canal of Venice, Ingenieria Estructural, 2008 (submitted)
- [11].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Problematiche di montaggio del IV ponte sul Canal Grande, Le Strade, n. 4, 2008
- [12].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Tecniche di adeguamento funzionale dei ponti, Strade e Autostrade, n. 1, 2008
- [13].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Recent trends in the structural refurbishment of existing bridges, Studi e Ricerche - Studies and Researches, Vol. 26, 2007
- [14].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Attainment of an integral abutment bridge through the refurbishment of a simply supported structure, Structural Engineering International, 2007.
- [15].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Sulla valutazione del rischio sismico di complessi ospedalieri, Ingegneria sismica, Patron Ed., Novembre-Dicembre 2007
- [16].E. Siviero, T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, Recenti sviluppi nell’ambito dei ponti strallati, Trasporti & Cultura, 2007.
- [17].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Integral abutment bridge concept applied to the rehabilitation of a simply supported prestressed conventional concrete superstructure, Fib Journal, 2006
- [18].B. Briseghella, A. Comerlati, N. Gallino, C. Gentile, T. Zordan, Approccio metodologico al consolidamento dei ponti storici, Le Strade, 2006
- [19].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Tecniche di intervento per il miglioramento prestazionale di ponti esistenti in c.a., Strade e Autostrade, 2006
- [20].B. Briseghella, E. De La Grennelais, T. Zordan, Le due convenzioni ANAS – IUAV, Le Strade, 2006
- [21].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Connessioni non convenzionali e ottimizzazione strutturale per un ponte sul Piave, Le Strade, 2006
- [22].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Utilizzo di metodologie e materiali innovativi nell’ingegneria strutturale: il nuovo sovrappasso sull’A22 a Trento sud, Strade e Autostrade, 2004.
- [23].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Una Passerella mobile ad inerzia variabile – dall’idea al progetto, Il Giornale dell’Ingegnere, N.8, Anno 51, Maggio 2003.
- [24].B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Proposal for a variable stiffness movable footbridge over Canale Burlamacca in Viareggio: design and analysis, Costruzioni Metalliche, N. 4, Anno LIV, Luglio-Agosto 2002.
- [1].B. Briseghella, Italian Steel Arch Bridge, Editor: Prof. Baochun Chen (in Chinese) (in printing)
- [2].B. Briseghella, M. Fraccari, T. Zordan, E. Siviero, Section: Ponti Mobili, De Pontibus, Il Sole 24 Ore Ed., 2009.
- [3].B. Briseghella, Cyclic behaviour of a non conventional composite steel and concrete joint,Research Doctorate in Modelling, Preservation and Control of Materials and Structures, University of Trento, February 2005.
- [4].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, La progettazione strutturale in calcestruzzo armato, La progettazione strutturale, Sect. 7, Compositori Ed., Bologna, 2002.
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