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2019- 北京大學基礎醫學院 研究員
2012-2019 北京大學化學學院研究員
2009-2012 耶魯大學醫學院 博士後
2003-2009 印第安那大學化學系博士
2001-2003 密歇根州立大學化學系 碩士
1997-2001 吉林大學化學系 學士
課題組以生物質譜為核心,發展或運用新型蛋白質組學分析策略來解決病原菌感染領域多年來因技術所限、懸而未決的一些重要科學問題。我們發展了高效、普適的胞內菌蛋白質組分析策略,為揭示致病菌適應宿主的分子機制提供了新穎的視角。同時,我們建立了全新蛋白質修飾的高精度質譜解析方法並破譯了一系列細菌毒力因子催化的蛋白質共價修飾,進而闡明了病原菌與宿主互作的新機制。課題組先後獲得海外高層次人才引進計劃青年項目和國家優秀青年科學基金的支持,在Nature, Mol. Cell, PLOS Pathog., Mol. Cell. Proteomics, J. Proteome Res.等期刊發表論文近80餘篇。
1. Li Z, Liu W, Fu J, Cheng S, Xu Y, Wang Z, Liu X, Shi X, Liu Y, Qi X, Liu X*, Ding J, Shao F*. (2021) Shigella evades pyroptosis by arginine ADP-riboxanation of caspase-11. Nature , 599, 290-295.
2. Niu Y, Yang L, Gao T, Dong C, Zhang B, Yin P, Hopp AK, Li D, Gan R, Wang H, Liu X, Cao X, Xie Y, Meng X, Deng H, Zhang X, Ren J, Hottiger MO, Chen Z*, Zhang Y*, Liu X*, Feng Y*. (2020) A type I-F anti-CRISPR protein inhibits the CRISPR-Cas surveillance complex by ADP-ribosylation. Mol. Cell , 80, 512-524.
3. Li Z, Liu Y, Fu J, Zhang B, Cheng S, Wu M, Wang Z, Jiang J, Chang C, Liu X*. (2019) Salmonella proteomic profiling during infection distinguishes the intracellular environment of host cells. mSystems , 4, e00314-18.
4. Wang Z, McCloskey A, Cheng S, Wu M, Xue C, Fu J, Liu Y, Luo ZQ*, Liu X*. (2018) Regulation of the small GTPase Rab1 function by a bacterial glucosyltransferase. Cell Discov. , 4, 53 .
5. Wang Z, Sun J, Xia T, Liu Y, Fu J, Lo YK, Chang C, Yan A*, Liu X*. (2018) Proteomic delineation of the ArcA regulon in Salmonella Typhimurium during anaerobiosis. Mol. Cell. Proteomics , 17, 1937-1947 .
6. Cheng S, Wang L, Liu Q, Qi L, Yu K, Wang Z, Wu M, Liu Y, Fu J, Hu M, Li M, Zhou D*, Liu X*. (2017) Identification of a novel Salmonella type III effector by quantitative secretome profiling. Mol. Cell. Proteomics , 16, 2219-2228.
7. Liu Y, Yu K, Zhou F, Ding T, Yang Y, Hu M, Liu X*. (2017) Quantitative proteomics charts the landscape of Salmonella carbon metabolism within host epithelial cells. J. Proteome Res. , 16, 788-797.
8. Qiu J, Sheedlo MJ, Yu K, Tan Y, Nakayasu ES, Das C, Liu X, Luo ZQ*. (2016) Ubiquitination independent of E1 and E2 enzymes by bacterial effectors. Nature , 533, 120-124.[1]