扁序黃耆 |
中文學名:扁序黃耆 拉丁學名:Astragalus compressus Ledeb. 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 亞 綱:原始花被亞綱 Archichlamydeae 目:豆目 亞 目:薔薇亞目 Rosineae 科:豆科 亞 科:蝶形花亞科 Papilionoideae 族:山羊豆族 TRIB. Galegeae 屬:黃芪屬 亞 屬:裂萼亞屬 Subgen. Cercidothrix 種:扁序黃耆 組:劍葉組 Sect.Xiphidium |
扁序黃耆(biǎn xù huáng qí,學名:Astragalus compressus Ledeb.)是豆科黃芪屬的植物。分布於西西伯利亞、哈薩克斯坦以及中國大陸的甘肅、新疆等地,生長於海拔500米至1,200米的地區,一般生長在荒漠草甸、沙地、乾旱坡地、沙礫地、沖積扇、沙丘及粘土戈壁。 [1]
多年生草本或半灌木,高6-30 厘米。 莖叢出,基部近木質化;枝被灰色伏貼毛。
羽狀複葉有7 (9) 片小葉,長1-6厘米,蒼綠色;托葉卵狀披針形,離生;小葉線形,先端稍尖,長4-11毫米,寬1-1.5毫米,兩面被灰白色伏貼毛,下面毛較密。
莢果線形,長20-28毫米,寬1-3毫米,先端漸尖,密被白、黑伏貼毛,假2室。 花期5月,果期6月。 [2]
Astragalus compressus Ledeb. Fl. Alt. 3: 304. 1831; Gontsch. et Popov in Kom. Fl. USSR 12: 692. 1946; Gamaiun. et Fisjun in Pavl. Φπ. Казахст. 5: 254. t. 33 (6). 1961; S. B. Ho in Bull. Bot. Res. 3 (1): 65. 1983; 中國沙漠植物志2: 271. 圖版95 (19-24). 1987.
Plants 6-30 cm tall. Stems several, ligneous at base, pros-trate to erect, branched, parts of current year 1-12 cm, very densely covered with medifixed, appressed, white hairs 0.6-0.8 mm. Leaves 1-5 cm, subsessile or petiole up to 1 cm, with rachis hairy like stem; stipules ca. 2 mm, very shortly adnate to petiole, white hairy; leaflets in 3(or 4) pairs, linear, 4-15(-20) × 1-1.5 mm, abaxially rather densely and adaxially loosely covered with medifixed, appressed hairs ca. 1 mm. Racemes 2.5-3 cm, 5-12-flowered; peduncle 4-6(-20) cm, hairy like stem; bracts 1-1.5 mm, black and white hairy. Calyx 8-10 mm, covered with medifixed hairs, at dorsal side with predominantly appressed black hairs 0.3-0.5 mm and at ventral side with subappressed to ascending, longer, predominantly white hairs, sometimes all over with white hairs; teeth 0.5-1.5 mm. Petals lilac-purple; standard obovate, 18-22 × 7-9 mm, apex emargi-nate; wings 17-20 mm; keel 15-17 mm. Legumes 12-28 mm, 2-3 mm high and ca. 1.5 mm wide, shortly acuminate; valves densely covered with symmetrically or asymmetrically bifur-cate, subappressed to slightly or partly distinctly ascending, white hairs 0.4-0.8 mm, with some black hairs mixed in.
Sandy and gravelly soil near rivers and lakes. Gansu, Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Russia (Siberia)].
產自甘肅(酒泉至玉門間)、新疆北部(福海、阿勒泰、福蘊)。哈薩克斯坦、西西伯利亞亦有分布。 [4]