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2008—2014 美国德州农工大学 农业经济学专业 博士

2004—2006 台湾东华大学 国际经济与贸易专业 硕士

1997—2001 台湾政治大学 风险管理与保险专业 学士


2022-迄今 西南财经大学公共管理学院 任 教授

2015-2021 西南财经大学发展研究院 任 副教授

2014-2015 西南财经大学发展研究院 任 讲师




本科生课程:《微观经济学》 《微观经济学(英)》

研究生课程:《发展经济学实证方法》 《可持续发展》




[1]Lee, C.C., C.H. Yu, J. Zhang*(2023). Heterogeneous dependence between cryptocurrency, green bonds, and sustainable equity: New insights from Granger-causality in quantiles analysis. International Review of Economics and Finance, 87: 99-109.

[2]周柏旭,赵劲松*,余津娴 (2023)。战时之疫:日军细菌战与健康人力资本。《经济科学》,2023年第4期: 223-240。https://doi.org/10.12088/PKU.jjkx.2023.04.12.

[3]Lee, C.C., J. Zhang, C.H. Yu, L. Fan* (2023). How does geopolitical risk affect corporate innovation? Evidence from China’s listed companies. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 59 (7), 2217-2233.

[4]Lee, C.C., B. Zhou, T.-Y. Yang*, C.H. Yu, J. Zhao (2023). The Impact of Urbanization on CO2 Emissions in China: The Key Role of Foreign Direct Investment. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 59 (2), 451-462.https://doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2022.2106843.

[5]Yu, C.H., B. A. McCarl, J.D. Zhu* (2022). Market Response to Typhoons: The Role of Information and Expectation. Southern Economic Journal, 89 (2): 496-521.https://doi.org/10.1002/soej.12605.

[6]Yu, C.H., J. Zhao, P. Qin, S.S. Wang, W.C. Lee* (2022). Comparison of misallocation between the Chinese thermal power and hydropower electricity industries. Economic Modelling, 116, 106007.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2022.106007.

[7]Ding, J., Z. Lu, C.H. Yu* (2022). Environmental Information Disclosure and Firms’ Green Innovation: Evidence from China. International Review of Economics and Finance, 81: 147-159.

[8]Wu, X., J. Zhao, D. Zhang, W.-C. Lee, C.H. Yu*(2022). Resource Misallocation and the Development of Hydropower Industry. Applied Energy, 306, 118024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.118024.

[9]Lee, C.C., X. Li, C.H. Yu, J. Zhao* (2022). The Contribution of Climate Finance towards Environmental Sustainability: New Global Evidence. Energy Economics, 111, 106072.

[10]Zhao, J., X. Li, C.H. Yu, S. Chen, C.C. Lee* (2022). Riding the FinTech Innovation Wave: FinTech, Patents and Bank Performance. Journal of International Money and Finance, 122, 102552.

[11]Yu, C.H., X. Wu, W.C. Lee, J. Zhao* (2021). Resource Misallocation in the Chinese Wind Power Industry: The Role of Feed-in Tariff Policy. Energy Economics 98.

[12]Yu, C.H., X. Wu, D. Zhang, S. Chen, J. Zhao* (2021). Demand for Green Finance: Resolving Financing Constraints on Green Innovation in China. Energy Policy, 153, 112255.

[13]Wu, X., Ge Wu, J. Ding, D. Li, C.H. Yu*, H. Xu (2021). The Chinese Public’s Air Pollution Misperception and Pro-Environmental Behaviors? Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment, 19(2): 171-18

[14]McCarl, B. A., C.H. Yu, W. Attavanich* (2021). Climate Change Impacts and Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation in Agriculture. Atmosphere, 2021, 12, 545.

[15]Cai, Z., C.H. Yu, C. Zhu* (2021). Government-Led Urbanization and Natural Gas Demand in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 147, 111231.

[16]李星皓, 赵劲松, 余津娴, 秦萍* (2021)。“直购电”政策与火电行业资源错配研究。《经济评论》,2021年第6期 (No. 232): 49-66。https://doi.org/10.19361/j.er.2021.06.04.

[17]Lee, C.C., X. Li, C.H. Yu, J. Zhao* (2021). Do Fintech Innovation Improve Bank’s Efficiency? Evidence from the Chinese Banking Industry. International Review of Economics and Finance, 74: 468-483.

[18]Yu, C.H., H. Tan, P. Qin, X. Chen* (2020). Local Residents’ Attitudes toward Shale Gas Exploitation: A Case Study in Sichuan, China. Society & Natural Resources, 33(9): 1092-1110.

[19]Hua, C., S.K. Huang, M. Lindell, C.H. Yu* (2020). Rural Household’s Perceptions and Behavior Expectations in Response to Seismic Hazard in Sichuan, China. Safety Science 125, 104622.

[20]Zhang, Y., C.H. Yu, D. Li*, H. Zhang (2020). Willingness to Pay for Environmental Protection in China: Air Pollution, Perception, and Government Involvement. Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment, 18(3), 229-236

[21]Arlikatti, S. S., S.K. Huang, C.H. Yu, C. Hua (2019). ‘Drop, Cover and Hold on’ or ‘Triangle of Life’ Attributes of Information Sources Influencing Earthquake Protective Actions. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering 9(3): 213-224.

[22]Yu, C.H.*, B. A. McCarl (2018). The Water Implications of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: Effects on Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry. Sustainability 10, 2367.

[23]Yu, C.H., S.K. Huang, P. Qin, X. Chen* (2018). Local Residents’ Risk Perceptions in Response to Shale Gas Exploitation: Evidence from China. Energy Policy 113: 123-134.

[24]Yu, C.H., J. Mu, J. Ding*, B. A. McCarl (2017). Relationships between Typhoons, Climate and Crime Rates in Taiwan. Natural Hazards 89: 871-897.






[2]国家社科重大“绿色金融发展统计测度与评价研究”, 史代敏教授主持,在研。


[4]国家自科面上 “中国公众应对气候变化的认知和行为研究”,秦萍教授主持,在研。


