

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋



05/02 – 12/05 博士(環境工程), 美國猶他大學 (論文: 膠體在多孔介質中的遷移-實驗和理論的比較Dissertation: Colloid transport in porous media: experiment vs. theory)

09/94 – 07/97 碩士(核化學), 中國科技大學(論文: 利用國家同步輻射實驗室200MeV直線加速器研究光致核反應)

09/89 – 07/94 學士(應用化學), 中國科技大學(論文: 磷系織物阻燃劑的合成與研究)


09/06 至今 北京大學城市與環境學院/工學院特聘研究員(北大百人計劃引進)


膠體和納米粒子在多孔介質中的遷移,污染場地的快速修復,環境中持久性污染物的歸宿 02/06 – 08.06 訪問助理教授 (Visiting Assistant Professor)

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, City College of New York 研究課題: 長島海灣底泥中氯丹的濃度和手性比例(Concentrations and enantiomeric fractions of chlordane in sediments from Long Island Sound) 05/02 – 02/06 研究助理(Research Assistant)

Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah

研究課題: 膠體在多孔介質中的運移(Colloid transport in porous media) 09/94 – 07/97 研究助理


研究課題: 光致核反應研究和缺中子核素的製備







6.北京大學林肯研究中心研究基金項目:中國工業企業遺留場地再開發的歷史和現狀調查及對策研究(資助金額:5.6萬元, 2008-2009).


American Chemical Society, USA

American Geophysical Union, USA

National Ground Water Association, USA

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Chinese Association of Science and Technology in USA



