

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




l 2008年 美國佐治亞州立大學 獲博士(房地產)學位

l 2003年 四川大學 獲經濟學碩士學位

l 2000年 四川大學 獲經濟學學士學位






Wuyang Zhuo, Yuning Xiong, Xiaorong Zhou (2022) Exploring the asset-liability ratio financial management of small and medium-sized enterprises under dynamic nonlinear system, Fractals, 30(2): 2240074-1404.

Xiaorong Zhou, Velma Zahirovic-Herbert & Karen M. Gibler (2021) Price impacts of signalling in Chinese residential land auctions, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 36: 1299–1321.

Xiaorong Zhou, Velma Zahirovic-Herbert & Karen M. Gibler (2018) Time-On-Market in Chinese condominium presales, International Journal of Strategic Property Management 22(3): 191–203.

Xiaorong Zhou, Meng-Shiuh Chang & Karen Gibler (2016) The asymmetric wealth effects of housing market and stock market on consumption in China, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 21(2): 196-216.

Leng Ling, Xiaorong Zhou, et al. (2016) Political connections, overinvestments and firm performance: Evidence from Chinese listed real estate firms, Finance Research Letters 18:328-333.

Xiaorong Zhou, Karen Gibler & Velma Zahirovic-Herbert (2015) Asymmetric buyer information influence on price in a homogeneous housing market, Urban Studies 52(5): 891-905.

Sah Vivek, Xiaorong Zhou & Prashant Kumar Das (2015) Does index addition add any new information? Evidence from REIT dividend forecasts, Journal of Property Research 32(1): 33-49.

Vivek Sah & Xiaorong Zhou (2012) Elective stock dividend in REITs: Market reaction and determinants, Journal of Property Investment & Finance 30(6): 583- 595.

Xiaorong Zhou & Vivek Sah (2010) Year-end trading motives of REIT investors: Further evidence based on price and trading volume relationship. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 16(2):141-151.

Karen M. Gibler & Xiaorong Zhou (2010) Changing real estate journal perceptions over time, Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education 13(2):107-130.

Xiaorong Zhou & Sherwood Clements (2010) The inflation hedging ability of real estate in China, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 16(3):267-277.

Xiaorong Zhou & Alan J Ziobrowski (2009) An Investigation into REIT Performance Persistency. Journal of Property Research 26(2):149-170.

Xiaorong Zhou & Vivek Sah (2009) Does home expertise exist in equity REITs? Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 15(3):281-288.

周曉蓉,王三江. 試析我國小微型高技術企業稅收現狀[J]. 稅務研究,2015,(5).

周曉蓉,張萌旭,李霞. 我國居民住房資產的財富效應分析[J]. 宏觀經濟研究,2014,(10).

周曉蓉,許雲芳,程樹磊. 我國地區間個人所得稅收入分析[J]. 稅務研究,2014,(9).

周曉蓉,代艷花,曾尹嬿,陳建東. 資產財富效應實證研究新進展[J]. 經濟學動態,2014,(10).

周曉蓉, 趙樹高, 姚濤. 我國房地產業稅負比較探究[J]. 稅務研究,2013,(2).

周曉蓉,李霞. 中國住宅市場宏觀調控政策效果的理論與實證分析[J]. 宏觀經濟研究,2012,(2).

周曉蓉,楊博. 城鎮居民財產性收入不平等研究[J]. 經濟理論與經濟管理,2012,(8).

楊繼瑞,周曉蓉. 統籌城鄉背景的農民集中居住及其制度重構:以四川為例[J]. 改革,2010,(8).

卓武揚,周曉蓉. 美國金融監管改革法案對中國的啟示[J]. 經濟導刊,2010,(8).[1]
