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内在肌纤维分前后、左右、上下三种不同方向而相互交织著。外在肌(Extrinsic)(颏舌肌 genioglossus、舌骨舌肌 Hyoglossus、茎突舌肌 Styloglossus、及腭舌肌 Palatoglossus)起始于舌外但终止于舌内。外在肌及内在肌提供了对讲话、咀嚼、吞咽之相当大范围的运动 [2]



内源肌 Intrinsic tongue muscles:

上纵肌(Superior longitudinal muscles of tongue)负责将舌和舌尖上提。

Superior longitudinal muscles of tongue are responsible for elevating the tongue or tongue tip.

下纵肌(Inferior longitudinal muscles of tongue) 则负责将舌和舌尖下移。

Inferior longitudinal muscles of tongue are responsible for depressing.

横走肌(Transverse muscle of tongue)使舌保持平坦并可将舌弯成槽状,当其收缩时,舌便窄变长。。

Transverse muscle of tongue can flatten the tongue and is responsible for cupping and grooving of the tongue.

垂直肌 (Vertical muscle of tongue)能让舌头变扁变宽。

Vertical muscle of tongue can narrow the tongue.


外源肌 Extrinsic tongue muscles:

颏舌骨肌(Genioglossus muscles)能使整个舌头灵活地活动,无论是收缩、吐出或使之下降。

Genioglossus muscles are responsible for tongue body movement and cupping of the tongue. They can retract, protrude, and depress the tongue.

舌骨舌肌(Hyoglossus muscles)负责将舌下压和提升舌骨。

Hyoglossus muscles are responsible for depressing the tongue and elevating hyoid.

茎突舌肌(Styloglossus muscles)牵引舌向上向后,也可将舌骨及喉头上提。

Styloglossus muscles are responsible for elevating the posterior of the tongue. They also can elevate hyoid and larynx.

小角舌肌(Chondroglossus muscles)可将舌下移。

Chondroglossus muscles are responsible for depressing the tongue.

舌颚肌(Palatoglossus muscles)负责将舌的后方提升,也可使咽部变窄。当其收缩时,舌卷成管状以利吸吮 Palatoglossus muscles are responsible for elevating the posterior of the tongue. They also can narrow fauces.[3]


  1. BARBARA BATES,M.D. 临床检查指引 . 合记图书出版社: 吴富章 . 76年11月: 363–364 (繁体中文). 舌肌 
  2. Doris B.Wilson & Wilfred J.Wilson . 人体解剖学 . 逸香股份有限公司: Doris B.Wilson & Wilfred J.Wilson. 81年9月: 139页 (繁体中文). 舌肌 
  3. 构音相关肌肉群 Muscles involved in the articulatory system