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{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>''' 罗武 '''<br><img src="https://ele.pku.edu.cn/__local/1/1A/73/B49FD1B70A320F935464599070D_35AF8880_1F20.jpg?e=.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://ele.pku.edu.cn/info/1023/1149.htm 北京大学电子学院] </small> |} '''罗武''',男,北京大学电子学院教授。 ==教育背景== 2006年毕业于北京大学通信与信息系统专业,获工学博士学位 ==研究领域== 数字通信理论与技术; 通信中的数字信号处理 ;多天线通信、MIMO; 信道估计与同步技术;深空通信 ====学术成果==== 1. Huayan Guo;Nima Reisi; Wei Jiang; Wu Luo. "Soft combination for cooperativespectrum sensing in fading channels", IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 975-986, 2017. 2. Jun Zuo; Jun Zhang; Chau Yuen;Wei Jiang; Wu Luo. Energy efficient downlink transmission designs for multi-cell massive DAS with pilot contamination. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Vol. 66, pp.1209-1221, Feb. 2017 3. Xu Guozhen; Liu An; Jiang Wei; Xiang Haige; Luo Wu. Energy-Efficient Beamforming for Two-Tier Massive MIMO Downlink. China Communications, Vol.12, pp.64-75, Oct. 2015. 4. Huayan Guo, Wei Jiang, and Wu Luo, "A Modified Energy Detector for RandomSignals in Gaussian Noise", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, no. 8, pp.1358-1361, Jun. 2015. 5. Huayan Guo, Wei Jiang, and Wu Luo, "Cooperative sensing with dependentobservations on BPSK signal: To quantize amplitude or sign", IEEE VehicularTechnology Conference Fall (VTC'16-Fall), Sept. 2016. 6. Jun Zuo, Jun Zhang, Chau Yuen, Wei Jiang, and Wu Luo, "Energy efficient userassociation for cloud radio access networks", IEEE Access, Vol. 4, pp.2429-2438, 2016 7. Jun Zuo, Jun Zhang, Chau Yuen, Wei Jiang, and Wu Luo, "Multi-cell multiusermassive MIMO transmission with downlink training and pilot contaminationprecoding", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.65, pp.6301-6314, Aug. 2016. 8. Jun Zuo, Jun Zhang, Chau Yuen,Wei Jiang, and Wu Luo, "Energy efficient downlinktransmission schemes for multi-cell massive distributed antenna systems", IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), pp.1-5, 2016 9. Xu Guozhen, Liu An, Jiang Wei, Xiang Haige, Luo Wu, "Joint User Scheduling and Antenna Selection in Distributed Massive MIMO Systems with Limited Backhaul Capacity", China Communications, Vol.11, No.5, pp. 17-30, May 2014 10. GuoZhen Xu, Wei Jiang, An Liu, H. Xiang and W. Luo, "Optimal Feedback Bits Allocation for Two-Cell Massive MIMO Downlink", 2013 IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference, Sept. 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA 11. An Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang and W. Luo, “Polite Water-filling for Weighted Sum-rate Maximization in B-MAC Networks under Multiple Linear Constraints”, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.60, No.2, pp.834-847, Feb. 2012 12. An Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang and W. Luo, “MIMO B-MAC Interference Network Optimization under Rate Constraints by Polite Water-filling and Duality”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 263–276, Jan. 2011 13. An Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang and W. Luo, "What is the Right Form of Water-filling for the Boundary of the Capacity Regions of MIMO MAC/BC and for the Boundary of Some Achievable Regions of General Interference Networks?", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory(ISIT 2011), Aug. 2011 14. Lu Luxi, Jiang Wei; Bai Lin; Chen Chen; He Jianhua; Xiang Haige; Luo Wu. “Spectrum redistribution for cognitive radios using discriminatory spectrum double auction”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2011, Article first published online: May18 2011,DOI: 10.1002/wcm.1141 15. Luo Wu, Liu An and Qinglin Liang, “Three-Step Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm Suited for Burst-Mode Communications”, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.19, No.1, pp.165-169,Jan. 2010 16. An Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang and W. Luo, "Polite Water-filling for Weighted Sum-rate Maximization in MIMO B-MAC Networks under Multiple Linear Constraints", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Aug. 2011 17. Luxi Lu, Wei Jiang, Haige Xiang, Wu Luo,“Optimal Power Allocation for Bidirectional Communications in Cognitive Relay Network Using Analog Network Coding”, China Communications, Vol.7, No.4, pp.144-148, Oct. 2010 18. An Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang and W. Luo, “Iterative Polite Water-Filling for Weighted Sum Rate Maximization in iTree Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference(GlobeCom 2010), Dec. 2010 19. 陆路希, 蒋 伟, 项海格, 罗 武. 适应低信干噪比的认知无线电双向中继方案及其最优功率和时隙分配. 电子学报,Vol.40, No.1, pp.35-39, Jan. 2012 20. An Liu, Youjian Liu, Xinming Huang, Haige Xiang, Wu Luo,“Capacity Bounds of MIMO Channels with Asymmetric Channel State Information at Transmitter,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.13, No.8, pp.564-566, August 2009 21. An Liu, Youjian Liu Haige Xiang and Wu Luo, “On the Duality of the MIMO Interference Channel and its Application to Resource Allocation”, in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference(GlobalCom 2009), Hawaii, USA, Dec., 2009 22. Hong Ding, Shuai Yang, Wu Luo, Mingke Dong, “Design and Implementation for High Speed LDPC Decoder with Layered Decoding”, 2009 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol.1, pp.156-160, China, Jan. 2009 23. Liu An, Luo Wu and Haige Xiang, “Efficient User Selection and Generalized Beam-forming for Multi-user MIMO Downlink”, Proceedings of the 68th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'08), Vol.1, pp.1-5, Canada, Sept. 2008 24. 罗 武,刘 安,梁庆林:“一种迭代频偏估计算法”,《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》,Vol.44,No.4,pp.554-558,2008 25. 罗 武,王伟平,梁庆林,“一种改进型PN码定时跟踪环”,《电子与信息学报》,Vol.28, No.4, pp.675-679, 2006 ==科研项目== 卫星通信信号检测及性能评估 高速移动通信同步技术 多载波卫星宽带接入系统 MIMO网络基于礼貌注水的分布式优化理论与算法 多载波TDMA关键技术研究 卫星移动通信低信噪比信道估计技术 多用户MIMO容量和传输技术研究 高效调制编码技术 深空探测全数字测控接收技术 ==获奖成果== TDM/CDMA卫星通信网 [[高效调制编码技术]] ==学术任职== 电子学会信息论分会委员;电子学会高级会员; IEEE会员;[[《电子信息学报》]]编委<ref>[https://ele.pku.edu.cn/index.htm 北京大学电子学院]</ref> ==参考资料== {{reflist}} [[Category:教授]]
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