1981.09 – 1988.06 北京師範大學物理系 學士、碩士
1994.09 – 1997.06 北京師範大學天文系 博士
1997.07 – 1999.02 中科院理論物理所 博士後
1999.03 – 2000.09 中科院國家天文台 副研究員
2000.10 – 2004.04 日本國立天文台 外國人特別研究員、客員教授
2004.02 – 今 北京師範大學天文系教授(京師學者特聘教授、長江學者特聘教授)
1. Zhu,Z.H. Sereno,M. 2008 A&A, 487, 831—835. "Testing the DGP model with gravitational lensing statistics"
2. Zhu,Z.H. Hu, M. Alcaniz, J. S. Liu, Y.-X. 2008 A&A, 483, 15—18. "Testing power-law cosmology with galaxy clusters"
3. Zhu,Z.H. Alcaniz,J.S. 2005 ApJ, 620, 7--11."Accelerating Universe from Gravitational Leakage into Extra Dimensions: Testing with Type Ia Supernovae"
4. Zhu,Z.H. Fujimoto,M.K. He,X.T. 2004, ApJ, 603, 365. "Observational Constraints on Cosmology from Modified Friedmann Equation"
5. Zhu,Z.H. Fujimoto,M.K. 2004, ApJ, 602, 12. "Constraints on Cardassian Expansion Scenario from the Expansion Turnaround Redshift and the SZ/X-ray Data"
6. Zhu,Z.H. Fujimoto,M.K. He,X.T. 2004, A&A, 417, 833. "Determining the Equation of state of Dark Energy from Angular Size of Compact Radio Sources and X-ray Gas Mass Fraction of Galaxy Clusters"
7. Zhu,Z.H. Fujimoto,M.K. 2003, ApJ, 585, 52. "Constraints on Cardassian Expansion from Distant Type Ia Supernovae"
8. Zhu,Z.H. Fujimoto,M.K. 2002, ApJ, 581, 1. "Cardassian Expansion: Constraints from Compact Radio Source Angular Size versus Redshift Data"
9. Zhu,Z.H. Fujimoto,M.K. Tatsumi,D. 2001, A&A, 372, 377. "Determining the Cosmic Equation of State Using Future Gravitational Wave Detectors"
10. Zhu,Z.H. 1998, A&A, 338, 777. "Magnification Cross-Sections of Gravitational Lensing by Galaxies in General FLRW Cosmologies[1]