鄧岳 ( 教授 )檢視原始碼討論檢視歷史
擔任IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems以及IEEE Signal Processing Letters的Associate Editor,主持國家自然基金重點項目、科技部2030人工智能專項課題及國防科工局科研項目。
近年來,以第一/通訊作者身份在Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods, Patterns(Cell子刊)及IEEE Transactions等刊物發表論文50餘篇,在Springer出版英文專著一部。曾獲得阿里達摩院青橙獎,微軟學者,中國自動化學會優秀博士論文獎,中國人工智能學會優秀博士論文獎,研究成果獲得IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 2020年度最佳論文獎,世界人工智能大會2020優秀青年論文獎,細胞出版社2021中國區最受歡迎論文獎等國際學術論文獎。
[1] Feng Bao*, Yue Deng* et al.: Integrative spatial analysis of cell morphologies and transcriptional states with MUSE, Nature Biotechnology, 2022
[2] Yue Deng*, Feng Bao*, Steven Altschuler, Lani Wu: Scalable Analysis of Cell-type Composition from Single-cell Transcriptomics using Deep Recurrent Learning, Nature Methods, 16(4).March 2019
[3] Feng Bao*, Yue Deng*# et al.:Explaining the genetic causality for complex phenotypes via deep association kernel learning, Patterns, 1 AUG 2020. (Cell出版社中國區最受歡迎論文)
[4] Yue Deng, Zhiquan Ren, Youyong Kong, Feng Bao, Qionghai Dai. A Hierarchical Fused Fuzzy Deep Neural Network for Data Classification. IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems. 25(4), 1006-1012 (2017) (IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 2020最佳論文獎)
[5] Yue Deng, Qionghai Dai, Risheng Liu, Zengke Zhang, Sanqing Hu Low-Rank Structure Learning via Nonconvex Heuristic Recovery. IEEE Trans. on Neural Netw. Learning Systems 24(3): 383-396 (2013) (IEEE智能計算學會亮點論文,並被科技日報報道)[1]