2013.09-2019.03 北京理工大學 管理與經濟學院 管理學博士
2016.11—2017.11 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 商學院 聯合培養博士生
2009.09—2013.07 重慶大學 數學與統計學院 理學學士
[1] 成本分析視角下的我國鋼鐵行業碳減排實施路徑與優化策略研究(No.7190412),國家自然科學基金,負責人.
[2]碳交易視角下京津冀地區碳配額分配方案的構建策略及其績效評估(No.20JCC078),北京市社科基金, 負責人.
[3] 鋼鐵行業低碳技術的綜合評價方法與實施路徑優化研究(No.2019M660021),博士後科學基金(一等資助),負責人.
[4] 區域間碳配額分配策略的評價方法與應用研究—基於經濟性和節能性的視角(No.FRF-TP-19-005A1), 校級,負責人.
[1] Weijun He,Bo Wang, Danish, Zhaohua Wang. Will regional economic integration influence carbon dioxide marginal abatement costs? Evidence from Chinese panel data [J]. Energy Economics2018; 74: 263-274. (SSCI)
[2] Weijun He, Yi Yang, Zhaohua Wang, Joe Zhu. Estimation and allocation of cost savings from collaborative CO2 abatement in China [J]. Energy Economics 2018, 72:62-74. (SSCI)
[3] Weijun He, Hao Chen. Will China's provincial per capita energy consumption converge to a common level over 1990–2017? Evidence from a club convergence approach[J]. Energy 2022, 249: 123624. (SCI)
[4] Weijun He, Yuantao Yang, Wei Gu. A comparative analysis of China's provincial carbon emission allowances allocation schemes by 2030: A resource misallocation perspective [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 361, 132192. (SSCI/SCI)
[5] Weijun He, Bin Zhang, Yixuan Li, Hao Chen. A performance analysis framework for carbon emission quota allocation schemes in China: Perspectives from economics and energy conservation [J]. Journal of Environmental Management 2021, 296: 113165. (SSCI)
[6]Weijun He. Bin. Zhang*. A comparative analysis of Chinese provincial carbon dioxide emissions allowances allocation schemes in 2030: An egalitarian perspective [J]. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 765:142705. (SCI)
[7] Weijun He, Bin. Zhang*, Tao. Ding. Sources of provincial carbon intensity reduction potential in China: Anon-parametric fractional programming approach [J]. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 730: 139037 (SCI)
[8] Hao Chen, Xi Chen, Jinye Niu, Mengyu Xiang, Weijun He*, SinanKüfeoğlu. Estimating the marginal cost of reducing power outage durations in China: A parametric distance function approach [J]. Energy Policy 2021, 155:112366. (SSCI)
[9] Weijun He, Di Liu, Chen Wang. Are Chinese provincial carbon emissions allowances misallocated over 2000–2017? Evidence from an extended Gini-coefficient approach [J]. Sustainable Production and Consumption 2022, 29:564-573. (SSCI)