小果裂果漆 |
中文學名:小果裂果漆 拉丁學名:Toxicodendron griffithii (Hook. f.) O. Kuntze var. microcarpum C.Y.Wu et T.L.Ming 界:植物界 科:漆樹科 屬:漆屬 種:小果裂果漆 分布區域:產雲南東南部。 海拔區間:1400-1800 |
小果裂果漆,小喬木;小枝圓柱形,灰褐色,無毛或近無毛,具突起小皮孔。奇數羽狀複葉互生,有小葉3-5對,葉軸和葉柄無毛;葉柄長5.5-9厘米,具稀疏皮孔;花序稍長,20-22厘米;果較小,徑4-5毫米,與原變種明顯不同。 [1]
Toxicodendron grifffithii (Hook. f.) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 153. 1891;雲南植物志2: 397,圖版119, 4-7. 1979. ——Rhus griffithii Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 12. 1876; Engl. in DC. Monog. Phan. 4: 402. 1883; Craib, Fl. Siam Enum. 1 (2): 341. 1926; Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 636. 1933.
Small trees; branchlets glabrous or subglabrous, lenticellate. Petiole 5.5-9 cm, petiole and rachis glabrous; leaf blade imparipinnately compound; leaflet petiolule 2-3 mm, minutely pubescent to glabrous; leaflets 7-11, opposite; leaflet blade oblong or ovate-oblong, 9-25 × 4-8 cm, coriaceous, adaxially glabrous, turning dark brown when dried, abaxially ferruginous, glabrous to minutely pubescent along veins, sometimes with tufts of hair in axils of veins, base rounded to subcordate, margin entire, lateral veins 15-20 pairs, reticulate venation prominent abaxially. Inflorescence paniculate, 13-22 cm, minutely pubescent; peduncle 5-6 cm, minutely pubescent, striate and lenticellate. Calyx minutely pubescent to subglabrous, lobes broadly ovate. Petals linear-oblong. Disk conspicuous. Ovary globose, densely pubescent. Drupe subglobose, (4-5 or)8-10 mm in diam., light yellow, minutely pubescent; epicarp irregularly dehiscent at maturity; mesocarp thick, waxy, with brown longitudinal resin ducts; endocarp compressed, ca. 3 × 5 mm.
Hill and mountain forests and thickets; 1400-2500 m. SW Guizhou, Yunnan [India (Darjeeling)].