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塔莉婭·夏爾 原圖鏈接圖片來源

塔莉婭·夏爾((Talia Shire,本名:Talia Rose Coppola ),1946年4月25日出生於美國紐約長島,美國女演員、製片、導演。 她是科波拉家族成員。因出演《教父》系列和《洛奇》系列而被影迷所熟悉。 [1]






1970年,參演電影《Maxie》。 1995年,導演導演《One Night Stand 》。



The Wild Racers Maxie ------- (1970) The Dunwich Horror ------- (1970) The Godfather: Behind the Scenes ------- (1971) The Christian Licorice Store ------- (1971) Gas-s-s-s ------- (1971) Un homme est mort ------- (1972) 教父 The Godfather ------- (1972) 教父:II/教父續集/教父2 The Godfather: Part II ------- (1974) The 47th Annual Academy Awards ------- (1975) Foster and Laurie ------- (1975) 洛奇/洛基(台) Rocky ------- (1976) The 49th Annual Academy Awards ------- (1977) The Godfather: A Novel for Television"" ------- (1977)" 挑戰死刑十二年 Kill Me If You Can ------- (1977)Daddy, I Don't Like It Like This ------- (1978) Old Boyfriends ------- (1979) 洛奇2/洛基2/龍拳虎威2/洛奇續集 Rocky II ------- (1979) Prophecy ------- (1979) Windows ------- (1980) 洛奇3/洛基3/龍拳虎威3/虎威 Rocky III ------- (1982) Reel Horror ------- (1985) 洛奇4/洛基4:天下無敵/龍拳虎威4/龍拳虎威 Rocky IV ------- (1985) Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star ------- (1986) Rad ------- (1986) Blood Vows: The Story of a Mafia Wife ------- (1987) 大都會傳奇/紐約故事 New York Stories ------- (1989) 洛基5:龍吟虎嘯/洛奇5:怒火龍拳/洛奇:怒火龍拳 Rocky V ------- (1990) 教父:III/教父第三集/教父3 The Godfather: Part III ------- (1990) Mark Twain and Me ------- (1991) Cold Heaven ------- (1991) The Godfather Family: A Look Inside ------- (1991) CBS Schoolbreak Special" Please, God, I'm Only Seventeen ------- (1992) 教父三部曲:1901-1980 The Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980 ------- (1992) 蹺家的老爹 For Richer, for Poorer ------- (1992) 玩命情人 Bed & Breakfast ------- (1992) 超級賭徒/連環計中計 Deadfall ------- (1993) Chantilly Lace ------- (1993) A Century of Women ------- (1994) Sports on the Silver Screen ------- (1997) A River Made to Drown In ------- (1997) 戀戀風暴 She's So Lovely ------- (1997) Born Into Exile ------- (1997) Can I Play? ------- (1998) Divorce: A Contemporary Western ------- (1998) Caminho dos Sonhos ------- (1998) 女屠夫 The Landlady ------- (1998) Palmer's Pick Up ------- (1999) Lured Innocence ------- (1999) 探訪 The Visit ------- (2000) 預知宇宙紀事 The Whole Shebang ------- (2001) Kiss the Bride ------- (2002) Family Tree ------- (2003) Dunsmore ------- (2003) 我愛哈克比/笑看人生/戀愛連鎖店 I Heart Huckabees ------- (2004) Bullets Over Hollywood ------- (2005) The Making of 'Dunsmore' ------- (2005) I Heart Huckabees: Production Surveillance ------- (2005) "Biography" Sylvester Stallone ------- (2005) Pomegranate ------- (2005) Welcome to the Big House ------- (2006) Stool Pigeons and Pine Overcoats: The Language of Gangster Films ------- (2006) Gangsters: The Immigrant's Hero ------- (2006) Molls and Dolls: The Women of Gangster Films ------- (2006) Morality and the Code: A How-to Manual for Hollywood ------- (2006) 洛奇6:永遠的拳王/洛基:勇者無懼(台)/洛奇:拳王再臨(港) Rocky Balboa ------- (2006) 藍煙 Blue Smoke ------- (2007) 石器時代 Homo Erectus ------- (2007) AFI's 10 Top 10 ------- (2008) 點心葬禮 Dim Sum Funeral ------- (2008) Looking for Palladin ------- (2008) Pizza with Bullets ------- (2008) The House of Terror ------- (2008) The Deported ------- (2009) Shadows from the Sky ------- (2010) Scratching the Surface ------- (2010) Barry Minkow ------- (2010)


One Night Stand ------- (1995)


Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star ------- (1986) Lionheart ------- (1987) 女屠夫 The Landlady ------- (1998)



  • 1977 第49屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳女主角獎 洛奇 (提名)
  • 1975 第47屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳女配角獎[2] 教父2 (提名)


  • 1977 第34屆美國電影電視金球獎電影類-劇情類最佳女主角獎[3] 洛奇 (提名)


