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教 育

2003.9-2006.7 博士,福建师范大学地理科学学院

2000.9-2003.7 硕士,福建师范大学地理科学学院

1996.9-2000.7 学士,福建师范大学地理科学学院

工 作

2003.9- 福建师范大学地理学院





[1] Chen Zhiqiang, Chen Zhibiao, Yan Xinyu, et al. Stoichiometric mechanisms of Dicranopteris dichotoma growth and resistance to nutrient imitation in the Zhuxi watershed in the red soil hilly region of China. Plant and Soil, 2016, 398: 367-379.

[2] Chen Zhiqiang, Chen Zhibiao, Bai Liyue. Rare earth element migration in gullies with different Dicranopteris dichotoma covers in the Huangnikeng gully group, Changting County, Southeast China. Chemosphere, 2016, 164(1), 443-450.

[3] Chen Zhiqiang, Chen Zhibiao, Chen Hai-bin, et al. The Relationship between Forestland Soil Fertility and Gathering Firewood in the Zhuxi Watershed in the Red Soil Hilly Region of China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2013, 10(1): 75-83.

[4] Chen Zhiqiang, Chen Zhibiao, Bai Liyue, Zeng Yuee. A Catastrophe Model to Assess Soil Restoration Under Ecological Restoration in the Red Soil Hilly Region of China. Pedosphere, 2017, 27(4): 778–787

[5] Bai Liyue, Chen Zhiqiang*, Chen Zhibiao. Soil Fertility Self-development under Ecological Restoration in the Zhuxi Watershed in the Red Soil Hilly Region of China.Journal of Mountain Science, 2014.11(5): 1231-1241.

[6] Zhiqiang Chen, Zhibiao Chen. Effects of ecological restoration measures on the distribution of Dicranopteris dichotoma at the microscale in the red soil hilly region of China. Plos One, 2018

[7] 陈志强,陈志彪. 南方红壤侵蚀区土壤肥力质量的突变——以福建省长汀县为例. 生态学报, 2013 , 33(10): 3002-3010

[8] 陈志强,陈志彪,陈丽慧. 南方红壤侵蚀区典型流域土壤侵蚀危险性评价. 土壤学报, 2011, 48(5): 1080-1082

[9] 陈志强,陈志彪,陈明华. 福建省水土流失强度的地统计分析. 自然资源学报, 2011, 26(8): 1394-1400

[10] 陈志强,陈志彪,陈海滨,陈丽慧. 南方红壤侵蚀区土壤肥力质量与人为活动可达性的空间关系——以福建长汀县朱溪流域为例. 中国水土保持科学, 2012, 10(1): 103-107

[11]陈志强, 陈志彪, 白丽月. 南方红壤侵蚀区芒萁的生长特征与生态恢复效应. 2018, 科学出版社, 北京.

[12]陈志彪, 陈志强, 岳辉. 花岗岩红壤侵蚀区水土保持综合研究. 2013, 科学出版社, 北京.