  • 1. Hou, L., Li, K., Ding, Y., Li, Y., Wu, X., Li, X.*, 2011, Removal of silver nanoparticles in simulated wastewater treatment processes and its impact on treatment performance, Water Research, in review.
  • 2. Zhong, L.*, Szecsody, J., Shen, X., Li, X.*, Oostrom, M., Truex, M., 2011, Enhanced amendment delivery to subsurface using shear thinning fluid and aqueous foam for metal, radionuclide, and NAPL remediation, J. Hazard. Mater., in revision (*corresponding author).
  • 3. Shen X.,Zhao, L., Ding, Y., Liu, B., Zeng, H., Zhong, L., Li, X.*, 2011, Foam, a promising vehicle to deliver nanoparticles for vadose zone remediation, J. Hazard. Mater., 186, 1773-1780.
  • 4. Zhang, Y., Deng, S., Liu, Y., Shen, G., Li, X., Cao, J., Wang, X., Reid, B., Tao, S.*, 2011, A passive air sampler for characterizing the vertical concentration profile of gaseous phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in near soil surface air, Environ. Pollution, 159, 694-699.
  • 5. Li, X.*, Li, Z., Zhang, D., 2010, Role of low flow and backward flow zones on colloid transport in pore structures derived from real porous media, Environ. Sci. Technol., 44,4936 - 4942.
  • 6. Yang, D., Li, X., Tao, S.*, Wang, Y., Cheng, Y., Zhang, D., Yu, L., 2010, Enantioselective behavior of -HCH in mouse and quail tissues, Environ. Sci. Technol. 44, 1854-1859.
  • 7. Li, X.R., Tao, S.*, Liu, W., Li, X., Chen, H., Wu, S., 2010, Dry deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and its influence on surface soil contamination in Tianjin, China, J. Environ. Monitoring, 12, 952-957.
  • 8. Li, Z., Zhang, D., Li, X.*, 2010, Tracking colloid transport in porous media using discrete flow fields and sensitivity of simulated deposition to space discretization, Environ. Sci. Technol., 44,1274-1280.
  • 9. Li, X.*, Bao, C., Yang, D., Zheng, M., Li, X., Tao, S., 2010, Toxicities of fipronil enantiomers to honey bee Apis mellifera L. and enantiomeric compositions of fipronil in honey plant flowers, Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 29(1), 127-132.
  • 10. Johnson W. P.*, Li, X., Tong, M., Ma, H. 2009, Comment on "Transport and fate of bacteria in porous media: Coupled effects of chemical conditions and pore space geometry" by Saeed Torkzaban et al. Water Resour. Res. 45, W09603, doi:10.1029/2008WR007389.
  • 11. Bai, Y., Li, X.*, Liu, W., Tao, S., Wang, L., Wang, J., 2008, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in the dissolved, particulate, and sediment phases in the Luan River watershed, China, J. Environ.Sci. Health Part B, 43, 365-374.
  • 12. Yang, L., Li, X., Crusius, J., Jans, U., Melcer, M., Zhang, P.*, 2007, Persistent chlordane concentrations in Long Island Sound sediment: Implications from chlordane, 210Pb, and 137Cs depth profiles, Environ. Sci. Technol., 41(22), 7723-7729.
  • 13. Johnson, W. P.*, Tong M.,Li X., 2007, Wedging in grain to grain contacts & retention in flow stagnation zones: Pore-scale mechanisms governing colloid retention and release in saturated environmental porous media, Water Resources Research, 43, W12S13, doi:10.1029/2006WR005770.
  • 14. Li, X., Yang, L., Jans, U., Melcer, M., Zhang, P.*, 2007, Lack of enantioselective degradation of chlordane in Long Island Sound sediment, Environ. Sci. Technol., 41(5), 1635-1640.
  • 15. Johnson, W. P.*, Li, X., Yal, G., 2007, Colloid retention in porous media: mechanistic simulations of wedging and retention in zones of flow stagnation, Environ. Sci. Technol., 41(4), 1279-1287.
  • 16. Johnson, W.P.*, Li, X., and Assemi, S., 2007, Deposition and re-entrainment dynamics of microbes and non-biological colloids during non-perturbed transport in porous media in the presence of an energy barrier to deposition, Advances in Water Resources, 30(6-7), 1432-1454.
  • 17. Li, X., Lin, C. L., Miller, J.D., Johnson, W. P.*, 2006, Role of grain to grain contacts on profiles of retained colloids in porous media in the presence of an energy barrier to deposition, Environ. Sci. Technol., 40(12), 3769-3774.
  • 18. Li, X., Lin, C. L., Miller, J.D., Johnson, W. P.*, 2006, Pore-scale observation of microsphere deposition at grain to grain contacts over assemblage-scale porous media domains using x-ray microtomography, Environ. Sci. Technol., 40(12), 3762-3768.
  • 19. Johnson, W.P.*, Li, X., 2005, Comment on 「Breakdown of colloid filtration theory: role of the secondary energy minimum and surface charge heterogeneities」, Langmuir, 21, 10895-10895.
  • 20. Li, X., Zhang, P., Lin, C. L., Johnson, W. P.*, 2005, Role of hydrodynamic drag on microsphere deposition and re-entrainment in porous media under unfavorable deposition conditions, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39(11), 4012-4020.
  • 21. Tong, M., Li, X., Brow, C., Johnson. W. P.*, 2005, Detachment-influenced transport of an adhesion-deficient bacterial strain within water-reactive porous media, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39(8), 2500-2508.
  • 22. Li, X., and Johnson, W. P.*, 2005, Non-monotonic variations in removal rate coefficients of microspheres in porous media under unfavorable deposition conditions, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39(6); 1658-1665.
  • 23. Johnson. W. P.*, Li, X., Tong, M., 2005, Colloid retention behavior in environmental porous media challenges existing theory, Eos, 86(18), May 3, 2005.
  • 24. Brow, C., Li, X., Ricka, J., Johnson, W. P.*, 2005, Comparison of microsphere deposition in porous media versus simple shear systems, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 253(1), 125-136.
  • 25. Li, X., Scheibe, T. D., and Johnson, W. P.*, 2004, Apparent decreases in colloid deposition rate coefficients with distance of transport under unfavorable deposition conditions: a general phenomenon, Environ. Sci. Technol., 38, 5616-5625.[1]
