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拉丁学名:Ephedra rituensis

Y.Yang,D.Z.Fu & G.H.Zhu

科:麻黄科 Ephedraceae

属:麻黄属 Ephedra


日土麻黄,学名 Ephedra rituensis Y.Yang,D.Z.Fu & G.H.Zhu, 小灌木。产于西藏山区,海拔3200-4600米地带。 [1]


Morphological characters and geographical distribution are the same as those of the family. 形态特征和地理分布与科的相同。

1 Bracts of seed cones almost completely free, connate only at base, light brown and membranous at maturity 1 Ephedra przewalskii 膜果麻黄 + Bracts of seed cones usually connate for 1/3-5/6 their length, red and fleshy at maturity. (2)

2(1) Seeds prominently longitudinally ridged, with dense, tiny projections 3 Ephedra rhytidosperma 斑子麻黄 + Seeds smooth, rarely finely longitudinally striate. (3)

3(2) Integument tube 3-5 mm, usually spirally twisted 2 Ephedra intermedia 中麻黄 + Integument tube 1-2(-2.5) mm, straight, curved, or slightly twisted. (4)

4(3) Shrubs or subshrubs, usually 50-150 cm. (5) + Shrubs or subshrubs not more than 40 cm. (8)

5(4) Bracts of seed cones with margin broad, membranous, often erose; integument tube ca. 1.5 mm, slightly spirally twisted; seeds 2 or 3; subshrubs usually to 50 cm 4 Ephedra lomatolepis 窄膜麻黄 + Bracts of seed cones with margin narrower, entire or almost so; integument tube 1-2 mm, straight or slightly curved; seeds 1 or 2; shrubs or subshrubs often more than 50 cm. (6)

6(5) Apical pair of bracts of seed cones connate for 3/4-8/9 their length; seeds finely striate dorsally 9 Ephedra likiangensis 丽江麻黄 + Apical pair of bracts of seed cones connate for 1/2-2/3 their length; seeds completely smooth. (7)

7(6) Herbaceous branches virgate, often pruinose, 1-1.5 mm in diam., rigid; integument tube to 2 mm, straight or slightly curved; plants to 100 cm or more 10 Ephedra equisetina 木贼麻黄 + Herbaceous branches not virgate, never pruinose, 1.5-2.5(-3) mm in diam., stout; integument tube ca. 0.5 mm, straight; plants to 60 cm 5 Ephedra saxatilis 藏麻黄

8(4) Plants (15-)20-60 cm. (9) + Plants 5-15 cm. (11)

9(8) Integument tube ca. 0.5 mm, straight; bracts of seed cones in 2 or 3 pairs 5 Ephedra saxatilis 藏麻黄 + Integument tube 1-2 mm, straight or slightly curved; bracts of seed cones in 4 pairs. (10)

10(9) Free part of leaves subulate to narrowly triangular, to 5 mm, apex sharply pointed 7 E. sinica (10) + Free part of leaves triangular, shorter, apex obtuse or subacute 8 Ephedra distachya 双穗麻黄

11(8) Integument tube 1.5-2 mm, twisted, curved, or straight often in same plant; bracts of pollen cones in 2 or 3(?or 4) pairs 11 Ephedra monosperma 单子麻黄 + Integument tube to 1 mm, straight; bracts of pollen cones in 1-4 or more pairs. (12)

12(11) Bracts of pollen cones in 1 or 2 pairs; apical bracts of seed cones much longer than others; seeds 6-8(-10) mm, apex acuminate 13 Ephedra minuta 矮麻黄 + Bracts of pollen cones in (2 or)3-6 pairs; apical bracts of seed cones slightly longer than others; seeds shorter, apex acute or obtuse. (13)

13(12) Apical pair of bracts of seed cones connate for ca. 3/4 their length at most; seeds 4-6 mm. (14) + Apical pair of bracts of seed cones connate for ca. 5/6 their length or more; seeds 3.5-4.5 mm 6 Ephedra regeliana 细子麻黄

14(13) Internodes of green branchlets 1-2 cm, smooth or nearly so; seeds 4-5 mm, apex acute; pollen cones with 4-6 pairs of bracts 14 Ephedra fedtschenkoae 雌雄麻黄 + Internodes of green branchlets 1-1.5(-2) cm, longitudinally furrowed, often scabridulous; seeds 4-6 mm, apex obtuse or subacuminate; pollen cones with 3 or 4(-6) pairs of bracts 12 Ephedra gerardiana 山岭麻黄


FOC >> Vol.4 (1999) >> Ephedraceae >> Ephedra .Ephedra rituensis Y. Yang, D. Z. Fu & G. Zhu


  • 3200-4600 m. Xizang.

Name appeared after publication of the family treatment for the Flora of China.


学名 Ephedra rituensis Y.Yang,D.Z.Fu & G.H.Zhu 中文名  日土麻黄 鉴定人 Yang Y. 鉴定时间 20011029


采集人 采集号 0403 采集时间 19580807 采集地 中国 甘肃省 海拔 1910 生境 平原 习性 物候期 无花有果


  1. 日土麻黄,植物智,引用日期 2021-03-11