2004-2008 北京语言大学对外汉语,文学学士
2008-2012 北京语言大学对外汉语研究中心,文学硕士
2012-2015 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟厄巴纳分校,文学硕士
2015-2019 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟厄巴纳分校,东亚语言文学博士
2019.8-2022.8 中山大学中文系(珠海),博士后
2022.8至今 北京语言大学教师教育学院
1. Zheng, Hang, Hu Bo, & Xu Jie. (2022). The development of formulaic knowledge in super-advanced Chinese language learners: Evidence from processing accuracy, speed, and strategies. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. 【SSCI】
2. Zheng, Hang, Bowles, Melissa, & Packard, Jerry (2021). NS and NNS processing of idioms and nonidiom formulaic sequences: What can reaction times and think-alouds tell us? Applied Psycholinguistics, 43(2), 363-388. 【SSCI】
3. Zheng, Hang & Zhang, Lianyue. (2021). Online training of prospective language teachers: exploring a new model. In N. Radić, А. Atabekova, M. Freddi & J. Schmied (eds), The world universities’ response to COVID-19: remote online language teaching (pp. 199-214). 【论文集】
4. Zheng, Hang. (2019). Descriptive Norms for Two Types of Chinese Idioms. In Proceeding of the Workshop on Linguistics and Language Acquisition. 【论文集】
5.郑航、张妍、Melissa Bowles(2020)高级汉语学习者语块识解研究:来自有声思维法的启示,《世界汉语教学》第3期。【CSSCI】
9.李慧、郑航、陈艳华(2015)基于汉语中介语语料库的“V单 + X”语块使用情况及其偏误类型分析,《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》第3期。
1. 深圳绿威科技有限公司委托项目(横向),负责人(2022)
2. 中山大学青年教师培育项目,负责人(2020)
3. 国家语委辞书研究中心开放项目,负责人(2020)
4. 美国中文教师学会Jiede基金项目,负责人(2018)
5. 伊利诺伊香槟分校语言学基金课题,负责人(2017)
Zheng, Hang. (2018). The relationship between structure type and strategy use in reading Chinese idioms: What can retrospective self-reports tell us? Accepted by the 18th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association (JSLA), June, 2018, Tokyo.
Zheng, Hang. (2017). Lexical access and lexical representation of formulaic language. Presented at the 62nd Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association (ILA), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Zheng, Hang. (2016). The processing of non-idiomatic multi-word expressions by
intermediate Chinese learners. Presented in oral sessions on the 2016 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Orlando, Florida.
Zheng, Hang. (2015). Headedness structure of Chinese compound words. Accepted as an oral presentation by the 23rd Conference for the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL), Seoul, Korea.
Zheng, Hang. (2013). A study on construction morphology of disyllabic compound words in Mandarin. Presented in oral sessions at the 21st Conference for the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL), Taipei, Taiwan.[1]