Zhang, Yi and Chun Liu. 2021. "Religion and Unproductive Entrepreneurship: The Role of Risk Aversion." European Journal of Political Economy, 102038.
Liu, Chun and Yi Zhang. 2021. "Religiosity and Political Connections of Private Firms in China." Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(2), 541-61.
Zhang, Yi; Chun Liu and Ting Wang. 2020. "Direct or Indirect? The Impact of Political Connections on Export Mode of Chinese Private Enterprises." China Economic Review, 61, 101434.
Zhang, Yi; Hein Roelfsema and Chun Liu. 2021. "Political Uncertainty and International Revenue Sharing: Theory and Evidence." Working Paper. (R&R at Review of International Economics)
Ke, Kong-lin; Xiaohui Hou and Chun Liu. 2021. "Keeping It in the Family: Financial Constraints and the Succession Intention of Micro and Small Enterprises in China." Working Paper. (R&R at International Small Business Journal)
Liu, Chun; Xingyu Gong; Yi Zhang and Xiang Ma. 2021. "The Agricultural Roots of Privatization in China." Working Paper.
Liu, Chun; Yancheng Xiang and Yi Zhang. 2021. "Does Education affect Household Portfolio Choice? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from China's Compulsory Schooling Law." Working Paper.
Zhang, Yi; Ting Wang and Chun Liu. 2021. "Robots and Employment Adjustments: Firm-Level Evidence from China." Working Paper.
Wang, Ting; Yi Zhang; Chun Liu and Zhongliang Zhou. 2021. "Artificial Intelligence against Covid-19: Evidence from China." Working Paper.
Zhang, Yi; Wei Xue and Chun Liu. 2021. "Going out by Doing Good: The Effect of Mandatory CSR Disclosure on Outward FDI of Chinese Firms." Working Paper.
柳春; 张一; 姚炜. 2020. "金融发展、地方政府帮助和私营企业银行贷款." 经济学(季刊), 20(1), 107-30.
霍源源; 冯宗宪; 柳春. 2015. "抵押担保条件对小微企业贷款利率影响效应分析——基于双边随机前沿模型的实证研究." 金融研究, (9), 112-27.
李雪莲; 龚星宇; 余进韬; 柳春. 2021. "城市商业银行设立对资源配置效率的影响——兼论货币政策银行风险承担渠道." 工作论文.
魏昀妍; 龚星宇; 柳春. 2021. "女性董事如何影响中国企业出口." 工作论文.
张一; 王婷; 柳春. 2021. "工业机器人兴起对企业生产率的提升效应——来自企业层面的证据." 工作论文.